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The largest plothole

Four-eyed Vulpine

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The biggest thing that bugs me about the Star Fox series is the enormous time-gap between Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Adventures. EIGHT YEARS? A LOT can happen in eight years. Post your ideas here about what may have happened during the gap.

The biggest questions I have:

1. Why did Falco leave Star Fox?

2. How was Krystal's life before Adventures?

3. What was Star Wolf doing all this time?

Fire away.

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Look on the bright side, at least we get some good fan fictions out of them.

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1. Sheer boredom. If I had to describe Falco's pre-Adventure personality, it would be the go-get-'em, gotta-go-kill-something ADHD type. Having zero jobs in several years should've bored the snot out of him. Hence, he left seeking something to do, as seen in the manga.

2. Honestly, we don't know, and at this rate, I don't think we ever will, unless Nintendo plans on either a SF game with a deeper plot than "go kill the Evil mcCretins before we all die." Or SFA2.

3. Probably built the Star Wolf gang from the original four. Recruiting an army of ruffians, forming your own fleet of battlecruisers, and building the base at Sargasso took some time, I'll bet.

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1.- He was escaping from katie...<.<

2.- She had a normal life, without tons of fanboys chasing her, yeah a peaceful life..... :)

3.- Eating pie

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Look on the bright side' date=' at least we get some good fan fictions out of them.[/quote']

Yes, I agree.

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The biggest thing that bugs me about the Star Fox series is the enormous time-gap between Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Adventures. EIGHT YEARS? A LOT can happen in eight years. Post your ideas here about what may have happened during the gap.

The biggest questions I have:

1. Why did Falco leave Star Fox?

2. How was Krystal's life before Adventures?

3. What was Star Wolf doing all this time?

Fire away.

1. He was bored and needed money because of the lack of jobs. fits his personality, and just fits the storyline. Maybe even looking for Katt.

2. No Idea

3. Rebuilding their team, obtaining suggrasso, black market, etc.

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for 1: he was bored and annoyed with the rest of the team, so he wemt off to do freelance work. (I'm pretty sure that was stated offically)

for 2: She was roaming from planet to planet trying to find out about her past/family/who she was. I'm pretty sure this was stated too, since she came to sauria to answer the distress beacon and hopefully find answers

for3: I like the theory of them hiring Panther and building their base

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4. I wonder what Bill and Katt are up to these days...

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1. Why did Falco leave Star Fox?

Boredom. I remember reading somewhere that he left to seek adventure.

2. How was Krystal's life before Adventures?

Her age in SFAd was 19, putting her at 11 during the time of SF64. She was a child. Also, this is completely unimportant to the series.

3. What was Star Wolf doing all this time?

Whether or not the Sargasso gang exsisted and/or was under Wolf's control during the time of SF64 is unknown. It is documented in the SF64 guide that Space Pirates were areound prior to the war. Criminal activity doesn't just disappear. While the battle in Sector Z was a huge Cornerian victory, it is likely that many pirates survived to continue their crimes.

Evidence suggest that Star Wolf was brought together by Andross, but that doesn't mean that Wolf didn't have a criminal network unde him prior to the war. He likely brought Leon with him while Andross added Andrew and Pigma.

Here's what we do know: Andrew and Pigma were discharged from the team.

I think it's fishy that Andrew was on the team, being Andross' nephew. Methinks he was only there because of the contract between Andross and Wolf. Likely he got the boot when the war ended.

Pigma likely lasted longer, but, as said in SFAs docs, Wolf was disgusted by Pigma's sheer greed and he was booted. Plus, what Pigma had done to James McCloud likely made Wolf nervous, knowing that if someone put the right price on his head that Pigma would go after him.

They likely laid low after the war. Undoubtedly they were wanted by the Cornerians. Wolf and Leon probably went back to running the Sargasso gang if it had previously exsisted, forming it if it hadn't. I wouldn't imagine them doing anything major as that would attract Cornerian attention.

I will not speculate on how Wolf met up with Panther, as there are zero clues to that at this time.

Pigma likely just acted as a freelance mercenary.

Andrew, as we know, started building up for his, turned out to be badly timed, rebellion. I imagine he gained a following rather quickly from Andross' supportters as he was blood with Andross.

