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Bronies... UNITE!


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Dude, next time preachers show up at your door call the cops on them for trespassing. That's horrible.

ETA: I just realize that that quote probably came from another site. SEND ALONG MY MESSAGE.

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White-Dove is holding a custom Pony Plush giveaway.


All you need to do is watch them on DA, and comment on that journal. Then a winner is randomly selected, and you select which Mane Six character you want, or Derpy.

This means that if you won, Xort, you could get yourself a personal Rarity, and the same for Shen with Appajack, or *insert person here* with *insert character here*.

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OMG Vy you always find such cool shit. I love you bro.

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Gotta love Desktop ponies.

Mind tossing me the link to the most recent one? Last I saw it was down.

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What happens when you cross My Little Pony with Casshern Sins?............You get this!


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What happens when you cross My Little Pony with Casshern Sins?............You get this!


Wait, Wut? i can't see!!! Can you scootch over a bit Fluttershy?






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I just finished my first ever attempt at drawing some MLP fanart. The stressful part was trying to make the image smaller without ruining the smoothness of the outlines, and let me tell you this thing was HUGE at first!


There are also other versions of this piece as well:

Neon Rainbow Dash:


Neon Rainbow Dash Wallpaper:


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You should beat it. Quite an... interesting ending.

GAAAAHHHH!!! Why did the uploader make that second part? Its too difficult.

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I just finished my first ever attempt at drawing some MLP fanart. The stressful part was trying to make the image smaller without ruining the smoothness of the outlines, and let me tell you this thing was HUGE at first!


There are also other versions of this piece as well:

Neon Rainbow Dash:


Neon Rainbow Dash Wallpaper:


That's a style that I think if you were to refine and focus on it, could become something of a big name brony artist. Just need to work on the wings, jaw, and rear leg scaling a bit.

GAAAAHHHH!!! Why did the uploader make that second part? Its too difficult.

There's actually a third part, too. Funnily enough, people kept complaining about the stairs but I took 'em on the first go.

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So a while back, Rainbow Dash's theme was released for Fighting is Magic.

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Opinions on the fighting is magic Alpha leak anyone? You have no idea the amount of self control i'm dishing out, but i want to be suprised. So i'm going to respect the staffers original intentions and not download it. BUT I WANT TO SO BAD. I'll probably give them till next summer. If the game isn't out by then...i'll have to reconsider.

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It's online only leak, if you didn't no. No story mode to practice on at all. Not that I downloaded it myself, just what I hear from ponychan /g/.

Also, awesome Derpy gif.



Apparently Lauren Faust has said that AJ's parents are in fact dead, but they haven't gone into that due to some of the younger viewers, though there was a funeral happening during the Perfect Stallion song, so they may explore what happened to AJ's parents one day.

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Huh, i'm not sure if i want to know. Families are just like that they don't always need a biological "mother" or "father." Granny Smith is a great mother figure and Big Mac stepped up to the plate as father. But more power to them if the want to explore excatly how they passed, which was probably as martyrs or in some accident

I'm personally more curious about RD's past tho:


Sweet Celestia, this music is EPIC. I'm addicted to everything from "soGreatandPowerful". Its the greatest Applejack remix...EVAR...Applez, applez, applez......Applez, applez, applezzz...SWEETZ.


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Dear Bronies,

I have on numerous occasions been delighted and charmed by your fandom, about as often as I have been repulsed and disgusted by it. As an outsider, a person who has watched MLP casually, as a show with a charming cast, above average animation quality, witty humour, and most important of all, a message to young women that they need not conform to a world that insists that they become walking wombs, I recognize that it is a Good Show, perhaps the best of the decade. This does not, however, deter me from remarking on the fact that your fandom contains disturbing elements.

As a member of SFO, and AL before that, I have some knowledge of the mechanics, the advantages, and disadvantages, of fandom. The fandom of this particular site, of which all of you are surely aware, contains a small but not insignificant number of those who name themselves Furries. Most of these are perfectly agreeable people of good manners and wit, whose bedroom habits are in not a small way announced by their membership of this particular subculture. This does not mean that they are subhuman scum, as you will all agree. However, there are some people within this subculture (and some of you will nod, others balk, and yet more shed tears of disbelief and disgust at the following) who are not Good People. Deny it all you will, but the furry fandom has its problems.

Some of you may frequent other sites that in whole or some degree devote themselves to the Brony fandom. A number of you may have come across people who strike you as odd, who exhibit what some might call an unhealthy attachment to the PLOT of My Little Pony. Others among you may have borne witness to the statement that MLP is 'not for little girls, it is for us adults because it had a Big Lebowski reference in it.' A fraction of you might have wept bitter tears at the reclassification of Derpy into Ditzy Whateverhernameis. Yet more of you will have no idea what I'm talking about, and that is fine.

