Asper Sarnoff Posted April 23, 2011 Author Share Posted April 23, 2011 The door opened to General Pepper's room, a young 24 year old Wolf of the Cornerian Army stood at attention, saluting to the old Houng Dog. "Private Suzaku reporting for duty sir, you wish to speak to me?" The young son of Kethor asked Pepper with a usual soldier face. (It's Minister of defense Pepper now. And we had originally left it open for you to join straight in with the other players. We'll have to do this quick, as not to hold back the progress of the RP as we prepare for the next big event.) The old hound waved absentminded in the air. "Drop of the formalities sonny, we've got more important stuff on our hands. Don't bother taking a seat either, time is not on our side." He grumbled with a gravelly, but friendly voice. You have been selected for a very special mission Suzaku. You are to leave immediatly for a top-secret space station heading for a classified location. I've taken the libery of getting your ship made ready, and what gear you'll need packed on board. It's waiting for you in hangar 215. We'll fill you in on the situation via an encrypted comn channel on the journey, so you should be fully briefed on the situation when you've arrieved at your destination." The hound paused for a moment to let it all sink in. "Questions?" He asked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonking44 Posted April 24, 2011 Share Posted April 24, 2011 (Right.) Noting the old hound grumble in a friendly voice, Suzaku only smirked, "Just one question sir...When can I start?" The young Wolf asked the Minister of Defense Pepper. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asper Sarnoff Posted April 24, 2011 Author Share Posted April 24, 2011 One of the countless wrinkles making up the old hounds face started to increase in size, untill it had grown into a fully blown smile. "Right now boy! Have at 'em!" He answered. Waving the wolf out of his office. As the door slammed shut back him, the smile dissapeared. "Stay safe sonny. I hope you succeed." (Feel free to jump straight to the space station. But make sure to read the previous posts, so you know our progress so far.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonking44 Posted April 26, 2011 Share Posted April 26, 2011 (Will do.) Suzaku smiled, it seemed that with Pepper smile, it clearly showed that he was in very much of a good mood. Suzaku turned around and ran, making his way to the hanger bay 215 where the wolf's star fighter was. "I will need to speak to the information eam once I have launched..." Suzaku talked to himself, as he finally arrived, his ship ready for him. Getting fully geared up and jumped on to the cockpit of the fighter. activing the password to activate all systems for the Ostdarlioz. "Ostdarlioz...LAUNCH!!" Suzaku yelled as he took to the skies, already leaving the atmosphere of Corneria. Suzaku turned on the comm channel to the information center of Corneria, hopefully he will find what the mission is about. "Suzaku here, whats the mission?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fira-Astrali Posted April 26, 2011 Share Posted April 26, 2011 Faye closed the last file, done with her paper work and finished sifting through the files of all the members of her new team. She sat back in her seat, stretching. She was just about to get up and head to bed, when the comm fizzled, and a young man's voice crackled through. "Suzaku here, what's the mission?" "Hello Suzaku, this is Faye, your mission leader. We have pinpointed a satellite that made hold important information on the location of the team. Get here and get some shut eye, because we are heading out tomorrow." She sighed when he signed off. She just wanted to go to bed, but instead she made her way down to the docking bay and met the new arrival. She shook his hand and began to lead him to the quarters of the team wing. "There will be a breifing tomorrow morning to make sure everyone knows the plan, that's when we'll fill you in, goodnight Suzaku (Alright guys, i just need to prep the post and touch base with Asper, and then we'll push forward now that Demon is on the station.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonking44 Posted April 26, 2011 Share Posted April 26, 2011 Suzaku smiled, "Goodnight Faye have yourself a good rest...we all have alot of work to do." Suzaku walked into his quaters, and saw a statue resembling the Greek Goddess Athena, on a table next to his new bed. "I wonder why this statue is here? Heh, doesn't mater I suppose, maybe it will bring me, and this team some luck." Suzaku then kissed the forehead of the statue and dozed off to bed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fira-Astrali Posted April 29, 2011 Share Posted April 29, 2011 Bright and early, the team met in the breifing room. Faye looked over all their faces. Most if not all had gone to bed extremely late, but somehow they all seemed ready. "Alright, one last go over the mission before we head out. The sattellite is small and can be captured and brought back into this station, that intel has been made firm by our two CDF appointed aids." She gestured to Brian and Miyu, who were standing somewhat apart from the others. "They'll be guiding us through the asteroid belt to our target. We require three people to properly move the satellite. Blaze, Felia, and Steve will lead, and Suzaku, Miyu and Brian will provide cover from debris, since this machine is very