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Guest Kit Airheart

1. Why did Falco leave Star Fox?

Boredom. I remember reading somewhere that he left to seek adventure.

Wasn't that in the manual? I know it said something about him being a lone-wolf type of guy...although considering the cast is all furry and includes an actual wolf, I wish they worded that differently XD

2. How was Krystal's life before Adventures?

Her age in SFAd was 19, putting her at 11 during the time of SF64. She was a child. Also, this is completely unimportant to the series.

That makes me want to think Cerinia was destroyed very shortly before the events of Dinosaur Planet. I'm sure Krystal's bright, but somehow a little fox girl roaming the galaxy in what is quite possibly an aimless search of the reason why her planet was destroyed.

I think it's fishy that Andrew was on the team, being Andross' nephew. Methinks he was only there because of the contract between Andross and Wolf. Likely he got the boot when the war ended.

Wolf: Can we go outside and destroy StarFox now?

Andross: Okay, but you have to take Andrew with you!

Wolf: Aww man!


I will not speculate on how Wolf met up with Panther, as there are zero clues to that at this time.

Yeah, we got nothing...I'm actually wanting to learn how that came about. Judging by his outfit, I would guess Panther was of a high social stature, but got bored with the good life and ran off. So now he's free and having fun being a renegade mercenary, although it seems like he still thinks he's better than everyone else.

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^^ That would seem supported by his rather arrogant attitude (Corneria's in ruins and he's worried about his favorite restaurant and a first-class meal?). It's a different arrogance than, say, Falco's "Thanks for saving me, now mind your own business" cockiness from the olde days.

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Guest Kit Airheart

Well, I suppose they are both rather arrogant. But Falco probably just thinks he's best when it comes to flying, so he gets cocky about it, and when someone, namely Fox, shows him up, he responds with sarcasm ("Gee, I've been saved by Fox! How swell!" is my personal favorite). Panther, on the other hand, is just plain snotty and thinks he's above everyone else, period.

At least, that's what I figure.

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1: being Falco, what else??

2: Apperntly reading too many romance novels, 'cuz she followed the seven year rule (fox was 18 at the time of 64, she is 19 at the time of adventures, and Fox is 26, thus, 26 - 19 = 7. the fav age differance of your cookie cutter, mass production romance book...)

3:I follow the generally accepted theroy on that.

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Guest Mithos Kionisu

The biggest thing that bugs me about the Star Fox series is the enormous time-gap between Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Adventures. EIGHT YEARS? A LOT can happen in eight years. Post your ideas here about what may have happened during the gap.

The biggest questions I have:

1. Why did Falco leave Star Fox?

2. How was Krystal's life before Adventures?

3. What was Star Wolf doing all this time?

Fire away.

...Those arnt plotholes, those are things that just havent been explained as its pointless. On the other hand, why starfox, a third party merc team, has access to high end military equipment, that no one else seems to have (arwing) IS

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1. Why did Falco leave Star Fox?

The official Japanese site for Star Fox Adventures ( http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ngc/gsaj/index.html ) used to have a comic that explained the events between 64 and Adventures, focusing on Falco. Basically, Fox and Falco bickered once too many times and Falco up and left. There was a plot to reconstruct Andross and thanks to an imposter general for the Conerian military, Fox and Falco ended up fighting each other (stalemate). Once everyone understood what was going on, Falco decided that he still needed some time alone, and the Fox team was asked to investigate the Saurian incident immediately after that. Also of note, Falco is no longer after Kat, because she has found a boyfriend, and he supports that. You can read the translated version here.

2. How was Krystal's life before Adventures?

All we know for sure is that she was wandering Lylat, looking for answers to her parent's death, presumably because they died with the rest of Cerinia.

3. What was Star Wolf doing all this time?

They are mercenaries. They did whatever paid well.

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...Those arnt plotholes, those are things that just havent been explained as its pointless. On the other hand, why starfox, a third party merc team, has access to high end military equipment, that no one else seems to have (arwing) IS

Okay, I am mistaken. But you brought up a good point about the military access. Perhaps Star Fox has ties with General Pepper that may explain it?

