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the life of an 8th grade nobody


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HOLY CRAP! as u can tell im friggin happy because I FINALLY GOT MY COMPUTER TO LET ME ON SF-O! the prob was that my internet was being gay and i couldnt get on sf-o because it had this error message saying " [#2000] you are not allowed on this fourm" and i didnt get banned. so somethin was up with my cookies and i deleted them like DZ told me to and it didnt work. so for about a month i wasnt able to get on. until today. i was REALLY P-O'ed that i couldnt get on so at the bus garage i was talking on the commlink and i had to leave shortly after. so when i got home internet explorer wasnt working so i got on firfox and guess what........... it let me. so now im screaming "THANK YOU" and banging my head on the wall at the same time thinking "WTF WHY DIDNT I TRY THAT BEFORE"! so now that shows how dumb i can really be sometimes.

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hey guys! so im gunna tell you an interesting story. well my Gma took me with her to K mart and i got a new bikini and some outfits. my mom flipped out about the bikini because it "showed to much" (it didnt) and my mom and dad were gunna take it back but it was my B-day present so they are thinking about it now. so that tells me that they arent gunna take it back

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys....im REALLLLY bored so there might not be much here.......well my B-Day is in a week and im HOPING to get a 3DS because they are REALLY cool! people say they hurt their eyes from the 3D but i dont believe them....B-Day date is: June 18th 1997 and my dad FORGETS that its the 18th not the 17th!and i get to go campng right after school ends on thursday next week. well now im grounded for having three D's right now in school and the rest are B's and C's.....so im grounded from the Wii until next thursday but i can handle it because i have you guys to talk to. yay! so i was playing Twilight Princess for wii earlier today (before i got grounded) and i am almost done with the game. now all i have left to do is fight Ganon...........i think. oh BTW if you didn't know already im dating Snipe Lombradi! yay! i love you baby! well thats all for now! c'ya! :lock::wink::razz::mrgreen:

oh and i never told you my name! my name is Aliyah and im 13 years old. yes i spell my name weird and i have THE longest name on the planet! (why me) if i can spell it right here it is......JK! im not gunna tell you my full name cause of the privacy rule in my house! but my first name is 7 words long! (when im 18 im SOOOOOO changing my name!) but anyway PLEASE comment.....i haven't had comments on my blog in like......forever! so please comment!

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Ok guys....im REALLLLY bored so there might not be much here.......well my B-Day is in a week and im HOPING to get a 3DS because they are REALLY cool! people say they hurt their eyes from the 3D but i dont believe them....B-Day date is: June 18th 1997 and my dad FORGETS that its the 18th not the 17th!and i get to go campng right after school ends on thursday next week. well now im grounded for having three D's right now in school and the rest are B's and C's.....so im grounded from the Wii until next thursday but i can handle it because i have you guys to talk to. yay! so i was playing Twilight Princess for wii earlier today (before i got grounded) and i am almost done with the game. now all i have left to do is fight Ganon...........i think. oh BTW if you didn't know already im dating Snipe Lombradi! yay! i love you baby! well thats all for now! c'ya! :lock::wink::razz::mrgreen:

oh and i never told you my name! my name is Aliyah and im 13 years old. yes i spell my name weird and i have THE longest name on the planet! (why me) if i can spell it right here it is......JK! im not gunna tell you my full name cause of the privacy rule in my house! but my first name is 7 words long! (when im 18 im SOOOOOO changing my name!) but anyway PLEASE comment.....i haven't had comments on my blog in like......forever! so please comment!

school is over for you yet?! its been over in georgia for 4 weeks

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@ ajc3000fox yeah...we start later though. we start in september.

anyway hay guys! well not much to tell but its my last week of school and i have the finalls all week (except thrusday and friday) oh joy! wish me luck on those. ummmmm.....let's see what else......oh yeah my b-day is in 6 days and ill be camping starting thursday and will be gone til saturday or sunday. and it's Snipe's and I's one month anniversary! he is the best bf i have ever had and will ever have! (well because he's my first bf) well i gotta go! c'ya!

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  • 2 weeks later...

well not much to tell but im having fun scaring the heck outta my mom! lol. i usually find her watching her movies in the kitchen (yes she has a tv (aka a mini flat screen) in the kitchen, she gets bored while cleaning), not noticing im standing right in the doorway of the kitchen. So i usually say hi and she gasps and turns around, only to see me. then she says "holy crap you scared me" or something like that and i laugh. i dont MEAN to over half the time so dont judge, i love my mom but she scares me like that all the time so i have to get a little revenge, right? anyway im listening to the Shooting Star Summit theme for an odd reason.....it just sounds so pretty. Shooting Star Summit is also my favorite place in paper mario 64, i mean its gorgeous! but thats my oppinion. Usually im a "interested in the stars" kinda girl, they are beautiful on a clear night....but ive never actually HAD a clear night to see them....so its hard to experience it and know what it feels like to see them, if i CANT see them. one day i will, i will promise myself that. anyway im going to go for now.....c'ya!

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The first time Steve saw the stars at night, he was totally mesmerized. :) He lives in the city, and I live in the country where if the nights are clear, you can see the stars very brightly. I hope you get to see it one day!

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  • 1 month later...

@sara yeah i know! i might go into astrology when i get older, me and mindy are into the stars and stuff.

