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Is Star Fox dead?

Rik McCloud

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Hey who you calling a chicken.

I think everybody knows about the remake, but I think many believe that nintendo is lacking on making a new game into the series. Specially since nintendo has not hire any company to create a SF game for wii.

The wii will allow great a star fox game, but the life cycle to the will won't last forever and nintendo is missing out on what they can do on it. so later they can well be prepare for

future star fox games on their next home console.

Nintendo has too many game series like Mario, Zelda, and many others so they

have to hire other companies to make star fox. This days it takes a lot of people to make one game so nintendo has to improvise on what games they can make themselves and who they have to hire to make their other games.

One more thing. Never hire Namco to make a star fox game.

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Hey who you calling a chicken.

I think everybody knows about the remake, but I think many believe that nintendo is lacking on making a new game into the series. Specially since nintendo has not hire any company to create a SF game for wii.

The wii will allow great a star fox game, but the life cycle to the will won't last forever and nintendo is missing out on what they can do on it. so later they can well be prepare for

future star fox games on their next home console.

Nintendo has too many game series like Mario, Zelda, and many others so they

have to hire other companies to make star fox. This days it takes a lot of people to make one game so nintendo has to improvise on what games they can make themselves and who they have to hire to make their other games.

One more thing. Never hire Namco to make a star fox game.

LOL U MAD BRO? :trollface:

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Hey who you calling a chicken.

I think everybody knows about the remake, but I think many believe that nintendo is lacking on making a new game into the series. Specially since nintendo has not hire any company to create a SF game for wii.

The wii will allow great a star fox game, but the life cycle to the will won't last forever and nintendo is missing out on what they can do on it. so later they can well be prepare for

future star fox games on their next home console.

Nintendo has too many game series like Mario, Zelda, and many others so they

have to hire other companies to make star fox. This days it takes a lot of people to make one game so nintendo has to improvise on what games they can make themselves and who they have to hire to make their other games.

One more thing. Never hire Namco to make a star fox game.

OK, first off, I didn't call anyone "chicken," but rather "chicken little" which means someone who thinks something catastrophically bad is going to happen without sufficient evidence to support it. There is a children's tale by the same title that teaches the lesson of running around with bad news without investigating. The term "chicken littles" comes from said tale.

Star Fox fans have actually had it pretty good. Since it's debut, Star Fox has been on every console, save for Wii and the GBA. Other series haven't had such luck. Metroid sat-out the N64 era. Kid Icraus hasn't had a game sine the NES days.

So, just because a series sits out a console generation doesn't mean it is dead. Though, it does look like Nintendo may be planning to turn Star Fox into a handheld franchise, given that the last two games were on handhelds, but that doesn't make it dead.

Nintendo put a lot into Wii from a casual standpoint, and that's where they focused their efforts on Wii. The novelty of Wii has worn off, and Nintendo finally looks to be getting back towards making the games the fans care about, albiet slowly and starting with ports.

Also, let's not forget, E3 is a couple of months away. The time between the first of the year and E3 is always dry in terms of news. Nintendo could still suprise us, though I won't expect Star Fox. I've learned that expecting something to be announced leads to disappointment more often than not.

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Ok yes Star Fox is not dea, but I really think that they might release a wii title probably for another year. Nintendo has been focusing mostly on Mario and Zelda series for some time


I mean Nintendo was going to pull a fast one and release Star Fox Command for the Wii untill Miyamoto decided pull away and sugested to remake SF 64 for the 3DS.

Yo DZ if you are reading this

Sorry for outburst on you.

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Yes....The series is in a coma...and we, the players and fans.....are its life support.

That is a rather accurate description, Dublinfox. I believe that as long as StarFox has fans, it won't be dead.

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I'm siding with DZC here.

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don't really know, :unsure: i don't think it will every really become as big or as active as other games. But i think it could grow.....but on the other had it could become even less active

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don't really know, :unsure: i don't think it will every really become as big or as active as other games. But i think it could grow.....but on the other had it could become even less active

Don't be so pessimistic. It just needs more promotion. A LOT more promotion.

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Don't be so pessimistic. It just needs more promotion. A LOT more promotion.

Like i said, what if the remake 64 for 3ds is a big hit, then nientendo would pour some money into star fox

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They should still promote it like crazy to help MAKE SURE it's a hit. :D

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Guest Mr. Nintendo


His tail? :troll:

Anyhoo, I would consider Starfox dead if all I saw was just remakes and ports to handhelds and some consoles.

I'm going to wait 2 more years though, hopefully by that time, a new SF game will be announced.

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Star Fox: The Adventures of Assaulting the 64 Commands 2

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I say it needs more Robotnik__s_Promotion_by_The__Master.png

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Star Fox: The Adventures of Assaulting the 64 Commands 2

How about we only use good StarFox games...

StarFox 64: Assault 2

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I say, if Nintendo won't do so, then we should raise hype for Star Fox 64 3DS ourselves across the net.

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I say it needs more Robotnik__s_Promotion_by_The__Master.png



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It is not dead by any means. I do know that Nintendo renewed the starfox.com web address, but it takes you to the Nintendo home page. Mabye Nintendo is cooking up something for us, who knows :D

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