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magikarp cuz he could use tackle to throw gyaradose onto dry land where he would die :lol:

magikarp vs master chief

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magikarp cuz he could use tackle to throw gyaradose onto dry land where he would die :lol:

magikarp vs master chief

Hmm...thats tough... i dont know if Magicarp could survue all the stuff that Spartan ããã£ãŸã‚Œ can use. (I'm sorry *yakes a breath* , i reall dont like Master Chief)

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I'm not sure if that's an answer, and I see no other VS so I'll just do the one above ya.

Gyarados, beats Masterchief

magikarp cuz he could use tackle to throw gyaradose onto dry land where he would die :lol:

and apparently Magikarp beats gyarados :facepalm:

Therefor Magikarp beats Masterchief.

So far so good Magikarp, ye be undefeated!

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MAGIKARP WINS AGAIN! lol (magikarp is the new chuck norris of pokemon)

magikarp vs wolf

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Magicarp wins becaus of his tough scales, wolf cannot pierce the armro.

Magicarp vs. Neutron Bomb (these are built to kill living things. I can go anywhere-even underwater. You so much as breath it in any way, you will die.)

Edited by Reynard
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magikarp cuz he can tail slap the neutron bomb into outer space

magikarp vs gandalf

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Wolf: Only because I wanted to end Magikarp's winning streak

Issac Clarke vs. Gordon Freeman

:trollface: :trollface: :trollface: You answered the wrong question!!! As a penalty I shall answer the question before yours and reboot Magikarps streak of success. Naw, I'm not that evil.

Depends weather you think a crowbar or a... number 1 glove that makes pew pew pew noises is better, I'm going to go with Gordon though, cause I haven't played any games with Isaac Clarke in them so my opinion is more Biased towards Gordon.

So, Gordon freeman, or GanonDorf?

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

Gordon Freeman - His crowbar pretty much is the reason he is the winner (Really, who needs power when you have the crowbar? C'mon!)

Gordon Freeman vs. The Point Man

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Freeman definetly. Point man may beable to use slow-motion to make easy to dispach enemies, but Freeman can still kick @$$ in slow motion xD

Gordon Freeman vs. Gman

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Freeman, becasue the Tau cannon is Waaaaaaybetter than any minigun could ever be.

Gordon Freeman vs. (Combine) Advisor

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Tie bracker becasue they ar both pretty good fighters, but they probably would end up hitting eachother at the same time and they would fly back a the sam time, then shake hands and become friends.

Gordan and Ayane Vs. the full might of the Hecu (if you wish to know what im talking about or wan to know the arsenal, just ask)

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Gordon Freeman - The combine is just too weak to take him down.

Gordon Freeman vs. Ayane

Gorden Freeman

Really, who needs power ninja skills when you have the crowbar? C'mon!

I may have misquoted a little. :)

I think I'm going to have to say something about the lack of warning for when others post before you.

Sooooo Hecu,

Hazardous Environment combat units... Gordon has a hazardous environment suit, but he isn't (supposed to be) a combat unit, and Ayne has no hazard protection, what are you going to do when brawling in hazardous conditions without hazard protection..

Hecu Vs FANG! v <- = downward pointing arrow.

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Probably Link. Mostly becasue he is a warrior who fights for honor and his kingdom. That, and if he dies, anohter will rise from the wreckage; there has been more than one "Link" (or so Mai Ling says). Mercenaries don't fight as hard as non-mercs becaaue they ahve no real drive excespt for high pay, AND Mercenaries are an unpredictable entity (part of why i like them), and could betray you at ANYTIME. so link is the victor.

Link Vs. Marth

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Link wins

Link vs Mega Man

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Link wins again. :lol:

Link VS. picachu (The pokemon and I KNOW I didn't spell it right. :lol: )

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Link wins... again!

Link vs Solid Snake

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Link wins... dang he's gonna win, like, every time!

Maybe this will change things up!

Link vs Fox McCloud! :lol:

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