delicate, and assistance should anything go wrong. Be careful when flying in the asteroid belt, I don't think I need to explain the hazards of flying chuncks of rock. As long as no one has any questions. It's time to move out." Silence descended over the group for a few seconds as they looked back and forth at each other. No hands were raised, all that could be said already had been. Feila grinned. "Hot shit, let's get out there!" XxX Miyu wasn't sure what the fuss was all about, the flight through the belt was a simple one. They were all good pilots, even the relatively green Feila. Kane wasn't around, but that was to be expected. His innocent request for help put her teeth on edge, he never asked for help. As they began to approach the location they had been given, a huge mass of steel began to emerge from the masses of rock and debris. Dengar's old base, still sitting out in space, dilapidated but never rusting away as it sat out in the void. Wait a second. SHe squinted. A cluster of red and blue flashing lights could be seen, dwarfed by the massive structure. It was slowly moving forward. A door opened on the side of the base, and the small cluster began to disappear Oh shit oh shit oh shit!! She thought. That was the sattelite! That damn base stole their sattelite! The comm. crackled to life, and Brian's voice echoed in the cockpit. "That doesn't look good." "Yeah no shit!" she swithed her comm. to adress everyone in the area. This must have been what he was talking about. It was drifting towards the base, he wouldnt be able to recover it on his own now. "Alright everyone, let's go in after it. The weapons array shouldn't be active, it requires to much power." They all radioed in her acknowledgement, and the three chosen to go forward approached the base. Miyu was wrong. ALmost half the panels on the side of the bas slid back, and they were assualted by a hail of lazer and plazma fire. Asteroids began to explode around them, adding even more danger to the chaos. Even Miyu, Brian, and Suzaku were in danger. "Evasive manuevers!" Miyu ordered. "Get into that base before we get distroyed!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geo Stelar Posted April 29, 2011 Share Posted April 29, 2011 Steve responded, evading as much laser fire and asteroid debris as he could. Two lasers headed for him, but as he dodged the one to his right, it hit an asteroid and debris was suddenly all over the right side of his ship, Steve performed a loop and the other laser hit the debris instead. Another laser headed for him. But as he dodged, three more lasers from three different directions threatened to hit him. His heart skipped a beat. Suddenly a sinister voice in his head, a different voice from his, spoke. 'Do a boost you idiot!' He didn't know who spoke, but he did it anyway. He boosted and avoided all three shots and they hit each other in a small explosion some distance behind him. He then continued going to the base, wondering where the voice came from or who was it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blaze the Sage Posted April 29, 2011 Share Posted April 29, 2011 "Holy hell!" Blaze's evasive instincts went into overdrive, pushing the Spotflash's impressive speed and maneuverability to the limits - he wasn't simply trying to dodge everything and get inside, he wanted to try something. His Flash Charges had been successful against some targetting AI's in the past. He didn't know what ran these weapons, but screwing with a few of them was at least bound to help. The problem was getting close enough to use one without getting fried. With all that firepower going out, I won't be able to make a standard firing approach. I'll have to make this as quick as possible - get the angle, fire the charge, get the hell out, and hope the damn lasers don't blow the thing up in my face. Blaze started to maneuver himself around the laser fire in hopes of getting an abgle he could shoot from. His years of experience had given him a lightning fast trigger finger, so it would simply be a matter of getting a position he could fire from that would actually land the shot. After some quick twists, turns, dodging, and more than one close call, Blaze found himself with the perfect angle for just a split-second, but that was all he needed. "Let's hope that does something helpful - I'm getting out of this firestorm before my luck runs out!" The small blur that was the Spotflash then proceeded to make its way toward the entrance of the base, and follow Steve inside. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fira-Astrali Posted May 2, 2011 Share Posted May 2, 2011 (edited) Feila's mind went into overdrive as soon as the light began to streak past her. Never had she been so scared, at her life been more in danger. If she screwed up now, there was absolutely no help for her What a rush. She couldn't helpo losing concentration for a moment, remembering an exchange she'd had with her father several years ago. He had been showing her around the Great Fox for the first time. Most of the other SF brats had been in and out of the ship so many times they were practically living there, but Falco had been much more reserved about his children seeing where he worked. When they made it to the hanger, Felia was elated. Finally her first close look at the Arwing. She ran over to her father's -the most beaten up of all of them- and inspected it closely. "What's it like to fly dad?" she asked. Falco gave what