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should any star fox fan play the SNES games?

Fang O'Donnell


17 members have voted

  1. 1. do you think everyone should play SF & SF2?

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I got in a debate with a mate of mine who says SNES is "Rubbish" due to it's sound quality and lack of good graphics. I told him a true fan should jump at the chance to play the original SF and especially the unreleased, but now emulated SF2. so tell me what you think.

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Did you tell him that it was one of the very first SNES games to take advantage of the new-at-the-time Super FX Chip, which made the fantasy of 3d graphics a reality and that SF2 was the first Starfox game to incorporate that we all know and love/hate in SF64?

But seriously, every SF fan should. I think SF2 is actually cooler than SF64 because it had character selection, Arwing types, Real-Time Strategy elements (i.e. actively changing map), etc.

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Did you tell him that it was one of the very first SNES games to take advantage of the new-at-the-time Super FX Chip, which made the fantasy of 3d graphics a reality and that SF2 was the first Starfox game to incorporate that we all know and love/hate in SF64?

But seriously, every SF fan should. I think SF2 is actually cooler than SF64 because it had character selection, Arwing types, Real-Time Strategy elements (i.e. actively changing map), etc.

Finally! Yes! ^This!

I fully agree SF1&2 were my favorites. his claim to fame is knowing Saurian language (Adventures owners manual) but a true fan PLAYS SF1&2. and if you can't get 2 at least play 1 it's the original. without we'd be nothing but who we are now without the greatest SNES game ever (imo) and that my friends is a world I do not wish to be friends with.

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Do me a favor and wash your friend's mouth out with soap. Anywho, not only should Star Fox fans play the SNES games, but fans of good games in general should play them too.

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Do me a favor and wash your friend's mouth out with soap.

fans of good games in general should play them too.

will do.

& agreed 10000000%

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Truly, the SNES has the BEST sound quality and graphics for its time (not counting CD add-ons). Many of the games look beautiful on the SNES, and, although they're extremely blocky, even Star Fox and Star Fox 2. They were also some of the earliest 3D games, so mocking them in that department is quite shameful. Star Fox 2 quite amazed me, though, with all the cool textures they started to add.

And, yes, EVERY Star Fox fan must play the SNES games. It's like saying, I'm a Mario fan, should I play Donkey Kong?


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EVERY Star Fox fan must play the SNES games. It's like saying, I'm a Mario fan, should I play Donkey Kong?


This is exactly how I feel about it. perfect analogy DiN64

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I went out and re-bought a Super Nintendo and a Star Fox cartridge just to play it since it wasn't available anywhere else but on an emulator :lol:

Fantastic game, regardless of age or graphical qualities, although the SNES certainly had some of the best sound and tech compared to the Genesis (although Genesis does what Nintendon't! :D)

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I miss the Nintendon't slogan

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I got in a debate with a mate of mine who says SNES is "Rubbish" due to it's sound quality and lack of good graphics.

WTF!? The SNES is an old 16-bit console, but in its time it was freaking awesome and the Super FX Chip was da shit.

And I quote ZM Anonymous: SF2 is actually cooler than SF64, and a "modernized" version of it would be even more cooler ( if I hear someone saying the word "Command" I will start biting like a rabid dog ).

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it's sound quality and lack of good graphics

Your friend was born in the future. KILL IT WITH FYAHH!

But yes I would play the SNES SF.

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I swear he's crazy. SF1&2 are like essentials.

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and are usually more original and creative than newer ones...

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and are usually more original and creative than newer ones...


SMB2 was my favorite mario game back in NES days

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Everybody should play SF and SF2. Or at least SF64. Because those were the days when it really shined. The newer ones I like a lot, but after SF64 most people didn't like the series as much. Anyway, I've played SF but I've never played SF2. Just because I don't think it would be right to get an emulator. But then again, it wasn't even released, so.....Would it be wrong to get an emulator? Or would it be ok? :unsure: Not...Really...Sure.......

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Everybody should play SF and SF2. Or at least SF64. Because those were the days when it really shined. The newer ones I like a lot, but after SF64 most people didn't like the series as much. Anyway, I've played SF but I've never played SF2. Just because I don't think it would be right to get an emulator. But then again, it wasn't even released, so.....Would it be wrong to get an emulator? Or would it be ok? :unsure: Not...Really...Sure.......

I look at it this way. Nintendo didn't release the game so it's their loss for being dumb. Get the Emulator you'll LOVE IT!!

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I would take it further...

Any TRUE gamer must play SF and SF2... they are too classic and awesome to ignore :P

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1 vote away from 10-0 I think it's safe to say they're a must.

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Only a blind person would not see how amazing the SNES is...

Fang O'Donnell, your friend is blind :P

And whoever just voted "Nay" :x

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Everybody should play SF and SF2. Or at least SF64. Because those were the days when it really shined. The newer ones I like a lot, but after SF64 most people didn't like the series as much. Anyway, I've played SF but I've never played SF2. Just because I don't think it would be right to get an emulator. But then again, it wasn't even released, so.....Would it be wrong to get an emulator? Or would it be ok? :unsure: Not...Really...Sure.......

No. It's not wrong getting an emulator.

It's wrong playing a game on a emulator if you don't own an original copy... but SF2... well... the original copy doesn't exist... so...

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all right whats with the nay.

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*places $10 on someone trolling because of your "1 away from 10-0" remark*

you're probably right.




you are definately right.

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@ Sergiroth That's what I had in mind. I don't get emulators unless I own the original thing, or I did own it, but I lost it. So yeah, thanks.

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