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the life of an 8th grade nobody


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hey peeps! not really much to tell about school right now because IM ON SPRING BREAK BABY! YEAH!

well i guess i can tell some things that happened the week BEFORE spring break........im not much of a homework type person (look on my about me page)and i fell behind on some VERY importent assignments. like there was one about the civil war (which was worth a good 500 points i think) that was an english and a social studies grade, so to put it lightly........if i didnt get it done, i was screwed and i would fail the 8th grade. There was also a book report that i didn't do (curse my flippin laziness)and was worth 100 points, and the worst part was........ i had 2 days to get BOTH those assighnments done and a couple more assignments done before friday which was the end of the marking period and the day before spring break! so on wednesday i worked on the history/english report for a good hour or two, which is a pretty good time, but on thurseday the book report was horrible! it took me SIX HOURS just to get it done then ten minuets to get the rest of the assignments done! and i got a C on both of the assignments which brought my grade up to a C- or a D+. But i didnt fail! i was literally a day away from failing!

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Glad to hear you didn't fail! I hated middle/high school, but looking back on it now, I am glad I buckled down, did my work and tried to get decent grades. It will take you far! A tip that I learned the hard way (and still am learning the hard way...), don't procrastinate. When you get an assignment, work on it right away...even if it is just a little tiny bit each day. It will break it up so you don't have to spend 6 hours all at once, and the quality of your work will probably improve. Hope this helps! :)

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Glad to hear you didn't fail! I hated middle/high school, but looking back on it now, I am glad I buckled down, did my work and tried to get decent grades. It will take you far! A tip that I learned the hard way (and still am learning the hard way...), don't procrastinate. When you get an assignment, work on it right away...even if it is just a little tiny bit each day. It will break it up so you don't have to spend 6 hours all at once, and the quality of your work will probably improve. Hope this helps! :)

thanks 4 the tip! :P :)

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Today im just chillin by my self because i really have notin' much 2 do on weekends or on days that i dont have school. But im glad its spring break because i have time to catch up on new videogames that i havent beat yet or just sleep (because i have to get up at 5:00 in the morning just to go to work with my mom). My mom is a bus driver and she has THE WORST run on the planet! She drives bus 24 where CRAZY stuff happens, like the kids have FIST FIGHTS on the bus,throwing food,making out(EWWWWW),throwing objects,and alot more.I hate to see her bein' that stressed out and having to yell at the top of her lungs.She is one of the strongest moms on the planet not to mention doing all the house work.but one of the things she can't do is help me on math homework.But anyway tomarrow im goin to get Starfox command :P ! talk to u tomarrow!

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Just remember that your only 13/14 and life goes on. You'll find a cute geeky guy who shares the same passion for nintendo as you and you'll be friends with all his friends.

But remember to focus on school too and not drop out like me... Take it from someone who is 16. YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED if you drop out. AT ALL.

You can kiss your boyfriend AFTER you do your homework (Or he does it for you)

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First of all.......EWWWWW! IM CERTAINLY NOT GETTING MARRIED OR HAVING A BOYFRIEND (mabey)!and second of all im tryin' hard to get my work done but i have somethin' (Asperger's syndrome which is a kind of mental retardation but isn't that serious)which makes it hard to focus,not tryin' to blame it on the disease but kids AND teachers don't understand how I am different and i learn different like most of my friends and both my parents do. My parents had a meeting with the teachers and now the teachers understand, but the problem lies on 2 things.......my laziness, and my forgetfulness (which most of it lies on my laziness i have to admit).But i forget ALOT,believe me. but also kids bully me which make middle school harder for me. they also make fun of me for liking Mario, Legend of zelda and Starfox! And the just don't get it! they ACTUALLY make me ball from all the mean and hurtfull stuff they say, and no one gives a CRAP how they treat me! :evil: NOBODY SAYS "hey lay off"! or "stop it"! THEY JOIN IN INSTEAD! And the teachers witness it but instead of doing THE RIGHT THING, they just watch!I HATE MY SCHOOL, AND SOMEDAY THOSE KIDS WILL BE WORKING AT FREAKIN' MCDONALDS OR BURGER KING (not to be offensive to anyone who does)! While I am working at a good job with high freakin' PAY! :-o :blink: ummmmmmmmmmmmm .............. :oops: hehe srry. its just every time i think about it, it drives me CRAZY! :krystal: is displeased.

