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Favorite StarWars Character(s ?) of all time


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Hello SF-O! What's up? Hey, im sure some of you liked the Starwars trilogy,it's many games, and novels and such. So tell me: What is your favorite starwars character (s) of all time?

If it were me, it would be this:

Carth OnasiCarth.jpg

Atton RandAttonpromo.jpg

and many others; you dont have to post pictures if you dont want to ^_^


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Meatbag LOL

As a meatbag would say: "I have a bad feeling about this..."

He was quite the character; you can aslo fight him in the old online game call Starwars Galaxies.

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Gonna have to go with Luke Skywalker on this one:


Dude was, like, my fave movie hero when I was a kid, and as a kid I was a MAJOR fan of the Wars!  k_e_smile.gif

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Gonna have to go with Luke Skywalker on this one:


Dude was, like, my fave movie hero when I was a kid, and as a kid I was a MAJOR fan of the Wars!  k_e_smile.gif

*nods* he was awsome and was a great hero (once he got his self esteem up ^_^) !
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I <3 me some Darth Revan. (As a woman. I hate that Revan is canonically a man)

Revan was intersting; (she) became alot more intersting in Kotor 2 when you find out that she had all this stuff connected to the dark side and Malachor 5 and all that ^_^
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Revan was intersting; (she) became alot more intersting in Kotor 2 when you find out that she had all this stuff connected to the dark side and Malachor 5 and all that ^_^

It amused me that in KOTOR2 the options for having the lightside ending in KOTOR had her as a woman. I was like "YESSSS!!" Then I sadfaced because the canonical Revan is a man in a relationship with Bastila. Not that I wouldn't tap Bastila either. She was a hot piece.

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It amused me that in KOTOR2 the options for having the lightside ending in KOTOR had her as a woman. I was like "YESSSS!!" Then I sadfaced because the canonical Revan is a man in a relationship with Bastila. Not that I wouldn't tap Bastila either. She was a hot piece.

yeah...i guess...although strictly my opinion, she was a little bossy boss....but what can you do? ^_^
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in my opinion you couln't go wrong with Oby wan Kanoby (i think thats how you spell that)

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in my opinion you couln't go wrong with Oby wan Kanoby (i think thats how you spell that)

(Obi-wan-Kenobi ^_^)

he was awsome!

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In no particular order. Darth Vader, Darth Revan, Darth Malgus and General Griveous.

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Pizza the Hutt Its between Han Solo and Boba Fett.

On the more cannon fodder side of things, I really dig the TIE Fighter pilots for some reason, they just look cool.

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Anyone in the 501st and of course, the Fett man. Boba Fett that is. Jango is pretty cool as well. And Anakin before Darth Vader.

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Reading Asper's post made me remember General Grievous as well.

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yeah....too bad Kenobi offed him.....He was cool for a villian in the clone wars (the clone wars era was a ittle goofy to me; but thats just my opininon)

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R2-D2 Badass little droid.

yes he was! he survued years of conflict and such ^_^
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