Kid_Cortet Posted January 17, 2012 Author Share Posted January 17, 2012 Well, finally got another Job, just as a cashier, but I am making more then I was before as a shift lead lol. Decided to give up on a reckless life, and am once again in the pursuit of trying to find a guy who will stick. Using a site I haven't used since last year, already I am finding out there are more 'family' in my area, or nearby areas then I thought, so wOOt, prospects. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted January 30, 2012 Author Share Posted January 30, 2012 Another day another dollar lol. So far, things have been pretty mellow, an ex of mine became my 'pet', so this should be rather interested to say in the least. I am probably getting a tattoo soon, so I am a little excited about that. And in the world of dating, it is touch and go, got someone in mind, just with our work schedules being vastly different, kinda of hard even to just hang out, so yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrypticQuery Posted January 30, 2012 Share Posted January 30, 2012 Here's hoping you do find what you're looking for, Cortet! I'm sure you will eventually gain what you seek though. :friends: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted January 30, 2012 Author Share Posted January 30, 2012 thanks pal, that means a lot. I hope so too, tired of feeling lonely at home lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted March 2, 2012 Author Share Posted March 2, 2012 -sighs- what a month, sorry for not being on much guys, work has been a little different lately. Like recently, a drawer I rang on came up $20 bucks short. I got 'blamed' even though the registers are not user specific to begin with (meaning anyone can ring on them, just need to put in an Employee ID number to log on). So for about 24 hours at least five to eight people were on that drawer. Though I got blamed, because I was the new guy................when I didn't touch the register for more then an hour and a half the entire 12 hours I was these people apparently fail to realize I have been working with registers and money for over three years, being a shift lead for nearly the entire time at my previous job, so 'speed ringing' comes second nature to me. They found the money a couple of days later, the manager 'accidentally' put it into the deposit. So, that was a little frustrating as for those two days I was told I could only use one register, after it was audited (counted fresh), and no one else was allowed to touch it. Other then that, been trying to limit what time I am online, mostly using my blackberry for Facebook and youtube (but since my MP3 now has a charger after my puppy chewed through the old one) i don't use that much lol. Forcing myself to read only to find myself 2 hours later, gone through 5 chapters of the book lol. (Mostly Harry Potter ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted April 4, 2012 Author Share Posted April 4, 2012 -begins to beat a random object with a muffin.................turns around- oh hai...............well not much has been happening lately. Working, txting, glitching the hell out of pokemon Blue and Red xD other then that, hopefully soon TheRedFox8 will be visiting shortly :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrypticQuery Posted April 4, 2012 Share Posted April 4, 2012 Glad to see you're still up and about, Cortet. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted April 15, 2012 Author Share Posted April 15, 2012 thanks again (haven't really been on here often, more on SFG to be honest) With that, week from hell. Dad went out of state to be with someone this last week.......and well.........curse my paranoia........I'll be drawing something on it probably later tonight (early morning) or just wait until I wake back up, whenever the hell that will be lol. But other then cleaning and work, online hasn't had much happen..........I need a life............hits a [?] box.........but only gets a Fire Flower -grrrrrrrr- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrypticQuery Posted April 15, 2012 Share Posted April 15, 2012 Hehe, that depends on your meaning of "getting a life," I personally think the notion is somewhat over-stressed in our modern society. And don't worry about paranoia; if I'm left alone in the house for too long I start to suspect everything. At one time I did indeed search every nook and cranny with my Maglite flashlight. :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted April 15, 2012 Author Share Posted April 15, 2012 when I was younger, I carried either a Baseball bat..or a Goalie stick 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted May 18, 2012 Author Share Posted May 18, 2012 day # 9148 of my life. (actual number lol). Anyway, not much has been going on, TheRedFox8 came to visit recently, we had a pretty good weekend, thankfully my job gave me the days off I requested to do so. Since then been playing Skyward Sword, beat it just the other night. took me a good three weeks to do so. Other then that I have been trying to put myself even into the mentality of working on that abomination I call a comic lol. Kinda sad, have not really worked on it since last year. Anyway, bored, and decided to poke around on here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrypticQuery Posted May 18, 2012 Share Posted May 18, 2012 Glad you're still around, Cortet; always a pleasure to read your journal. How is Skyward Sword anywho?; I was never able to get into the Legend of Zelda all that much [but that's probably because I've only ever played the original and its sequel on NES]. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted May 19, 2012 Author Share Posted May 19, 2012 The later games are a lot of fun, the first I ever played was "Link to the past". I started playing the original, and I still have no idea where I am supposed to go. In the later games, there is more story line to them, sometimes, there are even some "WTF" moments. Skyward Sword is pretty cool, since you have to swing your arm to use the sword, my cousin and dad watched me play only a few seconds and laughed at how furiously I would move my a tree lol. I mostly like them because, as I see them, they are puzzle games. They make you have to think of how to get to the next room, I will admit, sometimes I over think and get lost in them. Example, I was stuck in the Water Temple (Ocarina of time) for nearly three weeks, got frustrated and played the file of the previous owner (I keep the files of previous owners on games that allow more then one file to "honor" their efforts). When I got to the same point as I did in my file, I acquired the item "longshot", and noticed Navi suddenly turn green, meaning there was something to be checked out, low and behold, the "puzzle" was I had to play a song to get to the last key, I was so ticked lol. But to go back to what I was saying before trailing off, if you like adventurous puzzle games, this series is a good one. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted May 28, 2012 Author Share Posted May 28, 2012 Something is about to be blown up! Curse this infernal jaw of mine! it keeps feeling like it is getting dislocated, then pop into place when I close my Jaw. I looked up TMD online thanks to suggestions from people on FB. Sounds about right, but not self diagnosing just yet. The strange thing is it is on the same side I had an issue with six years ago, except I could not open my jaw at all (or just barely open it). The funny part is, I found that that problem also occurs from this TMD. JUST TAKE THE DAMN JAW AND GIVE ME A TOOTHY AUTOMAIL ONE XD EDIT: Now this is interesting, I copied this post directly from my blog on SFG....................and the color turns out the same xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted July 11, 2012 Author Share Posted July 11, 2012 Alright well, I can officially say people on the town I live in are STILL blowing my mind with how stupid and rude they are. lol. Anyway, some cool events, heard form an old friend recently and we Skype chatted last night for awhile, but with both of being very tired, it was full of giggles over stupid internet pictures lol. But we talked and something interesting came up. No details at this time, though you guys will probably see it soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted July 20, 2012 Author Share Posted July 20, 2012 Well, work has been interesting, went from a 6 day stretch to a 9 day run. Last week was a straight 7, and in between the 2 week I have had 1 day off. This wolf is tired lmao Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted September 1, 2012 Author Share Posted September 1, 2012 ok, sorry for not being on for one, two......not much has been going on. Recently got back Page 1 of a comic I wrote and asked someone to draw, just gotta put the words to it. A special thanks to Fluxy for taking on the project, will post it soon. See ya! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted April 7, 2013 Author Share Posted April 7, 2013 I don't know if anyone really reads this thing anymore lol. Anyway, work has still be taking up a great deal of my time, and I am not even a shift lead! All in all, still piddling through, playing games here and there, and being a nuesense to society Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrypticQuery Posted April 7, 2013 Share Posted April 7, 2013 He lives! - Always good to see some older members return, including yourself. Glad to see you've kept yourself occupied. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted April 7, 2013 Author Share Posted April 7, 2013 been trying, been making what friends I can irl to at least break the monotony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid_Cortet Posted May 30, 2013 Author Share Posted May 30, 2013 So I have always had an issue with A.D.D. and have finally found the perfect game to complement that......and yes you can call me late for just picking this up, but the game is Skyrim. Here is how things have been the last month. For my 26th birthday I went back to my native land of Texas to visit my family and friends. I had such a blast, I nearly didn't nor almost couldn't come back to Pennsylvania. While I was down there I got to see almost all those who were important to me in my life, and then some, an old high school 'associate' really wanted to hang out, which turned into a good friendship before I left. I won't lie, a bought some games while I was there (which was how I got Skyrim). Fables 2 & 3 for the Xbox for only $10 a piece, and Skyrim for $15, which all three are practically brand new disks, cases are to be a bit desired, but I found out that the Skyrim I bought had the map of the land, which is rare to find in a used copy apparently. Here is the story of how I almost didn't make it back to Pennsylvania. On friday (given that this was all in the second week of this month (May), after staying at my brothers for the night I had to head back to my moms via bus trip. Made it home safe and was waiting on time to pass to see my friend. Well, about an hour or so later I realize I am unable to find my wallet. I knew I had it with me on the final bus since a kid was asking me about it (It's an Aluma Wallet) and I slide it into my pocket. Well I could have sworn I had it with me when I got picked up and home. We scoured the house for it with no luck. My sister called the gas station where the bus dropped me off and no one had turned a wallet it. So we headed up there in hopes it was on the ground. As soon as we pulled up to the gas station, the bus was making a return trip. I quickly walked up and asked if anyone had turned in a wallet (describing it). The driver reaches to the dash and hands it to me. I quickly hugged her and went back home. The grand part is, my ID, Credit Card and food gift cards were still in it. Only down side was that the $17 remaining bucks I had was gone. But for my ID and Credit Card to still be in there, that person who turned it in can have the cash for all I cared. Now the second part of this happened at the airport. I was sitting at the gate when half an hour past my boarding time they tell us the flight was being delayed, which would have made me miss my connecting flight to home. The gate attendant rushes my over to another flight and puts me on for a redirect. Shortly after getting on the plane, a mother and her 6 month old sit right next to me. This little girl made me want to have one my of own someday all over again. The highlight of the flight was the mother kept saying I was really great with her daughter by entertaining her and playing with her. Apparently I fell asleep for about 10 to 20 minutes and the little girl kept looking over at me to play :3. Well when I finally get to Pittsburgh, I found a friend of mine that lives in the same town as me (actually, it is a guy that wants to date me lol) was also returning from a weekend trip. So I hitched a ride from him and it was a good car ride. Just getting back into the swing of work the very next day was just blah. Ever since being back I have been playing Skylanders Giants, and the past three week it has been nothing but Skyrim. A friend of mine has watched me a couple of times via skype, and trust me......I have NEVER said the phrase "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT" in a game since I played "The Suffering; Prison is hell" years ago. "One does not simply travel the lands of Skyrim for two days straight and go to work the next" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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