passes for a laugh, but really it was nothing more than a grunt and a smirk. "It's like nothing I could ever describe. It's the greatest high I've ever had." "I want to be a pilot like you someday!" The proud smile that she thought would cover his face when she said this did not materilize. Instead, concern flooded into his pale eyes. "I hear you're doing well in design, do you like it?" "Well, yeah, it's okay." "Then... be an architect instead." He practically winced as the words left his beak. Never in a million years had he ever believed he would say that, and apparently neither did she. "What?!" "You heard me. I said flying was the biggest rush you could possibly have. Once you feel what its like to be screaming through space with a bunch of bogeys on your tail, and you teammates are too far away to help, your life in you own hands...." He shook the thought away, the point was to dissuade her, not make her more interested. 'Once you've felt that, nothing else will ever feel quite as strong. The stuff you normally do to cope will suck. You'll never be able walk away from it. So please, Feila, promise me you will never fly." "But my application to CDF is already made up! I was going to go and be just like you--" "No!" Falco exclaimed, grabbing both her shoulders and looking right at her with his penetrating blue eyes. They were almost the same height, but he still managed to tower over her. "Feila, promise me!" The urgency in his voice made her scared/ "A-alright. I promise dad." She hadn't lied to him then, she truely was prepared to give up her dream. But things had changed, and her mother hadn't been quite as persuasive. There was no way she was going to let her father's life be in danger and not do anything about it. A pink flash grazed her right side, breaking her back into reality.No time to remenisce. She watched Blaze as he disortiented a few lazers, opening her a path for a few seconds before they were able to readjust and begin targetting again. "Suzaku, do you see that?" Edited May 2, 2011 by Fira-Astrali (Oops, my bad Blaze, fixed) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blaze the Sage Posted May 2, 2011 Share Posted May 2, 2011 (OOC: He didn't destroy them, at best the targetting systems for them will be knocked out, though it's possible that could stop them firing. Should have been more specific about them - essentially they scramble stuff like radar, communications, and some kinds of AI. It's effectively a flash-bang grenade for fighter craft.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonking44 Posted May 2, 2011 Share Posted May 2, 2011 (Back from Cornwall ) Suzaku transformed his star fighter, into a mech. He was too busy dodging and weaving from incoming laser fire and flying asteroids. "I see something...However...." Suzaku replied updating on the sattelite to miyu and the others, "Somethings not right...this ones seems...odd." The young wolf, checked the data that he was recieving. Strong, unkown energy was emitting from that sattelite that has caused Suzaku to be worried. "I am uploading the data to the others, tell me what do you think that has happened to it?" Suzaku asked them, uploading and sending the current data to Great Fox. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fira-Astrali Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 (Wouldn't a mech not help you if your hanging in space?) Feila shook her head, this kid was insane "Fly first, mystery later! I think the laser fire is a little more pressing!" Another two shots found her. One grazed her hull, but another struck her wing with such force that it pulled her into a dive. She corrected just in time to miss one smashing into her cockpit. "There's a hole in the firing pattern, follow me before it gets covered!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geo Stelar Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 Steve looked at the data Suzaku sent him, but he can't understand it right now. He heard Feila's call and followed her. He never really noticed the firing pattern until she had said it. Steve then chanced a glance at suzaku's mech, amazed. He made a mental note to himself to go to his town in his spare time (would they ever have spare time? xD) and have his ship engineered to have a mech form as well. He continued to follow Feila to the base. He looked around at the others, some of whom are still avoiding the laser fire. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asper Sarnoff Posted May 5, 2011 Author Share Posted May 5, 2011 "Firing pattern, eh?" Exige grunted over the intercom. The girl had a fair point, that station looked rather old and crude. Probably designed to overwhelm enemies with a wall of fire rather than a sophisticated AI targeting system. "Then let's crack it!" After a couple more seconds of observing it as he was evading the strays of laser fire coming his way, he thought he had it figured out, and dived in closer, starting to roll and dodge past the fire that was intensifying the closer he was getting to its source. "Come on! We need to get in close and personal with this thing. Let's board it, retrive that satellite, plant a charge in that sucker, and get the heck out of here." He growled to the others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonking44 Posted May 6, 2011 Share Posted May 6, 2011 "I'll navagate you lot on the way to the Satellite, I will hold the enemy turrents here, so that you may get in and out safely." Suzaku said to the whole team on the communications channel, whilst dodgeing laser fire from both the base and the enemy turrents themselves. "However, you guys might want to move it, enemy troops are going to close in on the hangar bay!