HEY GUYS! first off let me just say that mountain dew DOES HELP YOU STAY UP IF U HAVE HAD TWO OF THEM IN THE LAST HOUR! anyway since i have school starting up soon, yesterday i had to go school shopping! every year, my great grandma takes me out to the mall in Battle Creek and takes me school shopping, spending hundreds and HUNDREDS of dollars in the process. then afterwards we go out to Applebee's and get ourselves some lunch. But this year was different, My great grandma Marlyin allowed me to pick one friend and take them with me on the fantastic shopping spree and they were allowed to pick out anything they wanted. Since Hope was un-available at the time, it hit me. mindy's birthday was the day before yesterday and of course (me and my forgetful ass) i didnt have a present for her. So, i thought to myself, mabey instead of finding something FOR her, she could pick out her OWN gifts, and after i told her, she became excited, waiting for the next day to come. The drive up was fun, filled with laughter and joy....i was happy to see my friend enjoying it already. When we reached the mall, we had walked around JCpenny, after finding a couple outfits. I had gotten her something that looks similar to mine. it was an amethyst pendant (her favorite color is a deep purple), cut into the shape of a tear. It looked similar to the one i have. I have an aquamarine colored one (one of my fav shades of blue) cut into the exact shape hers was cut into. She tried to pay us back, but my grandma wouldn't accept it, it was her birthday yesterday so she doesn't need to pay us back for the preasents she recieved. after JCpenny, we hit Payless for the payless bogo (its when you buy one pair of shoes and get one half off). Im not the "girly" type so i got sneakers. As we were leaving, i had saw a packet of friendship bracelets, so i had gotton them and we each wear one to symbolise the bond we have. As soon as we were done there, we hit applebee's for some lunch. i ordered a 7ounce serloin cooked medium rare with a side of fries, she had ordered The penne but she removed the chicken, due to she was a vegetarian. After we ate, as we were making our leave, we had saw a HotTopic near us. we walked in, looking around for anything in particular that caught our eye. I had soon spotted a very nice Zelda T-shirt that was green with a yellow Triforce Symbol from Twilight princess on it. Mindy had also found something she had liked. it was a black T-shirt bearing two rifles on the top next to eachother, and under the rifels there was large text that read "stay calm and kill zombies". I had gotton that for her and i had also gotton the Zelda T-shirt for myself. We soon headed home where i had spent the night at mindy's house. We skyped with a couple friends from SF-O during the time we were laughing at random things. it was a very fun day, and im glad i had brought mindy along. She seemed to enjoy it so i decided, if possible, we would bring her with us to the mall, every year, on the same day! i hope she would like that ;)

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Mountain Dew has no shortage of caffeine so yes it should help an adolescent stay up later. That's what I used to do, drink soda so I wouldn't have to sleep. It worked. To an extent. Otherwise sounds like you had an exciting day of shopping.

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Mountain Dew has no shortage of caffeine so yes it should help an adolescent stay up later. That's what I used to do, drink soda so I wouldn't have to sleep. It worked. To an extent. Otherwise sounds like you had an exciting day of shopping.

Coffee is better for stuff like this, it has anywhere from 3-6 times (and even more for Starbucks) caffeine than the equivalent of mountain dew.

Caffeine pills also help: http://www.ehow.com/how_8210_caffeine-pills-safely.html

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Cool blog! I like to read about what goes on in other 8th grader's lives. :-) So yup wishing you good times or somethin' :-P I love those Nintendo games you talked about too. :wink:

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@Aj whats your skype name? I MUST HAVE!

mabye is ajc3000fox but i'm not sure. i'll send a pm if i find out

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  • 6 months later...

Ah, it's been quite some time since ive posted in this lovely little journal, hasn't it now ;) well, anyway, hello! now, there are some members I have not really seen (since ive been inactive for about a month or so), but If you're a new member reading this lovely lil journal, then I welcome you as well!

Now, to pick things up, things have been going pretty good at home, though we have had some uhhhh........events that kinda screwed it up, by which one of them (started Tuesday) was my academics. Yes, i'm having a rough time keeping up on my homework. It's been pileing up and ive been working through it as much as I can. I have also had some interesting things happen over my weekend (1-2 weekends ago), which involved the cops. Now, i know what some of you are thinking when you see the words "involved the cops", but this was not my doing. 17 year old went to jail for several cases of "B&E (Breaking and Entering), and somthing else (not sayin nuthiiiiin ;) )" No, he didnt literally "break into" a house, it was a very old house on the street my friend Hope lived on.

Then after that, Kerstin (another one of my friends), couldn't keep her mouth shut after me and Hope told her to, and the whole school knew. It was really hard because I didnt want anyone besides the witnesses to know and I bet some of you guys would feel the same way too. It was fine after a couple days though, because no one talked about it \(^o^)/ yay! Anyway, moving away from that topic, me and my parents have been able to connect a lot more, though how it happened, i have NO idea. The battles have become less and less between us, but we all have our faults, right?

Now to introduce a new topic to talk about! For my school Choir, we are starting a fundraiser for our trip to Cleaveland in May! (it was GUNNA be Chicago but they friggin changed it D':) we also have festival this Tuesday (i think). ok, and to not confuse you with a funfest, Festival is an event for School Choral Groups everywhere in the state of Michigan to Compete. Not head to head, well, sorta like that. We sing for the judges, and then they score us based on things they are looking for, 1 being the best and 5 being the worst on the scale. if you get all 1's, you get a perfect score and get a chance to go to state festival, if you get all 5's, i think you go home with nothing.

There are 50-200 Choir's comming to festival, so we will need all the practice we can get ;D. It will be really fun, and we get to miss a whole day of school :D YAY! after festival, we get to get Mcdonalds or Wendy's :D yay! im so excited! well, im out! cya ;D

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There are 50-200 Choir's comming to festival, so we will need all the practice we can get ;D. It will be really fun, and we get to miss a whole day of school :D YAY! after festival, we get to get Mcdonalds or Wendy's :D yay! im so excited! well, im out! cya ;D

Cool! Hope things go well.

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