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Anybody here play Metroid Prime Hunters online?


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  • Ramuza


  • Sol-Ratcht Saporro


  • Blaz3


  • Jaith


yay I got another new mouse that doesn't use the USB port... its got a mind of its own though anyway I can play Wifi again

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Ok cool, if I'm ever online here while one of you are online, I'll go on MPH in case you wanna play. Oh and Sol, against me, you won't get your @$$ whipped, I suck, I've won like 27 times out of 50

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How do you play against bots? That's WiFi by the way

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In multicard multiplayer, you can add bots to play against when your alone

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These may be dumb questions but what do they mean by BiPed Shots (?) and when they count Headshots what/whose head are did you shoot?

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Biped Shots are when your in shooting around when your not in morphball mode, Headshots won't tell you who you shot in the head.. it just tells you that you shot somebody in the head this many times.. headshots does extra damage than regualr shots

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Aha...*scratches chin* Now, I get it.....

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Oh man bot play is awesome!!!! But for being such a noob, Ramuza, you better hack me with that axe of yours.

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nah.. I play against bots too.. well 3 star bot play... every once in a while.. heheh *shot by a bot*

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Meh, Here's my stats: (Hypotized by Xion's Eyes)

Nickname: Sol-Ratcht

FC: 4939-9642-3256

Hunter of choice: Samus

Fav. Weapon: I have none right now.... :lol:

Note: please don't massacre me..... :lol:

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I guess I'll put my current stats... not my fc, its already in my sig


-Rank: 1 star *and a great 1 star combatent!*

-Hunter of Choice: Spire *I use Noxus Damnit!!!*

-Favorite Weapon: Missile *it should be Judicator!!!*

-Lucky Area: Alpino Gateway *sorry I can't spell*

-For note: Your dead when I have either Judicator, Imperialist, and/or Shock Coil

Umm I can't take that note Sol, I already did a one man Massacre on you already....lol!

so how many times did I headshot kill you Sol.. lost count after a couple of shots from my imperialist...

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I'll count for you.... > than 10 for all I know. :lol:

And the note's for anybody else who might show mercy on my sorry butt. I've gotten better though....I never thought I could get a chance to kill you. ZOMG! :lol:

Now, that I looked at my stats, it says my favorite weapon is the Judicator......They must mean "My favorite weapon to get shot by" Caz I swear I never used it.....

Uh, unless it's the one that bounces off of walls if shot and missed right? :? (I dunno jeez..... :x )

When I get up to par with adventure mode, I'm gonna get j00 RAR!

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yeah the Judicator is the one that bounces off walls! I love using it! Freezing people, making them helpless from my shots until either they unfreeze or they die.. or they unfreeze then die... I froze Sol a lot of times, mmm...Sol-sickle!

For note on Adventure mode... Look out for Sylux, he is a total a**!!! Shock Coil user and very very very fast!!!

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^^^ I know! Sylux is hard in adventure mode but I found that if you shoot him with a charged missile, he goes into his alt. form and its really easy to kill him in that. And previously when I said you should hack me with your axw for being a noob, I meant because I didn't know you could play against bots, not for losing.

Edit: Added you Sol!

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Mmmkay, I added you too! In fact I added everyone else. Whenever your available I'd love to play you, just give me a PM.

Not this weekend though, I have to go out of town, but I'll be back (Terminator Infringment) probably around Next Monday or Tuesday.

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Actually you can hit Sylux with just a regular missile and he turns to alt... though after you knock his health down to half he would start using his alt anyway.. ugh its really hard to scan his alt though since it moves fast... and that he transforms back to biped as soon as he gets close to you...

*hacks FOF with Axe* k thats done...

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*totally 0//N3D on the floor* Ok, ouch! But seriously now, we need to start up a match. Are you guys free this friday night? I believe that it will be my saturday morning... I'll attempt to wake up early, otherwise I'll be on late on friday, early in the morining saturday and late saturday. I'll check my friend VS thingy before I go online.

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I'd like a match! Im sure I might be able to play Friday night... Im in Central Time right now.. Im not really good with time... between Central and Pacific overseas...

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Wai Not? I'll prolly be up for it! I'm in Eastern Time.

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DX Curse my crappy ability not to be able to play online... >_> Added you Sol btw... heck I add everyone who posts in this thread...

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Ramuza, there's quite a difference in the times, but if you're on late friday, I might be able to get on early saturday, which should make up for the time difference.

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hm... k, I will be up as long as I can... longest I will stay up on the Net will be until 2.... so I probably will see ya... glad my Mom is going to work tonight.. or she will beat my a** for being on the net till 2... ugh.. but like I said she's working so heh she won''t know... I hope...

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K I don't think that worked. I've got a better way however! Let's work this out properly. Ok now if all of you willing to play tell me what time it says I posted this message, we can work out the time difference and what would be a good time for everybody to play. Ok for me, the time is 11:16 am.

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