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Save Starfox!

Asper Sarnoff

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((Ugh, I'm really sorry guys, I hate to do it, but I really have to back out of this - I've completely lost the Star Fox "spark" in my mind, and I just can't get myself into the groove of, really, ANYTHING Star Fox these days - I still love the series, its just that my attention has floated elsewhere, and rather than make you guys wait for who-knows-how-long between posts while I try to remind myself to get out here for this to post sub-par contributions, I think the best move is honestly for me to just back out so you can write me out of this or NPC me as you see fit. Sorry again... I really don't like when I have to do this, but I know all too well how my mind works.))

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(Oh sorry to hear about that, Blaze. I just had a deja vu feeling on your situation, but nevermind that. But are you sure you won't be coming back here, in this RP? Because if you think there is a possibility, you could just tell Fire and Asper and who knows, we could write your character as injured while getting out and he's gonna be at some kind of hospital until you get back to us, something like that. Again I'm sorry to hear that, man)

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(Yes, that possibility is indeed open. But I'd like to hear from Blaze if he thinks his interest in SF will come back in time first. I'd put your character outside the main story arc for the time being, but if you know for sure you won't return, it might be a better idea to do so more permanently.

Sorry to hear this Blaze. I hope for a speedy recovery!)

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(Sorry to hear that Blaze, I hope you get your spark back buddy. ):)

Suzaku got closer and closer to the entrance to the target, he thought this would be a good idea to contact the others, "Souzaku here, I am almost there at the target, how's your end doing?" The wolf asked them on his comlink. He wondered as to how exactly did the satellite got here in this 'abandoned' construction site in the first place. It almost felt like it was a trap, waiting to be sprung at the perfect time. "Don't you think ,this is a little to easy just walking into the base to collect the data we need? I sense a trap."

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(Damn, that's too bad Blaze :( You were doing really well.)

Miyu bristled a bit at look Steve gave her. Obviously she was going to invest in a thicker skin for this one.

The lift required a control panel facelift and a little working over, but she had done much more complicated things in her career and it was soon coasting upwards in it's shaft, loudly by her standards, since the anti-grav had long since cut out and it was running on its back up steel cables.

"I'm messing with you," she replied gruffly, her attempt at a jovial tone gone. "Obviously I wouldn't be getting in anything that might kill me. I might be crazy, but I'm not an idiot."

Heavey doors slid back to reveal a wide, square elevator car. Inside she was at the panels again, examinging the deck numbers. Not much good without a map, but the number 17 was lit up, suggesting their current position. There was a matainence option as well, but it required a code imput when pressed. She hissed, and requested one instead. Steve winced a little as the car shuddered into motion, decending rapidly. Anti-grav was an almost zero turbulence method of travel, so the antiquated cable technology felt rickety and dangerous to them. Only Miyu seemed unphased.

"Souzaku here, I am almost there at the target, how's your end doing?"

"Fine. We're on our way down. maintenence is coded so we're hoping to find another way in from down below."

"Don't you think ,this is a little to easy just walking into the base to collect the data we need? I sense a trap."

"Well, the only thing this base ever housed is Aparoids, and seeing as they all got vapourized, I'm thinking you don't have much to worry about due to shiny thugs. There was never any evidence of sentinals or other internal defence systems, but be on your guard anyways. Also... if you run into any other organics, its best to be immediately suspicious of them. That's all."

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"Roger that, I'll keep an eyeout." Suzaku said, turning off the comlink. After searching every door, Suzaku fianlly arrived at the target, the Satellite. "Wow...who knew it was that huge." The wolf blinked, walking forward to the controls. "Suzaku again, I have arrived at the satellite, commencing download no-" Before he said the last word, a hissing noise was heard in the room. "What...was that...."

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(lol it's You-Know-Who's snake)

As Steve looked blankly towards the elevator door, ready to move when something abrupt happens, he heard Suzaku's transmission. And, as Steve's brain filled with readiness for upcoming danger, a different emotion, strangely not his, rose inside him. Excitement. Danger...

Darkness swallowed him, he felt like he's fainting...

Steve suddenly looked around aggressively, eyes suddenly royal blue in color, then asked, in a sort of growling voice, "Can't this thing go any faster?"

