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It's official. The mother of all bombshells has been dropped. Fasten your jimmies, deploy your umbrella and activate the flame shield because this is gonna be a big one.

Twilight Sparkle...

Will be voiced by Morgan Freeman.




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Kind of a version of Dras' "Goofy Headcanons" type deal. What's your canon for some of the ponies, whether a popular one or not.


I'll start with a bit, Lyra and Bon-Bon are of course a couple, and Bon-Bon is part of a set of at least seven identical sisters, the Bons, named (thus known), Bon-Bon, Bonnie, Bombe, Bonelle, Bon Suite, Bon-Bond, and Bonita. (Source: http://sliceofponylife.tumblr.com/post/31050598403/the-cakes-and-the-seven-grumpy-bons-sorry-that)


Also, Sweetie Bot is canon, unfortunately I can't find a video relating to her being canon.

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Because I can't quote anymore...



"Kind of a version of Dras' "Goofy Headcanons" type deal. What's your canon for some of the ponies, whether a popular one or not.


I'll start with a bit, Lyra and Bon-Bon are of course a couple, and Bon-Bon is part of a set of at least seven identical sisters, the Bons, named (thus known), Bon-Bon, Bonnie, Bombe, Bonelle, Bon Suite, Bon-Bond, and Bonita. (Source: http://sliceofponylife.tumblr.com/post/31050598403/the-cakes-and-the-seven-grumpy-bons-sorry-that)


Also, Sweetie Bot is canon, unfortunately I can't find a video relating to her being canon."





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Aww, generous Rarity.


lol Sweetie Bot canon?  Sweetie Bot's awesome, but somehow I doubt this :P

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Well I don't know about you all, but the /mlp boards last night were just down-right freezy popping. And once I caught wind of the Twilight Alicorn scandal (shit) and HUMANS in season 4 (Cannot verify), im just *sigh* I guess I'm bailing this train. Unless shit is resolved or clarified my name tag is near the door.


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Well I don't know about you all, but the /mlp boards last night were just down-right freezy popping. And once I caught wind of the Twilight Alicorn scandal (shit) and HUMANS in season 4 (Cannot verify), im just *sigh* I guess I'm bailing this train. Unless shit is resolved or clarified my name tag is near the door.


I for one welcome our new Twilight Princess.



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Aww, generous Rarity.


lol Sweetie Bot canon?  Sweetie Bot's awesome, but somehow I doubt this :-P



It was of a video showing a scene from FiM where Sweetie was poking herself in the chest, and producing a very inorganic sound. Obviously not literally canon, but it's fun to think of Sweetie as a little android with so much strength inside of her that should you not love her, you will come to fear her instead.





Well I don't know about you all, but the /mlp boards last night were just down-right freezy popping. And once I caught wind of the Twilight Alicorn scandal (shit) and HUMANS in season 4 (Cannot verify), im just *sigh* I guess I'm bailing this train. Unless shit is resolved or clarified my name tag is near the door.



I don't do /mlp/ myself (from what I hear, far too much stuff on /mlp/ that would make me want to forcibly delete my memories), but I wouldn't worry too much about what's coming. And I definitely wouldn't put much stock in the rumours that there'll be humans in Equestria.

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Found this.


​GENTLEMEN! Soon we will ride to Rhode Island and clame it for the Legion! PREPARE FOR WAR!

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I don't get why everyone is so bent out of shape by Twilicorn. Yes, it has potential to suck, but so did the show in the first place. It turned out well enough, no?


Like, really. It has got promise, and even if Lauren didn't intend for it to happen it does fit thematically with Celestia and Luna. So why all the fuss? I'm honestly curious.

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I'm still highly skeptical on Twilight becoming an alicorn. Wouldn't surprise me if the creators were being trolls about it right now just to mess with people. That being said, I'd probably like that more than the

recoloured Sweetie Belle Daughter of Shining Armour and Cadence, Princess Skyla.

