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Must continue watching!

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The audio on my new episode has been fixed! Here's a re-post of both parts. :D

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The Valley of Avalar has to be one of the most beautiful locales ever programmed into a video game...

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This is My Blog.

Just wanted to randomly inform anyone who didn't know this information. :troll:

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This is My Blog.

Just wanted to randomly inform anyone who didn't know this information. :troll:

Are you sure? :trollface: :D

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This is My Blog.

Just wanted to randomly inform anyone who didn't know this information. :troll:

Who are you anyways? :troll:

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Hmmm... I have a question for you guys.

Would you rather see me review Oliver & Company for next week or All Dogs Go to Heaven?

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Hmmm... I have a question for you guys.

Would you rather see me review Oliver & Company for next week or All Dogs Go to Heaven?


I recall owning two copies of the VHS for some reason; and still do as a matter of fact. ^_^

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Yeah, I'll do Oliver & Company. :)

Tonight I'll watch it and take notes... need to know where the most important points are...

and the best moments for jokes and LULZ are. :trollface:

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I recall owning two copies of the VHS for some reason; and still do as a matter of fact. ^_^

High five for owning VHS copies! :D

and the best moments for jokes and LULZ are. :trollface:

Oliver and company memes ahead?

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I just beat The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon... it has to be one of the most underrated great games I've ever played. It's in my top 100 games in the 50s somewhere, I believe.

I wish that people would just look past the fact that it's a modern Spyro game and give it a chance (but I get why they wouldn't since most modern Spyro games suck lol).

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One of my favorite movies as a kid was "the Black Cauldron."

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A sneak peak at some of the rough draft of my notes for the Oliver & Company review. :-) It most likely won't be this week's episode, but it'll come. :D Tell me what'cha think. I can always, add, take out, or change anything. The time matches this video of O&C Part 1 in HD.


Part 1-

0:18- “So here we see a view of the film’s setting, New York City, as stated by the opening song.”

0:43- “Oh, lookie, the title!”

1:02- “Now we see that some people are selling some kittens for the OUTRAGEOUSLY high price of $5, which will hopefully pay for the education of whoever wrote the sign so they can learn which direction the letter “s” goes.”

2:11- “It begins to rain, and it seems that our main hero Oliver was the only kitten not given a home.. maybe all the people crowding around had severe grudges and scarring memories toward the color orange.”

2:30- “And so, a inconveniently placed gutter sends water pouring into poor Oliver’s box, resulting him to be swept away.”

3:02- “But not all is well for Oliver, for he is attacked by vicious attack dogs that I swear just got out of a Tim Burton film.”

3:12- “But by using his ultra ninja cat skills, Oliver manages to escape the Burton dogs.”

3:47- “Oliver finds a tire and decides to go to sleep, figuring that those dogs aren’t smart enough to go around the fence.”

4:07- “Oh, hmm... what kind of idiot just leaves random articles of clothing on the side of the road?”

4:43- “Totally hip, yo!”

4:49- “Oliver tries to find an owner in the busy New York City streets, but I suppose that fear/grudge towards orange is still in effect.”

5:18- “Doofenshmirtz Quality Bradwurst!”

5:49- “I smoke a cigar to give mah hotdogs the delicious aroma of pure cancer!... That may be the reason they don’t sell very well...”

6:37- “Eh... even the best of films need a pun in there somewhere.”

6:48- “Woah! The kittie cat speaks! Here is where we really begin to meet our second main character, Dodge, a confident and quite prideful street dog.”

8:30- “Geesh. Dodge likes rhythm so much I wouldn’t be surprised if we started seeing a PaRappa the Rapper level start up.”

9:00- “And so, Dodge decides to ditch the adorable little orphan, and go off to sing a Disney song.”

10:00- “So there’s people that say that one reason this was a terrible Disney movie was the music... we must be hearing completely different soundtracks because all the songs including this one are incredibly catchy and just great overall.”

10:33- “Ah!”

11:19- “They think he’s a righteous dude.”

11:30- “AH! I turned my wheel in fear but still managed to keep perfectly straight!”

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Glad to hear it. :)

All I can say right now is that it's a review of an underrated game from this gen. :D

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I got a HDMI cable to use for my PS3 and Xbox 360...


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I got a HDMI cable to use for my PS3 and Xbox 360...


Hell yes! It's INCREDIBLE when changing from standard composite to HDMI/Component! It's unfortunate I don't have a 1080P-capable TV though, :lol:

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I has a 1080p tv, and PS3/360 games look beautiful on it now. :D

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I has a 1080p tv, and PS3/360 games look beautiful on it now. :D

Mine is an older Pioneer plasma display; it has a lower refresh rate and only hits 1080i, things look better on it than my Sony CRT television set though; that one's reserved for retro consoles and lightgun games ^_^

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