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Middle school is a rough time. Heck, so is high school, hate to say it. It really stinks that you have to go through that and that the teachers do nothing. Don't change yourself to please them though. You are right in that they will get what is coming to them in time. Any time you need to rant, know you have friends here who will listen to you and accept you for who you are!

As for not wanting to get married...I thought that too once. Just a few years ago in fact. Now I am engaged :P I did not date in middle school or high school. For some people, perhaps it works...and if it does, good for them! Looking back on those times, and some of the feelings I had for others (just because I didn't date doesn't mean I didn't have some crushes...), I am convinced that most teenagers are too immature to understand what a true, loving relationship really takes. It is not something I would recommend trying. Again, for some people it works...but more often it just seems to end up in using one another. But...don't ever discount what God may have up His sleeve for you. ;) (if you haven't read my story yet, it can be found here)

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Best journal since user's. Mostly because i'm in the 8th grade too. I used to make terrible grades, and you can take medicine a things that make you focus but in the end motavation will help more then anything, but try drinking a coke r somthing before doing your work, might help you focus. as for being lazy, we're 8th graders, its in our blood(from the chamicals)

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Middle school is a rough time. Heck, so is high school, hate to say it. It really stinks that you have to go through that and that the teachers do nothing. Don't change yourself to please them though. You are right in that they will get what is coming to them in time. Any time you need to rant, know you have friends here who will listen to you and accept you for who you are!

As for not wanting to get married...I thought that too once. Just a few years ago in fact. Now I am engaged :P I did not date in middle school or high school. For some people, perhaps it works...and if it does, good for them! Looking back on those times, and some of the feelings I had for others (just because I didn't date doesn't mean I didn't have some crushes...), I am convinced that most teenagers are too immature to understand what a true, loving relationship really takes. It is not something I would recommend trying. Again, for some people it works...but more often it just seems to end up in using one another. But...don't ever discount what God may have up His sleeve for you. ;) (if you haven't read my story yet, it can be found here)

Thank you! i really appreciate the help!

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Hey viewers! just to let u know im up at 6:20 AM this morning,yay :hehe::zzz::morning: (i also have anxiety and yes ajc3000fox i do take medicine its called clonidine, and it works effectivly at the lowest dose. I take it at night because it makes me drowsy)because my mom was up to watch my dad leave for a meeting. I know some of you guys (most of you) go to bed at like 10 or 11 at night,but i have to go to bed at 7:30 on week days and 9:00 on weekends(not on sunday). It sucks because kids make fun of me for that reason also and some think my mom MAKES me go to bed at a certain time which she usually doesn't.I mostly go to bed on my own but sometimes i get yelled at because i want to stay up later.Well later today im goin' to get Starfox Command from gamestop YAY :mrgreen: !i also forgot to tell you what me and mah friends did on april 1st.................we had a prank war! It kinda wasnt fair because the other team had the whole downstairs to themselfs(which also had the kitchen) and my team has the upstairs which was small but not like tiny. they had a whole bunch of stuff to use on us and we didn't have barely anything to use on them. my team soon gave up and we decided to work together to prank their mom. we started by spider webing their whole room with yarn, then seran wrapped their door and the toilets (luckly no one went to the bathroom). their mom and her sister wasnt surprised at all and it kinda spoiled the satisfaction of the prank,oh well. :mrgreen: i am playin' brawl and weird things happen........ well i was playin' Wifi and there are these RANDOM people from who knows where and all they do is taunt,no fighting or anything just taunting and when we play a Sudden death match,we have a race to see who can DIE first. yeah its crazy but i like it that way.im a good brawler(note: melee was a good practice for me)but not when i don't have a partner and when people gang up on me. if any of u viewers have Brawl,put your code or Wii code as a comment! but i am a good fighter and i beat the game in a good time to:3 days!and thats how long it takes me to beat any other game except mario 64 for the nintendo 64 (it got stolen along with OOT, the conroller and the color cords)that took me 6 years (adding times i didnt play it),i was 4 years old when i started playin' video games and thats when i got my N64.but remember: POST UR WII CODE AND/OR SSBB CODE ON MAH PAGE OR ON HERE!