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Well, don't tell youtube, buuuut...in the realm of serious, formal discussion... I am, for the most part, ambivalent. I don't mind the princess coronation but a tiny bit of me wants the wings to either -not- happen, or for them to just be something temporal. Jumping on the overreaction bandwagon is quite fun, tho.^^ But High Executor is right boys, work on your QWERTY; because even in the likelihood that I'll end up loving Ali-Sparkle and continue watching the show...I can't say the same for all.


Anyway, my headcanons:


- Each Wonderbolt excels at specific aerial maneuvers (i.e.- Sorain is a glider, Spitfire is a diver,et cetera~ et cetera~~).


- The griffons are a nomad race of creatures prone to instinctual self-righteousness in-order to protect themselves.


- Therefore, Gilda non est bitcho.


- Having a horn makes the unicorn naturally more adept at magic, but does not necessarily rule out others.


- RD's parents are rich elites of cloudsdale and they don't approve of her athletic career. Nonetheless, their "small" allowance of the family fortune is enough to afford RD's lavish cloud-house in Ponyville.

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Well I know the reason that I dislike Twilicorn is that now she isn't really part of the mane six. What I mean is that even though she was the most important out of the six, but now she could be considered a god. It just doesn't feel right to have such a powerful figure in the six. The balance of Pegasus, Unicorn, and Earthen ponies is no more. We have past the point of no return. There's no going back on this train fellas. It won't be the same. 

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Getting wings =/= leaving the group. It would have been a good way to end the series, true, but considering season 4 is happening (and I read somewhere that it was confirmed for 26 episodes) I think it's safe to say that yes, Twi still is one of the mane six. And as for being considered a god, that's pretty debatable. I like to think that Celestia and Luna, yes, are quite godlike, but Cadance seems to be quite underwhelming compared to them - maybe a demigod at most - and Celestia and Luna had to rely on the group to take out Discord, rather than being able to do it themselves. The main six are sort of like a small group of demigods in their own rights already.


And, once again, I must stress that you're making all these conclusions waaaaaay preemptively. Like I said, if you had never given the show a chance to begin with, you never would have discovered that it is indeed good. Why not give the writers who've done so well so far a chance, and wait until the episode airs - or even, maybe, wait until we see the impact it has on season 4 - to decide whether or not you like it? You seem to be jumping the gun pretty hardcore here.

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I think people are SERIOUSLY underestimating Sombra because of his lack of lines and backstory.

He enslaved an empire. He hid the only weapon able to beat him out of reach. He made sure no one would be able to get to it and use it without him knowing and stopping them.







Also, Cate Mulgrew as Celestia.

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So it seems Hasbro has issued Mane6 a cease-and-desist order.


I believe it has to do with some law where if they didn't, Hasbro could lose the rights to the characters or the show itself.


However, there is a petition up, and while it likely won't do any good, what harm is there in signing it?



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Its been a good year Hasbro. I guess it finally got impressive enough to be considered a threat. But, nice prospective switch on the episode today.

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Equestria Daily covers the reason why Hasbro cracked down on Fighting is Magic.




The opening paragraph acknowledges that it's speculation so I'm not gonna take their word for it completely. I'm actually waiting for Hasbro's response.

In the meantime, Equestrian games.




Now back to the drama of the past few weeks. As we all know, the documentary issue, Twilicorn and the recent C&D caused quite a bit of chaos amongs bronies.


Recall that Discord was released and reformed to not cause evil.


Magic Duel showed that Pinkie is not the only one with 4th-wall breaking abilities. Twilight has been shown to break it too.

HOWEVER, Discord is practically a GOD! STRONGER than Twilight.

Not only a GOD, but THE GOD OF CHAOS!



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i  dont  want  to  be  a  broine!!!!   only  a  anti one  forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the  ponys  are  too  cute!!!!!!  we  should  not  look  at  them &  run  away from  them  &  head   to  a  diffrent  demention!!!!!!

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If you don't like ponies, fine. But don't come into a topic for pony fans and try to start shit. You'll just get smacked around a bit and everyone will get all pissy.


If you don't wanna deal with the ponytalk, just stay out of the topic.

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What Xort said, and also this:



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