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What to do with Krystal

Rogue Fox


33 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be done about Krystal for future Star Fox games?

    • No changes to her
    • Leave her fairly the same but fill in plot holes
    • Retcon her character, making major improvements but keeping her basic appearance/ personality
    • Keep her only as a secondary/ background character
    • Remove her from the series
    • Other (please explain)

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Maybe, being telepathic and shit, she could be the group therapist! I can hear it now.

Krystal: Tell me what's on your mind.


Krystal: I think you didn't get hugged enough as a child.


It's not like she's already too much like Deanna Troi.

But srsly this might have been what they were actually going for in the first place.

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FINALLY somebody with an idea that MAKES SENSE!

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Wait huh? NO! I think this is a terrible idea! I can't stand this telepathy bullshit that she pulls, man.

I mean...ok...I'm a lil too harsh on fans who like this. Sure, why not. even if it doesnt fit with the rest of the series, I don't care if people like her the way she is.

But to me personally, giving her these powers really takes you out of this universe. Because WITH her powers, it's like ANYTHING goes in starfox.

As long as you rip off Star Trek, Star Wars, Starship Troopers as much as you can, you're fine. That might've been what the makers were thinking all the goddamn time :/

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I stand corrected.

In conclusion; screw Krystal AND Fara, just put Katt on the team so we can get everybody else to shut up about who's a useful character and who isn't.

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And I personally think Katt just doesn't belong in the Starfox team. Having her appear once in a while is really cool. I like her attitude. I really think she should hang out with Starfox a LITTLE bit more, but having her in the team all the time pretty much means Falco can never act gangsta again without someone talking back to him. It's really funny here and there but having this kind of humor ALL THE TIME would make it to boring and...yeah maybe even really obnoxious, I guess. Thaaaaat's just my personal opinion when it comes to the TONE.

It's not about shuttin people up, buddy. Everyone's just expressing their opinion. I'm totally cool if you don't agree with me, honestly.

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No you're not. *slams a bucket of ice onto R3d's head* I bet you are now. :P

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That'd make her even more useless than you keep saying she is.

Really? Seems to me it would make her more useful, she'd be doing something she's actually decent at.

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That'd make her even more useless than you keep saying she is.

Really? Seems to me it would make her more useful, she'd be doing something she's actually decent at.

Looks like someone doesn't know what brothel is! :cool:

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Really? Seems to me it would make her more useful, she'd be doing something she's actually decent at.

You're trying to promote prostitution in a NINTENDO game. Furthermore, they never said ANYTHING in the game about her being a prostitute. How do you know her Adventures clothes weren't part of her culture? Racist.

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For god's sake, it's a joke. And a damn well funny one. And also a true one.

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I think Krystal should stay in the series, as I quite like her. She's pretty too, which inspires me to draw sometimes. I just really, really want her background to be explained and plotholes to be filled. Then we can perhaps stop QQing over her existance. :P

Aaaaand I sense a disturbance in this topic. This is not the drama you are looking for. So let's stay lighthearted and open to comedy, yes? Otherwise I'ma lock this. :3

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That... just came out of nowhere.

Anyway, I already said something about this before.. somewhere. I don't have an idea... I only hope for some good StarFox games.

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And also a true one.

Now you're being racist. It's bad enough you were hating on her for not contributing enough, now you're saying she dressed that way in Adventures just to be a sl@#, when it could be PART OF HER CULTURE. Seems like we've got Missionaries invading video games here. :x

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I wouldn't say it's racist. More like ignorant.

Not that I care though.

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Now you're being racist. It's bad enough you were hating on her for not contributing enough, now you're saying she dressed that way in Adventures just to be a sl@#, when it could be PART OF HER CULTURE. Seems like we've got Missionaries invading video games here. :x

:facepalm: COME ON, DUDE. REALLY!?! :facepalm:

Why are you getting so upset and butthurt over what people say about a video game character? It's just a joke, man. GET OVER IT!!! Besides, I think "racist" is being thrown around too casually. It's making you look bad. At most, she's being objectified, but I don't care. You say racism . . . how does that work exactly? Is the red fox putting her down? :trollface:

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How about I put you down? *comes after ZM with an axe* :P

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How about I put you down? *comes after ZM with an axe* :P

Aaaaand AC tries to derail the argument with something completely unrelated, all the while not at all addressing the opposing points.

*Clap. Clap. Clap.*

Good, that still works.

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You're trying to promote prostitution in a NINTENDO game. Furthermore, they never said ANYTHING in the game about her being a prostitute. How do you know her Adventures clothes weren't part of her culture? Racist.

FoXXX, who's a fun loving furry made the post. Does anymore really need to be said given his history of posting both pro and anti Krystal comments that "reek" with sarcasm?

Now you're being racist. It's bad enough you were hating on her for not contributing enough, now you're saying she dressed that way in Adventures just to be a sl@#, when it could be PART OF HER CULTURE. Seems like we've got Missionaries invading video games here. :x

Again, consider the person who's giving the message. And why so serious? As much as I've been a die hard Krystal fanboy over the past few years, even helping to admin the biggest Krystal "fan" site on the Internet even I think you're getting a bit too extreme...

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WTF did I just say? AC, chill the shit out or I'll lock this topic. Take heed or I'll be adjusting warning levels.

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Oh this is rich. AC How about you actually learn what is sarcasm before you reply to 3/4 of the people on this board.

Now play nice kiddies....OR This topic gets the axe.

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May I point out that Krystal has dated almost every major male in the series in ONE game?

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A new character it's almost always refreshing. She's ok, but the guy who had the idea of making her blue should be shot...

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May I point out that Krystal has dated almost every major male in the series in ONE game?

That doesn't mean anything....anything at all...

A new character it's almost always refreshing. She's ok, but the guy who had the idea of making her blue should be shot...

Most people I've spoken to actually like her blue colour, makes her a lot more "unique" in their opinion.

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No, and they don't say anything in the games about her dating anybody. This is getting to the point where the only way to end crap like this is to write her out of the story completely, saying she left to search for her family, and nothing else. I'm just downright sick of all this.

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It means we have enough on her to peg her as a slut, actually. XD

It supplements her seducing Fox on their very first meeting, when he didn't even know her name, too.

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