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A few new Shadows of Lylat Screens (large images 56k warn)


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Here are a few new Shadows of Lylat Screens!

All of these are in-game!

SFAS arwing over what will eventually be Corneria City

SFAS arwing over what will eventually be Corneria City

SNES Ring Laser ship (from the Venom orbit missions) attacking an SF64 Cornerian frigate

SNES Ring Laser ship (from the Venom orbit missions) attacking an SF64 Cornerian frigate

Area 6 (Caiman's) fighter, attacking same frigate with missiles!

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It's a mod of Freespace 2. More info here: http://www.game-warden.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=16

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*Jaw hits laptop and drools* That looks AWESOME!!! can we download it or what?

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Well... that's just the thing... it's not done. We're not sure yet when it will be, but the original plan for when it is done is for it to be a stand-alone game, and not require a full working installation of FreeSpace 2 to play.

But in the meantime, play FreeSpace 2, if you can find a download. It's freakin AWESOME. Just make sure you have a halfway-decent graphics card and a joystick, or your FS2 life will probably be short lived. >_>

My ATI Radeon 9250 EASILY ran that game, and that was a $110 graphics card. It was HARDLY trying. But now, I have an ATI Radeon X1600 Pro, 512 MB... and that game is like rendering TETRIS for that card.

I'd also recommend a three-axis joystick, if you can get one. Saitek makes the best ones.

The top reason why you need to get FreeSpace 2? BEAM CANNONS BIGGER THAN YOUR FIGHTER. O_o

Oh, and by the way... that ship you see there firing the beams is about 5.6 kilometers long, and I'm 4.7 kilometers away and its filling my 17" monitor. :?


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yeah I have ttried to rund the 2gb version, and it didn´t work (some file was missing), and the small one, well, let´s just say that I won´t wait 1 month because that thing goes at 10BYTES per second...I will need to wait, I suppose.... O_o

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Guest Mithos Kionisu

I hate you...its too good...how are other modlers supposed to compete! :wink:

Any chance this could be ported to Freelancer? loved that game

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Ouch! My laptop has a graphics card built into the hard drive (dunno how) and it really sucks, a lot, so I may not be able to run Freespace 2. Uh, its not gonna have a 2 gb download is it? because that may take a fair amount of time, even with a good download manager... I'll have to use my home computer to play it and I'll just download it over time if it's too big. I really like the way this game is turning out and I really look forward to playing it, keep up the good work!!!

EDIT: I also reckon it looks similar to freelancer, I enjoyed that game but it did get boring.

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Ah yes Freespace 2 I have lots of fun memories of that game though I remember running that game just fine on my old Pentium 2 333MHZ with my 3DFX Voodoo 3 card. Also I think I have like 2 copies of the game on their origional CD's still but from what I heard this mod won't work on the origional game. :/ Though I will say this the feeling of dropping bombs onto a capitol ship that give off explosions bigger than what a Arwing's nova bombs can do is worth it.

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No it won't work on the original, you have to download the open source version (which requires the original to run, BTW). You'll also need the Media VPs as well for FS2O to run. Things in these very screenshots are not possible in the old version.

Basically, the Open Source version modernized FS2 to run with better graphics and sound as well as adding additional features for mods, such as the new scripting language developed that could be used to make FS2 a lot more Star Fox like :wink:

But SoL doesn't need the media VPs, so that probably won't be an issue. The first demo may require you to have FS2, but it is a goal of the project to release it standalone.

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One thing thats kinda bugging me in FS2, is the explosion-sounds, when theres more then one, it sounds kinda "melted together" or so.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Fox235

Sorry if this is a bump, but if it's a mod, won't it be like the same game just that you use an arwing? :P

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Hm, I have a couple of questions. Where can I get this Freespace you speak of, and when is the estimated time for this mod's completion?

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Sorry if this is a bump' date=' but if it's a mod, won't it be like the same game just that you use an arwing? :o[/quote']

Yes and No. Yes, some elements of the FS2 gameplay can't be changed.

That said, there will be plenty of things done to make it feel more like Star Fox. The open sourced version of FS2 can be modded A LOT more than the others.

You can download FS2 from Home of the Underdogs.

As for a release timetable, final release is quite a ways off. Most of the people involved have their normal lives, plus they are working on multiple FS2 mods.

Playable demos, however, will be coming out along the way.

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I wonder if Xg is still lending a paw, since he has been offline for so long.

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I tried to get into the page to dowload it, but it seems there is to many addware stuff there...any direct link?

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No demo for a while. As much as I want to, I can't just hand out the links to the pre-compiled FS2O installs for bandwidth reasons of those hosting it.

However, it is the intent to make the final version (and perhaps the demos) stand-alone, as in not needing FS2 to play.

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well if any of you guys could give me a link to download FS2 I would be grateful, I have tried many links and non of them have worked...<.< :?

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