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Here's my blog!...

I'll post some stuff later! :trollface:

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When i saw that "Blogiest Blog that ever Blogged, i had to chuckle a little ^_^ .

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This is a fun video my friend and I made that shows some of the games that we think are under appreciated. :cool:

I'm the one sitting on the couch, the rapper is my best friend.

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Lol cool video! There are some games that play that are overlooked, but you play what you like right?

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Just curious, whats the song that plays in the credit thing at the end? It's sounding like something from the Darius series, but that's just a guess.

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Just curious, whats the song that plays in the credit thing at the end? It's sounding like something from the Darius series, but that's just a guess.

Actually it's a song from the soundtrack of the unreleased Sonic X-Treme that was gonna be on Saturn! :)

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Here's a collection of my favorite vids on my channel. :)

If you like them you can find more on my channel! ^_^

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Today at school we are finishing what is probably one of the worst films I've EVER seen. To be quick, 99% of the shots are gray and brown, it's depressing, the acting is pretty bad, and it's dull as heck. It's!...


It may LOOK like an action film or something, but no. It's a horrible sci-fi movie with little sci-fi in it...

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Yay! I've already become Ground Support in only a couple days! :P

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We watched the rest of that movie, Gattaca... STILL HORRIBLE! :angry:

And I have to go to a school assembly today, which I despise....

In other words, today, school is gonna suck! :evil:

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GE... NO! :l

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^ :lolhyst: Superman 64; the cause of the most broken N64 controllers next to Mario Party :)

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I made a new avatar...


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I have a paper due tomorrow...


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I changed my avatar....

AGAIN! ^_^

Sparkster is an awesome and (mostly) forgotten video game character.

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I changed my avatar....

AGAIN! ^_^

Sparkster is an awesome and (mostly) forgotten video game character.

Rocket Knight Adventures is easily one of the best games on the Genesis, and the remake on PSN and XBLA rocks too :D

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Sparkster of the Rocket Knight Series- A Quick History...





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Never played that game before. What's it about?

It's a platformer where you play Sparkster, a warrior opossum with a jet pack who has to save his world from evil... things. :lol:

They all have incredible graphics, muisc, and sound, and the gameplay is top of the line.

You can charge your jet pack, hang on things with your tail, and each level is unique and very creative. The bosses are also very cool.

I HIGHLY recommend the series if you enjoy platformers because these are some of the BEST.

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I can't believe I have to write a stinkin' essay.... URRGGHH! :banghead:


I keep getting distracted :zzz:

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My school's Film Fest is in only 3 hours!!!! :P

Super uber excited, I am.

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So... I lost the Film Fest... :/

But that's ok! :P

Here's some quick reviews of all the films there besides mine. :)

Imagination Land Orchestra

A cool short film. Just two guys acting like they're in an ochestra. Kinda cool.



A short film about skiing with very little plot, but it was VERY well done... even if it was just skiing... :lol:


Team Hannah

A boring documentary about some disabled girl. Yawn.


NERF: Saving Colonel McMuffin

Quite a funny film. Also with some cheesy action using NERF guns. Would only be a 3/5, but there was a very funny Russian villain. :P




This was a dialogue-less action film, and very well done. It had a cool story and mysterious plot. My fave (besides mine). :lol:


Fashion Runway 2011

A recording of a stupid skit my school's basketball team did.... yeah...


Chairlift Chronicles

A movie where people interviewed people while on a chairlift. Kinda boring, but had its moments.


Struthio Camelus

A movie about some guy chasing a ostrich in Africa along with some researchers. Mostly boring, but also has its moments.


JBM Documentary

A poorly filmed, but funny film about a mission to get a favorite teacher of ours back to our school. Awesome because of that, but, it was poorly done. :lol:


La Vie de Carole Fredericks

NO! NO! NO! Retarded French song thing with sock puppets... o_0 idk how to explain how bad it was!


Hollywood: The Real Story

A funny, but lacking parody film parodying other films. Pretty funny, but lacking.


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A cool action short film we made. I think it came out pretty stylish! :P

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