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I sorta have a problem...

Orbital Fox

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Ok, for some reason AL won't let me even login to their site because I don't have a frakin' activation code they never sent to my Email. I was requested by Ayron to advertise this site: http://davidschiering.da.ohost.de/hp25z/index.php?page=Home

I said I would and yeah I can't, so I was hoping one of you who already have an AL account could go there and post a topic named: StarFox Assault World Ranking, Then explain how to submit your scores and how you put your 'real name' and all (I will explain if you have questions). I owe alot to Ayron and I would really appreciate it.


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EDIT: whoops... My bad... Didn't realize what that was at first.

For the AL thing, E-mail StealthFox (The admin there). He can activate you.

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