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"I could cut the cables, if that'd make you happy..." It came sarcastically from Brian. A keen-eyed observer might have noticed the microscopic flexing of his trigger finger. Something had just happened with Steve. An unexpected developement, or change. Brian didn't like those, not at all.

Could he trust himself to do the necesary if the worst happened? He didn't know. He was trained for it. He had done it before, which was the main reason he weren't sure if he could do it next time a team-mate turned on him. Flashes of light flickered in front of his eyes, visions of his brother in arm twisting around, raising his gun towards him.

He was back at the space station. He cursed himself silently. The past is past. There is only the present, and it demanded his full attention right now.

It was at that moment he heard the voice of Suzaku crackle over the intercom. "*'''aku again, *** have arrived at the sat***te, commencing download no**'*"

Brians ears flicked up at the sound that broke him off. That wasn't any interference. "Suzaku. Brian. Talk to me." He called over the intercom.

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Suzaku tried to communicate back to Brain, repeating the words he just said. "Shoot someone, or something is jamming the comm link." Suzaku looks at his transfer device, seeing the data is only at 25% complete. "This is going to take a while." The hiss got louder and louder, as suddenly it changed into a laugh, "Show yourself...where are you!?"

A shadowy figure appeared before him, as the darkness faded it was...Suzaku... "What the...Your me!?" Suzaku asked the Dark Suzaku, as the aker opened his eyes looking at him. "Know this Suzaku, you, your friends and Corneria itself have started a war you cannot possibly win. The fates have already deemed them victorious."Dark Suzaku warned him with a evil smirk, "You may acquire the data from the Satellite, but it is already to late to save Star Fox..."

Suzaku was confused and aimed his gun at Dark Suzaku, "What are you talking about!? Who is 'them'?"

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Steve was feeling weird. He watched the others in the elevator as though they were on the other side of the dark tunnel. Somebody, or something else has taken control over his body, but his consciousness and mind are still intact. Overwhelming instinct told him this was not something bad. he tried to talk, but he cannot make a sound. He talked again, but again it was the mysterious entity that talked.

"Might as well do it", said Steve, eyeing Brian intently. Suddenly he took out his weapon, as though awed by it, and his body, against Steve's own will started talking about it as if he was selling it.

"You know, this weapon is the best one I had. It has a lot of purposes, like, it can be a shotgun, and a blade, and a handheld shield.."

Steve concentrated hard on stopping his body talking, and words just shot out of his body's mouth, this time with his voice.

"We have a situation here, IDIOT!"

Steve's body turned suddenly around, as though expecting to see somebody there, but realized it was Steve who talked.

He stowed his weapon back in its holster, then said, "I know, just trying to do something while this turtle elevator goes down."

Steve thought this must look awkward and crazy when seen by the others, his own voice shouted and the entity in his body talked back in a different voice. Steve, thinking it would be best to let the mysterious entity take over his body for the time being until he can figure a way to get back to reality, watched and listened as his body talked again.

"I think this is a waste of time, I could've done more if I was with Suzaku. What room is he at, anyway?"

(ok guys, just to make it clear right now, this is not a sidestory, just something for my character development. If you find this thing might disturb the RP itself, just tell me and I'll edit this and the last post)

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(Okay people, I think it's time for this RP to die. It was always intended to be moving at a relaxed pace, but its progress have left it stranded in a bad spot. I'll soon be too busy to continue roleplaying, so will Fira. We'll be occupied trough the summer, and in the autumn, we'll be kicking of a private RP which have long been in the pipeline. It'll demand most of my attention, and I won't be able to afford running this as well.

Sorry guys, but this is the only way. If you can gather more support for it, feel free to run along with it on your own without mine or Firas personal characters.

I'll leave the topic open for a couple more days for you to say your goodbyes and exchange experiences. After that, I'll close it. If you want to adopt it after that, send me a PM.)

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(Oh man, sorry to hear that Asper. I was just starting to you know, 'produce' my character a bit more. Oh well, if there is any chance that you'd be able to find time for another RP, I'd be more than willing to join.

And my last post? I admit, that was one of my longest [and greatest.]

If no one is willing to 'take over' this RP, then it's goodbye for us. [at least in this RP. Right?.... RIGHT?]

I admit, I had a little fun [especially the entering the base part], but I undrstand. We all get busy times like these.)

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(Dang, sorry to hear the news.)

(Well, I enjoyed it, and well...see you later folks.)

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