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Before you get Command, i'm sorry. I tear up just thinking about that game....*Runs off into bathroom cry screaming* I CRIED FOR 4 MONTHS OVER THAT GAME!!!!!

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Before you get Command, i'm sorry. I tear up just thinking about that game....*Runs off into bathroom cry screaming* I CRIED FOR 4 MONTHS OVER THAT GAME!!!!!

u can get it from gamestop for $7. yeah i just got it and guess what, my DS was in the red zone as i call it or as u call it ALMOST DEAD! and BIG SHOCKER,i lost the charger......... :angry::x:evil: . :fox: is very displeased. oh yeah and by the way ajc3000fox,i drink to much pop and eat to much junk food as it is ( I weigh a good 103 ibs). I am a SODA ADDICT! Give me pop,any kind,and ill will drink it! no matter how old or how hot (i know its gross but its an oppertunity to have soda.for me thats an oppertunity of a lifetime.and i get ALOT of pop)i will drink it! Also,I will be gone for 2 days so I wont be able to post anything until later tomarrow.so im countin on WXfox4god,ajc3000fox,and nova to update me on the results for the best game on my page. the topic is your favorite starfox game and it's in general starfox. the results currently are:


Starfox 2: 2

Starfox 64: 10

Starfox Adventures: 3

Starfox Assault: 2

Starfox Command:1.

im countin' on u 3 to update me on mah page for ANY new votes. thanks,i would really appreciate it! ;):):P:grin::mrgreen: :krystal:

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u can get it from gamestop for $7. yeah i just got it and guess what, my DS was in the red zone as i call it or as u call it ALMOST DEAD! and BIG SHOCKER,i lost the charger......... :angry::x:evil: . :fox: is very displeased. oh yeah and by the way ajc3000fox,i drink to much pop and eat to much junk food as it is ( I weigh a good 103 ibs). I am a SODA ADDICT! Give me pop,any kind,and ill will drink it! no matter how old or how hot (i know its gross but its an oppertunity to have soda.for me thats an oppertunity of a lifetime.and i get ALOT of pop)i will drink it! Also,I will be gone for 2 days so I wont be able to post anything until later tomarrow.so im countin on WXfox4god,ajc3000fox,and nova to update me on the results for the best game on my page. the topic is your favorite starfox game and it's in general starfox. the results currently are:


Starfox 2: 2

Starfox 64: 10

Starfox Adventures: 3

Starfox Assault: 2

Starfox Command:1.

im countin' on u 3 to update me on mah page for ANY new votes. thanks,i would really appreciate it! ;):):P:grin::mrgreen::krystal:

Only 103? thats not very much at all! well inless you are like 3 feet tall. Besides you still have time to throw away command, before its to late...!

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Hey peeps! im back from Ohio and let me tell u,WORST TRIP BACK HOME EVER! Well it was all fine, my grandma at the wheel and me playin' Starfox Command (which is a pretty fun game)and we went to 2 stores on the way home,a meat store (don't know the name)and krogers.Well here was the problem,we were half way home and my grandma asks "where's my purse"? so im lookin around the car and turns out..........she left her purse in a kart at krogers! She had everything in it,ID,Drivers licens,money,check book,cell phone, ect. (not her keys though).Lucky for us that someone was kind enough to turn it in! :lol: yeah i know what ur thinkin' "well why didn't they take anything"? that,I cannot answer.Anyway,we drove back half way and my grandpa met us half way to bring it to us! im still upset from that experience! later she took me out to KFC and then i went back to her house (which is in coldwater).

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Only 103? thats not very much at all! well inless you are like 3 feet tall. Besides you still have time to throw away command, before its to late...!

im 5'1. And Command is actually pretty fun! ill enjoy it for a month or 2 and finally get bored with it.

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"well why didn't they take anything"? that,I cannot answer.

