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Slug's Life


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Well,here's my problem...wait,problems.I'm average for a middle-schooler.Well,I know a lot of people...and they know me... does that make me popular?

I'd doubt it.Like I said before,I have average looks,you could mistake me for a nerd,which is true. Only 1 person knows about my Starfox fetish. And I

only sometimes talk to him...My main problems are finding a GF,yeah I sound desprate.That is not true. My only safe haven for disscussing SF stuff is here...

I don't live a sad existence in this world,I know it could be worse.My personality? Well,I'm pretty biased

misunderstood. I'm lookng for a place to fit in...I have great friends too.I dunno,I guess I'm bored.

I usually stay afterschool with my friends,Gus,"Gummi",and multiple others.I am bored.I do my homework at 3:40 PM because I'm a procrastinator.

I finish it quickly.

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Your welcome to discuss about your problems and Starfox here as much as you want. We're just as much nerds as you. :lol:

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Your welcome to discuss about your problems and Starfox here as much as you want. We're just as much nerds as you. :lol:

Awww,thanks...*hugs Wolf Fang*

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so how' it been going man?

K,here's how it's going.

Hell,another Valentines passes by,to single guys like me,it's nothing but another holiday where you get free candy.

So,I'm relived as I get out of class. It's a hot day in LA,and as I make my way to my friends,I ponder if I'll get a girl or if this heat will stop.

I get to my friends,and it feels like another good day.


They said.

I nod,and smile,I usually don't speak when I get all sentimental.

I ask one of my friends,nicknamed "Roxy" if I'll ever get a girl.

She said there was no chance,I know she was joking.

Now you may ask if I like her. HELL NO! I like another person,and I'm debating if I should tell you all.

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UPDATE:I lost Black Ops and ,My Ipod just because my brother said masturb@t3...Now,I don't live in a strict home...thank god...otherwise I wouldn't be typing this right now.

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Im not much of a girl person, but the girl "problem", i understand ifyou keep i to yourself; i have some stuff i woud like to tell, but i cant becasue it is private. I've said to much already....

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Well,here's my problem...wait,problems.I'm average for a middle-schooler.Well,I know a lot of people...and they know me... does that make me popular?

I'd doubt it.Like I said before,I have average looks,you could mistake me for a nerd,which is true. Only 1 person knows about my Starfox fetish. And I

only sometimes talk to him...My main problems are finding a GF,yeah I sound desprate.That is not true. My only safe haven for disscussing SF stuff is here...

I don't live a sad existence in this world,I know it could be worse.My personality? Well,I'm pretty biased

misunderstood. I'm lookng for a place to fit in...I have great friends too.I dunno,I guess I'm bored.

I usually stay afterschool with my friends,Gus,"Gummi",and multiple others.I am bored.I do my homework at 3:40 PM because I'm a procrastinator.

I finish it quickly.

Hey! i have the same problem! only the WHOLE middle school knows about my love of nintendo characters and they make fun of me for it! its hard for me to even find ONE person who likes nintendo and WON'T make fun of me for it! and i found her her name is Mindy and if u watch beavis and butthead we got our nicknames from there. my nickname is "bungholio" and her's is "cornholio". my other nickname is "mario girl".

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Ah slug. I've been there, Shits lookin up real good though... I found an amazing girl out of the blue and i quit drugs n a whole bunch of other shit.

You just need to be upfront and honest with girls. If you like a girl, Let her know. Whats the worst shes going to say... No?

A girl will give you a positive outlook on life and motivate you to continue on.

As for Starfox Chick. If you were in my school, I would have been your greatest friend. :/

And remember...


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Ah slug. I've been there, Shits lookin up real good though... I found an amazing girl out of the blue and i quit drugs n a whole bunch of other shit.

You just need to be upfront and honest with girls. If you like a girl, Let her know. Whats the worst shes going to say... No?

A girl will give you a positive outlook on life and motivate you to continue on.

Nova,you were right...

I have a girlfriend! She's exactly what I wanted,a blond (not the dumbass ones),she's funny,she laughs with me 'n stuff,we

share the same interests,she's MY type! I thought she would be harder to find! And my life and outlook on humanity got a little brighter!

She is sooo sweet,and attractive! She's what keeps me alive and thriving,just seeing her makes me smile inside!

Bad News: My mother is being a really mean,she won't let me hang out with my best friend for GOD'S SAKE.

She automatically thinks that everyone I hangout with is ghetto and raunchy just because I hung out with one REALLY raunchy kid.


Oh,well,it isn't as bad as it sounds,or as I made it sound! Everything's cool now.

ONE really bad kid,I know she wants to look out for me and stuff like

ME and StarFoxChick share a lot of similarites,WOW.

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