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Guest Mithos Kionisu

Yet they seem to be the only people with the Arwings. The Arwing and Wolfen are the most powerfull single seat fighters witnest in the starfox games, and they are the least seen. Another thing that disturbs me is how weak and practicly usless ever fight craft in the series is compared to modern day tech.


Arwing max speed: 20 to 60 mph (And thats being generous)

F-18 max speed 1000+ mph

The weapons on the Arwing (dont call them lazers, they arnt lazers) travel far too slow to be effective against even the iraqi military.

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I assume that you calculated those top speeds by holding the boost over Corneria City and observing the speed at which the buildings passed by. Or something like that. Funny, I think about how "high-tech" Star Fox is, and then you bring that up, though you are most likely correct.

I wonder if a dogfight at speeds of Mach 2-3 would be too much for the system, though. At that, instantaneous hits as soon as you press the button would probably make the game a little too easy.

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Guest Mithos Kionisu

The top speed is a rough guess, I'm about to do an experament to get the real speed now by timeing how long it takes to travel from one side of katina to the other then mesuring the length of the katina ground model to get the speed

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Arwings aren't the same kind of fighter.

For one, they are just as good in air as in space using gravity engines. We don't even know how to create the technology necessary for making a space craft fly like an aircraft.

For two, 1000+ mph is never a good idea 20 feet over the ground or in the middle of an asteroid field.

Third, the "boost" speed isn't their max speed. Interplanetary travel at 60 mph is simply unrealistic. There are probably different modes for the Arwing that we simply don't see, because all the time you fly in the Arwing is during a combat situation.

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Guest Mithos Kionisu

So...its like a helicopter with a lower feild of fire? I'd prefer a 1000+ mph fighter with sidewinders and napalm, take care of the enemy right there :twisted:

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Maybe so, but which would you prefer flying in tight quarters with lots of obstacles, a supersonic jet with hellfire and napalm, or an agile helicopter with hellfire and napalm (it worked for Jungle Strike)?

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Guest Grimloq

I, for once, agree with Dwight. Arwings do not go that fast because there's no need. Even intraplantery travel is even pretty much impossible at that kind of speed. They no doubt use the Great Fox and its warp for transport.

Realistically, running into even another ship at the speeds you're going (Even without boost) would be extremely painful and possibly incapacitating to the pilot. Full boost, it would be fatal. So, try that at faster than the speed of sound. They wouldn't find anything to bury.

So, they fly at a much slower speed to accomodate pilot reaction time and make combat practical. Humans (Or anything organic) simply aren't good enough to be able to hit anything while moving that kind of speed unless they're going straight at it.

I don't know what kind of engines they supposedly use, but you can either work in air or in space at that kind of speed; NOT both. Ever. Arwings are aerospace vehicles, to operate optimally when deployed pretty much anywhere.

This is a nice, universal response to why flight sims have you go so slow. The fastest you ever travel in Freespace is, what, 120 metres per second? I think the average is around sixty or seventy. Though those are space-only fighters, so the excuse doesn't work /quite/ as well.

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Guest Mithos Kionisu

I did some calculations, the Arwing (in 64) moves at about 91.52 ft per second with out boosting. While an F-18 has a top speed of Mach 1.7 (1190 mph) AND is able to engage in combate situations sucessfully at those speeds. Ofcorse, F-18's ingage targets well over 1 mile away while the Arwing ingages targets at 732.16 ft max (draw distance for starfox 64) realisticly, not even low speed space fighters should be in asteriod feilds, much less space stations. And apparently, ships the size of the great fox are too slow for trans system travel, needing the warpgate to make a jump from Corneria to Fourtuna.

I can understand the use for a low speed anti personel fighter such as the Arwing is suited for, but when practicly every fighter in the navy (or airforce, idk what it would be) is suited for that role, one modern day aircraft could potentualy decimate the entire cornerian airforce, hell, even world war two propeller planes traveled faster.

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Guest Grimloq

Do keep in mind that an Arwing could also supposedly go indoors if space permitted. And land. They're rapid response.

But, the most important reason is one which I know for a fact cannot be disputed.

It's a game.

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