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"Where is my life going" I've been saying this to myself every morning since I graduated from high school and moved to Florida back in '07. I'm 22 years old, don't know what it is I want to do for a career, still live with my parents, don't have a drivers licence, and I don't have a job...

"WELCOME, ENTRANCE TO HELL" Thats what it feels like anyways, watching my old high school buddies live succesful lives while I'm trapped in a situation I just can't seem to get out of, no matter how hard I try. I've tried for all kinds of jobs, going as far as trying to get a job in the Air Force, but my messed up back screwed me over on that one.

Now I really don't like to bitch, but this has been eating me for a long time.

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Welcome to earth. Sounds like you made the same mistake as me. The feeling only get's worse, even if you come to terms with lack of career.

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What do you enjoy doing? List your hobbies for me. :)

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What do you enjoy doing? List your hobbies for me. :)

Outside of gaming (both the video game and board game kind), drawing, walking, and biking.

Thats probably not enough to go on, so bare with me as I recall some things I did in high school. I took a wood shop class that I probably would've enjoyed more if the overall enviroment didn't suck, but despite that I had fun building stuff even if it did turn out less than stellar.

In my Marine Biology/Earth Studies class I took care of the iguanas for the last half of the year, just the basic stuff like cleaning the cage and making sure they had food and fresh water.

Lastly, I took TV Production. Turned out I was pretty good at editing videos, I wasn't the most reliable person for the job due to me never being able to stay after school to work on the projects, but I was pretty efficient when I could work.

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I recommend that you give your nearest college a call and ask them what courses are on offer. It's surprising how helpful they can be.

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Man, I've got terrible luck. I finally find a picture my dad is in and his face isn't even in it. To make matters worse, he's only wearing a pair of boxer shorts...

So why is this important? Well I have all these memories of doing father/son stuff with him, but I can't put a face to any of those memories. I'm not too bothered about it, but it would be nice to know what he looks like.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Job finding day! I applied for a job at Walgreens and I'll be heading out in a bit to pick up an application from Dairy Queen.

Hopefully I get one of these.

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Dairy Queen didn't have applications last week, but they had them yesterday so now I have one, I just gotta go back there and turn it in. Haven't heard from Wal-Greens yet, so I guess I'll try applying at the CVS thats just across the street from it. Still got a few more places to try, but they aren't within decent walking distance, so I'm holding out on those until next week.

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Filled out another application, this time for Home Depot. It would be nice to get that job because it has benefits, but I'm not holding my breath.

Outside of job finding, not much is going on. I'm terribly bored though, wish I had somebody to hang with.

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Hope those jobs work out doc.

Actually, my brother had the same problem at that airforce thing...He started it, was doing fine, and then his back got hurt so he had to wait before he could go there again...

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Progress! The Home Depot just called to interview me, I hope I get hired.

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Good luck with the interview! :P

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Thanks guys. I was a little nervous to be honest, I hate talking on the phone to people I don't know, my heart starts racing and makes it hard for me to think clearly (Hmm, just like when I'm in love, except thats 10x worse). I think everything went well though, now I just play the waiting game to see if I actually get this.

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I gotta go to a live interview tomorrow at 4:00, looks like I'm finally getting somewhere. Also the girl who called had a real nice voice too, made it much easier to talk to her.

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I find this thing about women being easier to talk to interesting.

It probably has something to do with the fact that since middle school, I'd always have one female friend that I could trust more than anyone in my family.

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Well the cute girl just called again, I got another interview today at 1:00, I can only assume that means I did well yesterday. Yesterday's was pretty much the same as the phone interview only live, I'm assuming today's will be for all the marbles. Wish me luck.

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(Oops forgot to update) Well, I pretty much have the job. I just gotta wait for them to do the background check and get the drug test results. The wait is killing me...

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And I'm in, I got an 8 hour orientation on saturday and I start my training on monday.

Now I can focus on my next goal, getting my friggin' drivers licence.

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You ever get the feeling you've bit off more than you can chew? Thats how I'm feeling with this job right now, to the point where I'm having second thoughts. I mean I haven't even worked yet and I already feel like its alot to take in.

We'll see how everything goes on monday.

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Yeah....It's annoying when that happens. Best of luck man.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I survived my first week of work. I had nothing to be worried about, as everything went well.

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  • 1 month later...

You ever get the feeling you have a split personality? I was pretty bummed when I got to work the other day and I just started talking to myself. It was weird because the other me somehow convinced me that everything would be okay and now here I am not bummed out. It's actually kind of creepy in a way...

In other news, I've gotten a tad bit stronger. I noticed yesterday as I was loading concrete into some woman's van. There was a time where I couldn't lift it over my waist, but now I can lift it just above my stomach.

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