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I hope that people enjoy that video game review. Cartoon Toonsdays will be back this coming week! :D

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I got a GIR shirt, which is cool but I already have one. So, I'm gonna get a Rainbow Dash shirt! :D (Most Likely)

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Rainbow dash shirt DX

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I'm 2 subscribers away from 200 on YouTube. o_0

It must be time to create some sock-puppet accounts then! XD, In all seriousness, congrats! :D

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So how many videos have you uploaded now? xD

325 ^_^

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OH MY GOSH! I'm getting subscribers quick! I'm almost at 200! o_0

Anyone have any ideas for a 200 sub special???

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OH MY GOSH! I'm getting subscribers quick! I'm almost at 200! o_0

Anyone have any ideas for a 200 sub special???

How about a behind-the-scenes look at everything you've done; from filming, editing, and obtaining clips! :D

(If you haven't done that already; I didn't keep up with this thread as much as I should've recently, :lol:)

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GREAT IDEA! :D I shall consider it! ^_^

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GREAT IDEA! :D I shall consider it! ^_^

*Holds breath*

*Holds breath*

*Holds breath*

*EXHALES TRIUMPHANTLY* :lol: , can't wait to see it ^_^

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Yeah, it will probably be that behind the scenes and maybe a few other little things, as well.

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Sorry. No Cartoon Toonsdays Reviews episode this week due to sickness. :(

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LOL I joined the Anime Club at my school today just for the heck of it. It might make school a bit more interesting, and is the closest I could find to my interests.

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Yeah, the anime club at my school is filled with scary guys who have an overabundance of hair and a total lack of hygiene (and teeth).

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