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The Writer's Block

Rogue Fox

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First journal posting.

Basically this will be used as a journal of projects I'm working on as well as other things I want to discuss.

Last year (December to be exact) I finished my seven part Star Fox fanfic series, "The Legacy of Kato." Surprisingly, even though this series is on both DeviantArt and Furaffinity, they have received few pageviews and favorites.

Now, I write primarily for my sake, just as anyone who writes, sings, paints, etc. should first do it for themselves and let the recognition be the icing on the cake.

However, I find it strange that my other stories are viewed often and faved.

I may be looking into fanfiction.net. as this would be a place better sutied for this type of series.

The Kato metaseries will most likely be split into three parts: Legacy of Kato, Kato Adventures, and Kato Assault and parallel with the Star fox series.

This will most likely be my only fanfic unless I decide to do something else in the future.

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After further thought, I decided to reconfigure the Kato series, making it one continual plot rather than three separate series.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slowly reconfiguring the Kato series. The first few parts were easy, but some needed almost a complete overhaul.

I have on more to redo, then I can then start some new parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news everyone!

I completed my first part of the Kato series called Memories of Kato.

Soon it will be posted on both Deviant Art and Fur Affinity.

I am also contemplating downloading DAZ Studio for creating poser models of Kato and other characters.

What do you think about DAZ? Is it user friendly especially to someone who has not used an art program other than MS Paint (shudders)?

Let me hear you thoughts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have decided to go the previous route for my art.

I plan to soon get my scanner installed and then download GIMP.

That way I can clean up my art and color it.

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