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Do something to the SF-O member above you


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Ducks into a shrub and throws a crumpled up napkin covered in steak sauce at the above user.

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*sniffs the air, seeing a piece of meat on the ground, and walks over to it, tilting his head in curiousity*


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Runs over and yells to the raptor, "Be careful! It's a trap!"

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Runs over to your logo and paints it perplex coloration (a pale orange and purple camo scheme basically)

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Walks past the user above, eyeing him for a few seconds, then turning away.

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*tilts his head to the side, puzzled* Hello..!

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Mimes a wobbling warping sound, then vanishes into thin air.

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*shrugs and goes to find something to do.*

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Points a toy gun at the above user and starts making "pew pew" noises. 

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Replaces the user above's toy gun with a water pistol.

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Cracks an eye ridge at the water gun, and starts growling after being sprayed, baring his teeth.

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Shoots flouride-infused water at the above user's teeth, then charges him for the impromptu dental work.

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"HA! That's for painting the Star Fox symbol! That's Nintendo's job." Runs back into the bushes, disappearing. 

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*puts on a gasmask and tosses a tear gas grenade into that bush the user above dove into.

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  • 1 month later...

Gives the user above a bad case of 'teh lulz'.

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*Begins laughing, which sounds like an odd growly like roar sound at odd intervals.*

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Takes the above user to see "Suicide Squad", "Spectre", and "The Man From U.N.C.L.E" back to back.

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Banned for being caught in a black and white spectrum ;)

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Banned for being caught in a black and white spectrum ;)

(Wrong game mate :lol: )

Puts the end of a trumpet to the user's ear and begins playing the 20th Century Fox fanfare.

Edited by Clearwater
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*Devours the user above for doing such a mean thing*

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*Stands out of the way and watches, traumatized*

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Operates on the above user.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wonders what the user above is doing to Orbi.

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  • 1 month later...

Superglues the user's above teeth together so he can no longer open his mouth.

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Dodges the effort by the above user and kicks the user several feet into a tree.

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