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Superbowl XLV


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Tonight is the night and I know we have a lot of (American) football fans here so talk it up! Game starts in an hour so I'm heading off to a party shortly.

Personally, I'm routing for Green Bay. I, like many other Canadians, hate the Steelers guts. I hope Ben Roethlisberger gets picked a couple of times.

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To quote something I posted on legendzelda.net:

I don't care. The "hometown" team (or as close as hometown can be in the NFL) is the Saints, but they got knocked out early.

Personally, I'm a huge N.Y Giants fan, but they barely didn't make the playoffs. :(

I hate the Steelers, but I highly dislike Aaron Rodgers. But I dislike Ben Rxxxxxburger too.

I'm kind of rooting for the Packers, then.

And I don't care for Super Bowl commercials. They're really no different from others.

But yeah, I'll definitely watch the game and the commercials just for the fun of it. ;)

But I am a huge American football fan. Roll Tide and....whatever you would say for the Giants. ;)

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Football? You mean handegg for wimps.

I don't get this idea of watching something just for the adverts. It's like buying ice cream not for the taste but because you like getting rid of money.

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I'm voting for the steelers but here's what the SF team thinks...

:krystal: What the hell are you guys prepping for?

:sf64katt: The Guys are gonna watch the super bowl.

:panther: Wanna try my famous dip Krystal?

:krystal: *tries dip* OMG This is SSSSOOOOO good,what's in this?

:panther: Avacado,Cheddar,Beans,Salsa,My love .

:krystal: *Vomits on Panther's new boots*

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I don't care who wins since I personally don't like the Steelers nor the Packers...

My dad fell asleep during the reading of the Declaration of Independence.

I giggled.

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Ah, the super bowl. The shining example of the over-commercialization of sports. I will be playing TF2 tonight.

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Ah, the super bowl. The shining example of the over-commercialization of sports. I will be playing TF2 tonight.

From a recent funny video I saw about bullies

"Bill Gates makes billions from technolagy, and he's demonized. Micheal Jorden is considered an all American hero for making billion from bouncing a ball."

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Interesting Superbowl so far...here's a quote from a friend of mine:

"The fact that Christina's dumb ass was cheered incessantly, despite the fact that she doesn't know the words to her country's national anthem, just about sums up what's wrong with our country."

That, and the fact she was horrible in general at singing it.

During the half time show (Black Eyed Peas?!) most of the lights in the letter v in "love" were out.

As I hoped would happen Big Ben had a couple of picks and is the main reason why the Packers are up by 11 at the half.

Going back to watch the game, I'll be back with thoughts after it's over.

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I almost didn't know today was SuperBowl Sunday and I didn't watch it either. :blink:

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It was an awesome game. congrats to Green Bay, but also; props to Pittsburgh; they put up a hell of a fight making this one of the best Superbowls that I've watched.

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Darn, I was rooting for the Steelers (mostly because I'm most familiar with them because I have a buddy from Pittsburgh).

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It was an awesome game. congrats to Green Bay, but also; props to Pittsburgh; they put up a hell of a fight making this one of the best Superbowls that I've watched.

Agreed. I thought that after the first half it would be one sided.

Darn, I was rooting for the Steelers (mostly because I'm most familiar with them because I have a buddy from Pittsburgh).

Over the course of the last few weeks I've never seen so many Steelers bandwagon fans, not saying that you are one but yeah...

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This year's superbowl commericals SUCKED...

Being in Canada, we had to watch Canadian commercials instead. D:

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Being in Canada, we had to watch Canadian commercials instead. D:

Were they any better?

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Were they any better?

Although I haven't seen the American ones I highly doubt it. :(

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I personally don't care who won, but I wanted the Steelers to lose because of the Super Bowl versus the Seahawks. I am from Washington. Self-explanatory.

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Man i wanted the steelers to win so bad, their my team! o well i guess they can't win every super bowl. I thought the comericals were good expecialy the one at :56 but they cut out the end. Basically he comes in and sees his grandfather alive. doritose comerical

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Man i wanted the steelers to win so bad, their my team! o well i guess they can't win every super bowl. I thought the comericals were good expecialy the one at :56 but they cut out the end. Basically he comes in and sees his grandfather alive. doritose comerical

Sure you aren't a Bandwagon jumper instead? :o


Serves Big Ben right for throwing 2 picks! D:

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