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Bronies... UNITE!


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If you hate ponies, then why in the world did you click on a topic devoted to bronies? Just avoid it.


And yeah, you're on the Internet, which implies access to a computer. You should easily be able to type legibly. Please do.

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xort  rariaty  is  too  pissy  &  twilight is  hell  confused  day  after day  &  the  2  queens  have  no  husbands!!!!!!

xort  I  hate  them!!!!

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Again, if you hate ponies then quit fucking posting in a pony topic. It's simple, easy logic. If you don't like something, then fucking avoid it.


Also, your profile says you're 16 years old. Don't they teach you basic English skills by that age? Can you really do no better at typing than appearing like an uneducated baboon smacking the keyboard?

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wtf xort  i  fucking  hate  ponys!!!!!   cause  they  battle  tf2  &  mess  up   crossovers  they  shouldnt  exist!!!

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Normally I reserve this practice for intelligent posts - you know, ones with even a tiny semblance of thought or legibility - but why the fuck not? Let's dissect your post, point by point, if you can call them that.



wtf xort  i  fucking  hate  ponys!!!!! 


Yes. We have established this. So do many of the members of this forum. You wanna know the differences between you and them? They avoid the topic, and most of them don't type like a 5 year old.


cause  they  battle  tf2 


Um... what? No really, what?


mess  up   crossovers 


As with this topic, if you don't like a crossover then just don't partake in one. Super simple stuff.


they  shouldnt  exist!!!


Why, just because you don't like them?


Look, not liking ponies is fine. Some of my best friends don't like ponies. Wanna know a secret? They don't browse a forum, see a pony topic, then start posting in it. That way, they don't have to deal with ponies. SIMPLE SHIT BRO.


And please, please. I'm not asking you to be a paragon of perfect writing, but put a little effort into making your posts comprehensible. 

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xort  for  the  last  fucking  time!!!!  I  hate  them  cause  they  battle  tf2  &  mess  up  crossovers!!!!!!!!!!!

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xort  for  the  last  fucking  time!!!!  I  hate  them  cause  they  battle  tf2  &  mess  up  crossovers!!!!!!!!!!!


What the fuck does that even mean? Post in words that make sense, you incoherent mess! You are, supposedly, 16 years old. Act like it.

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wtfing  hell  xort !!!!   I  hate them  cause   1.  they  battle  tf2  2.they shit &  fuck crossovers!!!!!!!!

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Protip: When someone asks you what you mean, saying the same thing over and over again does not make your point any clearer.


 1.  they  battle  tf2 


They battle TF2? What does that mean? If I interpret it literally, it means the ponies themselves are actually waging a war on TF2, which is an utterly ridiculous notion seeing as A) Both are fictional creations and thus can't actually wage war with each other and B) they have nothing to do with each other and likely never will, considering they are two different genres, two different mediums, and are aimed at entirely different audiences.


That's obviously not the point you're trying to make, so using different words, please explain what it means for ponies to "battle TF2."


2.they shit &  fuck crossovers!!!!!!!!


And I assume this means you don't like seeing them get crossed over with various other franchises. To this, I can only say "Deal with it." You don't have to look at crossover art, and you don't have to read crossover fanfiction. If you let that bother you, then it's not the bronies at fault: it's your own inability yo just ignore something you don't like.

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Grebe NO, I told you that the forums demand more maturity than the chat.  The administrators will delete your account and you want be able to post here anymore if you keep this up. Trust me. I know.


If you want to troll it out... then fine. There are places for that. But please, not here. I won't hesitate reporting you. 

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shen  man   ya  right  i  should  be  nice  &  i see  yar  pic  it's  a  pigen  or  a  swan???

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You still have yet to explain, in the slightest, what it means to battle TF2. Are you really 16, like your profile says? I'm beginning to suspect that you're actually more in the 10-year old range.

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xort  please  listen  to me   1.  im  16 yrs  old  2 can  we  please  no  talk  about  ponys &  tf2

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We have to talk about ponies. This is a pony topic. As for TF2, you're the one who brought it up. Explain yourself, or get the fuck out of this topic.

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I'm not really the one to butt into something like this. But for the love of crap Sam Grebe.....




This is suppose to be a thread where bronies can share all things MLP, not some place where you can post nonsense that non of us can even understand. There are other places for that!

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