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New SFC logo! And Box Art!


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True, but maybe if Retro got their hands on it, maybe the on-foot missions wouldn't bite below the tail. and yes, Agronaut did make THE best SF games out there.

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And guess who's making the game now. True, it's not Argonaut, but it might as well be. Q-Games was founded by those who worked on the first one and SF2.

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Yeah, now if only you guys cared to read my Q-Games thread iwth info on them and their development of this game

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Q-games should get together with retro studios and develop a SF for Wii, It could have the classic SF arwing missions, Awesome Landmaster controls and finally, Killer onfoot done by Retro Studios. Man that would be a good game. I just don't want the Metroid backtracking. But hey, As long as its Star Fox and its not a total *a word that begins with c and ends with rap*fest, I'll be happy.

Oh and I've been noticed!! Yay! *happy dance*

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Oh I'm going to get flamed for this but whose treasure? And all these are second party companies right?

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Treasure has made some really, really great cult-hits, like Mischief Makers, Radiant Silvergun/Ikaruga, the Gunstar/Guardian Heroes games, Sin and Punishment, and the like. The latter game (S&P) was a Japan-only on-rails shooter kinda like Star Fox. They pulled it off really well, and I think they could do the same for SF.

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Sounds good oh and sorry, I'll search instead of asking dumb questions again thanks for the link though. And aren't most of Treasure's games only released in Japan?

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I remember Mischief Makers from when I was alittle, I liked it so much I rented it until I finished it..

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Unfortunately, yes, Treasure does have a bad tendency to release games for Japan only. I was quite shocked when Mischief Makers crossed the pond and Sin and Punishment didn't.

And Radiant Silvergun? Fuggedabaodit.

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Looks... too... kidish. DX

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Japanese Boxart, New craft can be seen in lower left.


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Hmm four Wolfens, or the other one (upper-right) not a Wolfen?

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The upper right one looks like the Sky Bunny to me. The new Wolfen, if that's what it is, could be Wolf's ship, as it basically looks like a slightly modified red Arwing, driving home the fact that Wolf is the anti-Fox. Or it could be someone new altogether; Star Fox is guaranteed to have four people in flight, and Star Wolf is going to need a fourth person. If that's the case, then we still haven't seen the final SW ship.

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While it does bear some resemblance to the Skybunny, the colour is different. I'm sure that you remember the image from the 1st Famitsu page featuring Falco, it is also seen there. Going by that, I'm guessing that it is piloted by Leon.

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Say, which Wolfen has "teh roze!"?

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If you look closely, you can see a small red mark on the top Wolfen, just under the canopy. That's it, unless my eyes decieve me.

And why would Leon be piloting a Sky Bunny wannabe? It doesn't really suit him at all, IMO.

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