Just keep in mind this;

Fandom has a tendency of pulling you into a world you might not initially agree with or fully understand. You might initially be naïve or simply so starved for some kind of social interaction that you are unwilling to object to some injustice or element of nastiness you have witnessed in the group you have just entered. And that is fine, for a time, however, what is not fine, is that, as you spend time in the fandom and gain experience, that at a latter point, you remain silent to horrors such as the following:

Right now, the only show on the air that agrees white people have a right to exist is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The ponies are distinctly european in culture, aesthetic, sensibility and tradition, and clear racial analogies are shown. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic celebrates whites and white culture without disparaging other peoples and cultures, and this is why I write about it.

It’s also a crying shame that this celebration of whites can only happen through the subterfuge of a childrens show - Hiding it in plain sight.



Remember, even though the majority may boo you down, you still have a voice. Don't be silent to the misogynists, the racists, the pedophiles, the horse-humpers, and worst of all, the fashion-mutilators of your fandom. Let them hear your voice of discontent, or Dischord if you will; but above all, don't be silent.

With respect,

- Some Internet Asshole

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This is... highly accurate. I agree with everything you have pointed out about both these fandoms, the furries and the bronies. You are correct that they have negative and positive influences. I'm quite disgusted myself with what I see most of the time.

All I can really say to this is: bravo. Well done my good sir.

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The fandom can have incredibly stupid and/or messed up people?


Since when is that new to any fandom, ever? I'm sure cavemen in the wheel fandom had one that suggested it'd be better if it was square, and another that was drawing erotic fan-cave-pics of it.

And as for the WWII thing, I can understand his viewpoint (note that there's a difference between understanding and agreeing with/sharing that view). Some people, just honestly do not care about other people, especially events that happened over half a century ago.

And dern it, you had to bring up serious WWII things in here. For reasons I will not go into, that is a touchy and uncomfortable subject for me, and short of WWII weapons technology, I do not bring up or engage in WWII discussion if you watch.

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I just got back from a wedding and had 2 Smirnoffs. I'll read it tomorrow.

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Since when is that new to any fandom, ever? I'm sure cavemen in the wheel fandom had one that suggested it'd be better if it was square, and another that was drawing erotic fan-cave-pics of it.

I'm sorry but I'm getting the sense here that you're trying to excuse or explain away the terribleness of certain parts of your fandom by saying 'well every fandom is terrible!!' I'm well aware of that fact and that's why I came here to share my concerns. What I'm trying to say is if you come across some horrid brony whose behaviour is unsupportable you tell him you do not appreciate it. Most fandoms today that are terrible are terrible because the silent majority has allowed weirdos and troglodytes to hijack their fandom because the modus operandi of fandoms are to accept everyone regardless of how disturbed or nasty they are. While the message of MLP is largely 'love and tolerate,' there are a ton of bronies who seem to have had that message fly right over their heads and try their damnedest to make MLP something it's not. Homophobic rants against Rainbow Dash, the very existence of Fallout Equestria, and raging because someone drew Twilight as a dark-skinned character, anyone?

You can hemm and haww as much as you want along the lines of 'I would never think/support such a thing, what the hell is Faisul going on about now, the whiny twat' but the fact is as long as you remain silent about stuff like this, you are pretty much allowing it to continue. I'm not advocating some massive fandom civil war or trying to agitate an uprising, just asking you all to say 'that's not okay, this is not what MLP or bronies are about' when you come across some atrocity.

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You were making it out as if bronies were on a whole different tier of terribleness. The worst of the bronies are no worse than the worst of *insert fandom here* You also seemed to be saying that the reason the people are stupid is because no one ever went up to them and did this:


It's not. Environment can help or hinder, however you look at it, but there's more than enough people that turn out some way completely against what their environment would have you believe that it can not be used as an excuse. The people are stupid, because they are stupid.

I have no issue with telling dumbflanks to sit and spin, and I have done it often. I do, however, have an issue with someone coming in being Mr. Demandy Pants about doing it. Who made you the Grande High Shit of Shitsville that you can come in, put the blame for the idiocy of these people on the fandom and put the blame for the beliefs of these people on the fandom for not telling them no. That is something that annoys the ever-living shit out of me, and I suggest you start reading your posts again to make sure you're not being too big for your britches.

Your last post may of ended saying that you're just asking people to, but the entirety of both your posts are saying, "Get off your asses, go out there and tell people no, because if you don't, you're just as much to blame for it as them." Fuck. That. If you're going to point fingers, point them in the right God damned direction, and if you want to continue this discussion I suggest doing it in another topic as this has absolutely nothing to do with bronies other than they're the fandom you chose as the example. But you pick any other fandom and you will find these issues. Any of them, even a damned Teletubby fandom.


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