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GIMP: Who uses it? Thoughts?

Rogue Fox

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I'm thinking of getting into the digital art bandwagon, and I'm interested in GIMP.

I'm looking for something that is easy to use even for someone who is a novice with digital art.

My goal is to use GIMP directly to create art.

So anyone here use it? If so, what do you think?

Also, as of now I have over 40 GB of memory on one part of my system for GIMP. (This isn't how much free space I have in total, just what I can afford to use.)

Would this be enough to not only support GIMP but also support the pictures I'm creating given it will be a moderate amount of pictures being created?

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I've used gimp some. It's a pretty cool program.  I would recommend that or artweaver.  Either one are great programs.

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Gimp once screwed up my other computer. It took 3 years until we could undo the damage. Ever since that I haven't gone near it.

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I don't how GIMP could cause any issues.

My main problem is the lack of docked toolbars so they are constantly floating about.

As for 40gb, that's plenty. Biggest image in Gimp I ever made was 10mb, but most are under 2mb.

As for quality, it's an art program. It's as good as photoshop, paintshop pro, ect. Unlike those programs, GIMP can open file types from those programs as well. Occationally you will get a snob who will say how bad Gimp is, but if you probe them their main issue has to do with it being free and them not knowing their way around it.

Other then those floaty toolbars, I don't have any real issue with it. I think it's worth trying.

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Gimp once screwed up my other computer. It took 3 years until we could undo the damage. Ever since that I haven't gone near it.

I have a hard time believing that.

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I used it once to see if it can be better than Photoshop Elements 8, but I decided to not use it since the brush curser takes too long to move.

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Haven't really used GIMP since I got my hands on Paint Tool SAI. both are good programs, though, so I won't downplay this one.

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I do think that those stupid toolbars are annoying,too.

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I love GIMP! It's the perfect, free photoshop. :) I used it to make all the things I have in my DA gallery, and shall continue using it until photshop becomes free (which is never, of course).

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I've heard many great things about it, and from what I was able to figure out by just messing around in it, it seems quite solid :P

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Used it today to upres a picture, and it warned me that if saved in gimps native format it would take me above 128mb. So you needn't worry about space as it warn you went things get big.

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Been using GIMP for over 1 and a half year now there have seems to be a no problem with it though, a very useful picture editing tool.

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