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Everyone's Thoughts On The Starfox DS Games

Guest Brittsta113

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Guest Brittsta113

Well, what are everyone's thoughts on Starfox Command and the soon to be remake of Starfox 64 for the 3DS? ( Even though nobody has played it, yet )

For myself, I disliked Command... 3/10. The controls were terrible, the story was meh, graphics ..well they're on the DS what do you expect, however the alternate endings were a neat idea but would of been nice to know if they chose a "real ending".

I don't know. What are everyone's thoughts? Disappointed? Or am I the only crazy one who waited for a game after assault and got disappointed and waited like 6 years for a new one and get slapped with a remake?

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This should be in Star Fox Portable, but whatever.

I think Command is decent, nothing great, but an alright game overall.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

Command, not so good.

SF643DS...not really hyping up for it. I don't expect it to be good cause it's a remake.

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Guest Brittsta113

  On 4/6/2011 at 2:58 AM, deployitnow94 said:

This should be in Star Fox Portable, but whatever.

I think Command is decent, nothing great, but an alright game overall.

Yeah sorry, I'm not much a form person & I'm trying to get used to this new set up. I haven't been on this in ages. Sorry if it offended you ..

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  On 4/6/2011 at 3:07 AM, Brittsta113 said:

Yeah sorry, I'm not much a form person & I'm trying to get used to this new set up. I haven't been on this in ages. Sorry if it offended you ..

That's ok lol

You didn't offend ^_^

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  On 4/6/2011 at 2:54 AM, Brittsta113 said:

Well, what are everyone's thoughts on Starfox Command and the soon to be remake of Starfox 64 for the 3DS? ( Even though nobody has played it, yet )

For myself, I disliked Command... 3/10. The controls were terrible, the story was meh, graphics ..well they're on the DS what do you expect, however the alternate endings were a neat idea but would of been nice to know if they chose a "real ending".

I don't know. What are everyone's thoughts? Disappointed? Or am I the only crazy one who waited for a game after assault and got disappointed and waited like 6 years for a new one and get slapped with a remake?

My thoughts exactly,when I got Command,I returned it in less than a half hour.

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Command wasn't so great...

But I hope Nintendo can make SF64 for the 3DS look 100 times better.

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I'm one of the few on this forum who really did enjoy StarFox Command. People thought the controls in Assault were awful too, and I didn't have a problem with either. They take some getting-used-to, but they're actually pretty crisp and precise once you get used to the strange methods of controlling. It's a learning curve, and a lot of people just don't seem to appreciate having to learn controls.

The thing about Command's storyline that everyone gets ticked off about is that there's something in there to offend everybody. I, for instance, despise the ending where Fox and Krystal get married, and I loved the Kursed (for character potential) and F-Zero (for the game's open mockery of itself) endings. However, most people on this forum disagree with me heavily on that point.

Overall, I think the game was made well, but Nintendo was trying too hard to please its disparate Japanese and American fans, and wound up creating something with a scattershot effect that just wasn't as effective as it could be. You can't accuse the creators of not trying in the game, as it has evinced a very strong emotional reaction from so many people. I mean, you can't be disgusted at something that's lame and ineffective, right?

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  On 4/6/2011 at 3:46 AM, Samantha Weltzin said:

People thought the controls in Assault were awful too, and I didn't have a problem with either. They take some getting-used-to, but they're actually pretty crisp and precise once you get used to the strange methods of controlling. It's a learning curve, and a lot of people just don't seem to appreciate having to learn controls.

I thought the controls for that game were alright, but the controls itself wasn't the reason why I didn't like them. It was how sluggish they were. It took about two seconds to make a U-turn on foot....uh, hello? Sensitivity slider? Where are you? Helloooo??? :/

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  On 4/6/2011 at 3:46 AM, Samantha Weltzin said:

I'm one of the few on this forum who really did enjoy StarFox Command. People thought the controls in Assault were awful too, and I didn't have a problem with either. They take some getting-used-to, but they're actually pretty crisp and precise once you get used to the strange methods of controlling. It's a learning curve, and a lot of people just don't seem to appreciate having to learn controls.

The thing about Command's storyline that everyone gets ticked off about is that there's something in there to offend everybody. I, for instance, despise the ending where Fox and Krystal get married, and I loved the Kursed (for character potential) and F-Zero (for the game's open mockery of itself) endings. However, most people on this forum disagree with me heavily on that point.

Overall, I think the game was made well, but Nintendo was trying too hard to please its disparate Japanese and American fans, and wound up creating something with a scattershot effect that just wasn't as effective as it could be. You can't accuse the creators of not trying in the game, as it has evinced a very strong emotional reaction from so many people. I mean, you can't be disgusted at something that's lame and ineffective, right?

I played SFC on an emulator and I've never played on a DS, so I can't say whether or not I like the controls. The only problem I have with the controls on SF Assault is when you're playing in pilot mode. Strafing, turning and moving Fox backward is a pain. I don't mind learning the controls, but in pilot mode they're not very efficient.

I don't like SFC as a whole because of the storyline. It's horrible. The team disbanding at the end of Assault and going their separate ways is stupid. And then you have nine different possible endings that leave me wondering what the real ending is.

