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Is there not a who's online buttone anymore?

It's still there. If you go over to the Active Users box and click on Last Click or Member Name, it'll take you to a who's online page.

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I added a "personal text" profile field to make up for the lack of custom titles.

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Also, I added Steam integration. Put your Steam username in your profile, and your Steam profile will be linked and viewable on your profile page!

Also, profile photos are now allowed to be 200x200x2MB instead of the too-small 150x150x500kB.

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Might I also suggest putting a restriction to where a user can't up their own rep--as I'd unintentionally discovered. prevents misuse of that system (should it keep being used here), I do believe. it just seems fair so that you don't have someone backtracking their posts and adding to them in an "IM THE BEST!!" sense.

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For some reason that is defaulted to on. I turned it off.

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Settings > profile

It should be underneath Skype.

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New theme looks good, should look great with a little tweaking.

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Thread Preview

On the thread list for a board, click on the to see the first and last post in a small popup.

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Watch a thread to track it's replies. They will show-up on the sidebar on the index page. ( transmit_blue.png Watch Topic )

Is there a way to have us "Autowatch" the instant we make a post on a thread?
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Nah. Then you'd be watching every single thread you post in. It can't hurt just to click a button to watch it.

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Is there a way to have us "Autowatch" the instant we make a post on a thread?

My Settings > Notification Options

Check "Watch every topic I reply to." Also, select "immediate notification" from the combo box below.

Scroll to the bottom and click the save changes button.

Be aware that you will receive an insane amount of notifications if you do this.

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I have a bad feeling about the upvoting and downvoting feature. It's a commonly used feature on NSider 2 (I have an account there), and all it'd done is lower my self-esteem.

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Removed share lings for Google Buzz since Google is killing it. I also removed the links for Digg, Reddit, del.ic.io.us, and stumble upon. Last thing I need is for SFO to get Reddit Bombed or Digg bombed and shoot our resource usage through the roof.

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Removed share lings for Google Buzz since Google is killing it. I also removed the links for Digg, Reddit, del.ic.io.us, and stumble upon. Last thing I need is for SFO to get Reddit Bombed or Digg bombed and shoot our resource usage through the roof.

Get rid of twitter and facebook as well since those sites will die off eventually as well. I'd guess a year or 2.

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Get rid of twitter and facebook as well since those sites will die off eventually as well. I'd guess a year or 2.

That's silly thinking right there, it would make more sense for him to delete those WHEN they die off eventually - not before their time has come.

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Hey, DZ, when are you bringing back the Donor titles?

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Working on it. The plugin for it isn't working for some reason. Still haven't figured out why.

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IPB tracks two postcounts. A "cumulative" and an "active." This is why there is a difference between the displayed postcount on peoples' posts and the ones in the profile. Cumulative posts are the ones that count for ranks and are shown on posts. Active posts are merely posts that are viewable, and are shown in the profile.

Postcounts are out of whack right now because all of the converted forums are set to not increase the cumulative count. Oops. :oops: I am fixing that now.

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Hey, DZ? I am just personally curious about something. The feature that was on SFO last that gave that little warning, saying whether someone ninja'd the topic you were posting, so you could edit so you don't look like an idiot? Is there a way to get that on here? I liked it, and find it silly when i post, and realize seven other people posted before me. XD

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Hey, DZ? I am just personally curious about something. The feature that was on SFO last that gave that little warning, saying whether someone ninja'd the topic you were posting, so you could edit so you don't look like an idiot? Is there a way to get that on here? I liked it, and find it silly when i post, and realize seven other people posted before me. XD

I second this.

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Well now I know something else you can remove: the Reputation system. All it's going to do is cause problems.

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Well now I know something else you can remove: the Reputation system. All it's going to do is cause problems.


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