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Main site getting back online?


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Sorry if I'm bothering you but I just wanted to know if you are getting the main site back online or if this is just always going to be a forums only site?

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Site is going back up eventually, but that's more of Dwight's and Milton's area at least for the time being and they've been busy with real life.

I'd do it, but it would look like crap as my web design skills aren't that great, and my HTML is a bit rusty. Plus, I learned HTML the old-school way before CSS became big, which changed everything. Hard to find sites that don't use it these days. Hell, this forum software uses CSS.

I'll see if Milton has the old version of the site and we could throw that up with limited content in the interim.

Once the site is back up in a finalized design, a forum theme will be coded to go with it that will make the forums look like part of the site.

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I plan on getting together with Milton sometime this summer and getting it up.

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Yea, tell me about it, site building is a time conusming pain in the-.... :D

for my little site, I can do fien, but to be honset, I don't even know what css is.........

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Oh good. Just checking if work was happening. DZComposer, a lot of stuff I didn't get there but I'm going to guess it has something to do with site layout ect. also Dwight, that would be great if you guys could do that, but don't spend all summer, do the site when you feel like it, don't feel pressure to get the site online, take you're time and make it good. As long as we've got the forum, I think most of us will be happy anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, as long as we got the forum.......

(Maybe i'll make a template for you guys, or someting.)

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