I don't have a problem with SF64 3D, but I think Nintendo needs to make another game continuing where Assault left off.

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Command is sickening. It's the kind of game I bought with hopes to "see for myself" if it was all that bad or not. GameSpot sure loved it, but they weren't SF fans.

I actually have no idea why GameSpot loved it, the controls are like a kid said "do this, that, etc" and they did it. They do not work at all!!

Story? It's okay. I haven't gotten too far so I can't tell. The graphics? DS. The gameplay? Every level being an all-range challenge? I don't like it. They turned it into a puzzle game with some 3D action for the DS. Really, really, stupid move.

Meh. ;)

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I haven't played Command long enough to form an opinion on it, I'll get it someday though.

As for Star Fox 64 3DS, I'm just hoping it has lots of nice extras.

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SF64's biggest flaw was the crappy graphics. Even for its time, this:


Couldn't stand a chance against this:


Whereas the 3DS version has this:


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  On 4/6/2011 at 8:12 PM, GameMasterGuy said:

SF64's biggest flaw was the crappy graphics. Even for its time, this:


Couldn't stand a chance against this:


Whereas the 3DS version has this:


I will have to disagree on the graphics.

Lylat Wars (or Starf Fox64, whatever you call it.) had brilliant graphics, regardless of the time. When I was young, I didn't even care less about it, the gameplay and the storyline was (and still is) the most important part for any game, thats why it has done so well.

Anyway, back to the topic...

I am exceptionally looking forward to the Starfox 64 3DS, that looks exciting and well worth playing.

What i want to know, is the multiplayer functions of the game.

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While I agree that games should only be played for their gameplay (otherwise I'd just be a CoD noob that would never touch SF), good graphics and sound are definite pluses. SF64 already has the later down, and from the looks of it, the first will be amazing on the 3DS... and in 3D!

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  On 4/6/2011 at 9:54 PM, GameMasterGuy said:

While I agree that games should only be played for their gameplay (otherwise I'd just be a CoD noob that would never touch SF), good graphics and sound are definite pluses. SF64 already has the later down, and from the looks of it, the first will be amazing on the 3DS... and in 3D!

While I also disagree about Star Fox 64 having crappy graphics...

Banjo-Tooie's are wonderful. :P

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That is all.

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  On 4/6/2011 at 8:12 PM, GameMasterGuy said:

SF64's biggest flaw was the crappy graphics. Even for its time, this:


Couldn't stand a chance against this:


Whereas the 3DS version has this:


That isn't a fair comparison at all, Banjo-Tooie came out 3 years after SF64.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  On 4/6/2011 at 11:46 PM, LoneWolf said:


That is all.

^ This. I certainly enjoyed command.

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I haven't played Command but I've seen a lot of videos and I have a good idea about how it plays... it doesn't look like a bad game, it seems fun and entertaining, but I keep reading about the different endings and how no one knows which one is the real one, and I can't help considering Command to be some kind of a spin-off; an uncanon story using the characters and universe from an established franchise. I know I might be wrong, but I'll keep thinking that way until Nintendo proves me wrong by releasing a new Starfox game that takes the story of Command (and one of its endings) as canon.

Regarding Starfox 64 3DS, as long as it retains the same feeling and characteristics that made the original so awesome, I won't have a problem with it. The improved graphics are definitely something good that have attracted my attention, and if they add to that a few interesting extras, I'll probably buy it sooner or later.

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To be completely honest, I didn't enjoy Command all that much; it wasn't the game that I didn't enjoy, it was the logic and reasoning behind certain aspects of gameplay that kinda pissed me off a bit.

1) Timer: I know the timer was there to add challenge, but saying that the timer represents the amount of fuel the arwing holds is RIDICULOUS; you're telling me that a super-advanced space fighter plane runs out of fuel in less than 4 minutes?

2) Flying Underwater: Eh, maybe I just miss the Blue Marine :lol:

3) Control: I really do wish that using the actual buttons rather than the touchscreen was an option; barrel-rolling was just too awkward O_o

4) Mothership Destruction: Barrel-Rolling Kamikaze style into the center of the ship, completely destroying it, and coming out unscathed?

5) Missile Chases: Though these were fun to an extent, why does the Great Fox have no sort of defense system?

6) Little to NO on-rails segments: On-Rail segments are what I enjoy most about Star Fox, and the lack of them in Command only worsened my dislike for the game.

7) Storyline: Seemed a bit like a badly-done fanfiction, (and I liked Katt better when she was pink :lol::sf64katt:)

8) AND JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE GAME :trollface: J/K, that's just about it ^^


Though I am quite excited for StarFox64 3D, judging by the little we've seen so far, it looks nothing less than stellar :D

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Why does the topic say DS Games when there's only 1? lol

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I...didn't mind Command all that much.

I have a certain love/hate relationship with the game - parts of the alternate stories irked me greatly, but I loved being able to see the characters. Gameplay wise, it was alright I suppose, but I couldn't stand the time limit, and I loathed the missile portions.

As far as the 3DS goes? I'm excited by what I've seen so far.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest BlueRaccoon

I haven't played Starfox 64 3DS ever, but I do own a copy of Starfox Command and I personally enjoy it. I just love the fact that you can be someone besides Fox McCloud in the story.

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