Nice to know there are still some honest people in the world. Sorry it was such a stressful trip, but glad it all worked out ok in the end!

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Nice to know there are still some honest people in the world. Sorry it was such a stressful trip, but glad it all worked out ok in the end!

its noly bad cuzz you havn't fifnished it...

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Nice to know there are still some honest people in the world. Sorry it was such a stressful trip, but glad it all worked out ok in the end!

i LOL'ed at her when she said she left her brain and her dignity in Ohio! :lol:

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its noly bad cuzz you havn't fifnished it...

oh ive finished it ALOT of times.........and its not hard AT ALL! i felt bad for :krystal: krystal when :fox: fox said "you can stay here or go back to panther" and i wanted to punch him in the face for that! LOL :lol:

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oh ive finished it ALOT of times.........and its not hard AT ALL! i felt bad for :krystal: krystal when :fox: fox said "you can stay here or go back to panther" and i wanted to punch him in the face for that! LOL :lol:

its not a hard game, but its so sad

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Hello peeps! ugh........im back in school and it was a kind of the "get back into the work & homework" type of day.Well it weird but the school hasn't blocked this site yet.....they block every site possible so that means Starfox isn't as popular with people these days,but whatever.I have 6 hours of classes,1st hour is Art,2nd is Pre-algebra,3rd hour is Gym,4th hour is English,5th hour is History and 6th hour is science.I really HATE math because its hard for me to understand but some of it is easy for me but I forget the steps or something.Nothing exciting really happened today but something will happen eventually and I can garantee i will let you guys know.For the rest of my spring break I went to my friends house and we stayed up until 2:30 am and played tetris (find me on www.tetrisfriends.com my screen name is "starfoxchick308").My school is a pretty decent school if you get passed all the fighting and the bullying and the drama.This morning was really jacked up. It was storming like CRAZY! I mean their was HUGE flashes of lightning,HUGE gashes of thunder, and the rain came down HARD! I woke up with a wet neck from all the sweat because it was hot in my room (removing thermal sheets today),and the storm didn't help me either. So I wanted to see if I could sleep on the floor of my mom's room because she had the fan. Turns out, she was awake befor me and she was ok with it.Later I just gave up on trying to sleep so i started getting ready instead.My mom took me to the gas station on her way to work to get the usuall, a soda and one food item of my choice.I hope you guys had a good school day! :D:P :wink:

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HEY GUYS! I need YOUR help! im havin problems with my WiFi. well im in the computer room which is the biggest hotspot in the house and i still can't get on wifi. my mom put a password on our computer's wifi and she told me the password. so i put in the password and it said that i have incorrect settings. so i tried to re-do the settings and it now won't let me on WiFi so im screwed and now just got locked out of mah wifi on mah DS! someone HELP ME!

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Hello people of SF-O! this message is especially to my friends DoctorAllosaurus, Sylum, Crazyfoonic, “Userâ€, LoneWolf, Nova, FoxMcCloud, Reynard, Sluggsnipa, Shadow Matrix, Serigroth, matthiasrocks, Rusheo, Star Fox Elite, Deployitnow94, FoxsDumbSeriesMaker,and WXfox4God (and my best friend Mindy). I am thanking you guys and the rest of SF-O for making a place where I fit in. My friends here are cocidered family to me and SF-O makes me feel like I can talk to people who care. I am a Star Fox fan at heart and people think they can change that about me, but you know what, they cant! they cant change me so instead they make fun of me to the point where i'm ashamed to like Star Fox and mario and zelda and sonic! but i shouldn't be! they have NO RIGHT to tell me or you otherwise! I am TERRIFIED of my school and im always thinking " ok whats gunna happen today " or " what should I where so i don't embarrass myself any further " but they shouldn't do any of the things they do in the first place! i shouldn't have to come home BALLING because of the hurtful stuff they do! no and I think we all know it's time to END IT! the teachers think they help by just speaking to the child or children but all they do is make it worse! the kids find ANY WAY to make fun of you! so don't let it bother you, I have taken it for to long and will take it no more! if you agree then leave a comment on my page or my blog. oh yeah and i DIDNT go to school today.

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