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blaze the Sage Posted May 6, 2011 Share Posted May 6, 2011 ((I don't think there are any enemy fighters, only the turrets on the base itself)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonking44 Posted May 6, 2011 Share Posted May 6, 2011 (OK editing post) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asper Sarnoff Posted May 7, 2011 Author Share Posted May 7, 2011 (Nah, the base is completely unmanned, abandoned since long before the Aparoid wars. Forgot to tell you.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fira-Astrali Posted May 11, 2011 Share Posted May 11, 2011 Feila checked to make sure the others were following, and dove for the safety of the base. This wasn't so exciting that she'd like to postpone her probable death. It took some fancy flying, but soon they were all safely inside the base. Except Suzaku, that is. "Yo! Get in here and don't be a hero!" Miyu snapped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geo Stelar Posted May 12, 2011 Share Posted May 12, 2011 AS Steve followed Feila inside the base, he looked around for more possible defenses the base might have. 'Let's just hope no one else is looking for the same satellite we're after', he thought. He even wondered why a base this size is where the small satellite could be located. A base where ships could fly in could mean that there are other ships in here, but Steve couldn't see any launching bays, so the idea of other ships being here seems impossible. Nevertheless, he still looked around for signs of hostility and possible danger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonking44 Posted May 15, 2011 Share Posted May 15, 2011 Suzaku cotinued to find the best possible route to get to the Satellite, "There should be a corridor to your left, afterwards continue that path and then turn right." Suzaku then scanned the area, hoping no enemy ships start flying in and make their journey to the objective more of a pain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fira-Astrali Posted May 16, 2011 Share Posted May 16, 2011 (I took your dialouge and embellished it a bit DK, i hope you don't mind ^^; ) Miyu opened the canopy of her fighter and got out, obviously seething. She watched, dark eyed, as the others flew in and got themselves landed. Brian came over to her. "Wow, we could have lost someone. Do you think that maybe--" "Of course Kane put us up to this! Probably testing the range of the batteries, hell, maybe it was a distraction and he's already inside. If I find that bastard I'm ripping him limb from limb..." Miyu snarled angrily. The comm in her ship crackled to life, and she heard Suzaku's voice; "There should be a corridor to your left, afterwards continue that path and then turn right. That should lead you to a holding area, if my scans are correct." Miyu boosted herself up onto the wing, and then reached inside to answer him. "Good work Suzaku, now get in here. I'm sending you with Feila and Blaze to recover the information we need," she ordered before jumping off the wing and walking towards the rest of the landed pilots. Feila was sitting on the ground, panting like she'd just run a marathon. Blaze was next to her looking concerned. "You alright?" Miyu barked. Feila nodded, but didn't get up. Obviously she wasn't in any shape to listen, and Miyu needed someone who would hear what she had to say. She turned to Blaze. "How good are you with tech?" she asked, holding up a sleek black box with two prongs attached. "Bacause the game has changed, and we're not leaving this base with the satellite anymore. You'll have to download it onto this. While you, Feila and Suzaku are doing that, Me, Brian and Steve are going to go down to the control room and try and figure out how to turn those damn turrets off, got it?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asper Sarnoff Posted May 16, 2011 Author Share Posted May 16, 2011 "Copy that boss." Brian answered as he took a magasine out of a pouch on his vest and slid it into his blaster carabine. The soft click somewhat signalled that this was getting really serious now. They didn't know whether or not the base had any internal defenses to speak of, or if they'd even be active after all these years. Even so, with the size of this thing, getting lost was also a serious risk. "Where we gonna start looking?" He asked Miyu as he flicked the laser-dot optics on, and let the red spot glide over the walls around them, looking for any odd movement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geo Stelar Posted May 17, 2011 Share Posted May 17, 2011 "Ok then" As Steve landed a few feet away from Miyu's ship, he opened the canopy as well and before getting out he got his weapon and set his ship's OS to 'auto-pilot', just in case. He came over to Miyu, and, hearing her command, asked, "How do we know where the correct rooms are?" Not that he wanted to end the mission as soon as they can, but Steve is worried about the other defense the base may hold and going through only the places they're supposed to will lessen their chances of failure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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