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When life gets confusing!


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Had an itresting day, but tommorrow i'll have to wake up at 6 and pack up my belongings to move to south carolina for the summer, i'll be in charelston and while i really enjoy it there i might be absent for a few days

Have fun! :)

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Have fun! :)

i get to go to the beach every day!

Music has such a grip on my emotions! it can make me do things i'd never do, it could make me cry, or make me joyess and proud!!

i went to mass at another church last sunday, it was quite diffrent. It almost seemed as if it was bland. My other church i feel almost invigerated when we park there, i always wake up early and ready to go there. And i return home feeling like a better person.

i have dessided just as of writing his sentance i will right my fan fic. I will probobly write it before posting any of it here.

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hate being a teen somtimes i feel like i don't even know who i am , then ten minutes later i feel like 4 diffrent people!

This is just a part of growing up. You're a young teenager, so you're going through all these changes, and not just physical ones. Your brain is trying to deal with all these hormones and crap, so sometimes it catches up with you and makes you feel like crap. The most important thing to remember is that you won't be a teenager forever, and in a couple of years you won't get this feeling anymore. :)

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i'v been told thoase exact words before, problem is i don't know what kind of person i'll be when i grow up. i have an angry wrathful side that i hope doesn't develop. But i am sorta like fox in the fact that my personality changes constantly. :trollface:

I had somthing to post on here but i forgot :blink:

I like to ride bikes here. the land is very flat so you could go for 2 hours with out getting to tired.

another thing, i don't swear. ever. why? i am not sure....I just told myself in the 6th grade it was somthing i wasn't going to do. i am very proud of that..

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i joined a shogun 2 tournament and play my first match today, a victory. so now i proceed in the tournament. wish me luck on that.

Wasn't able to work on fan fic. to busy today.

My dad can make me hate him so much somtimes....he makes me dust were no one can see and clean some were that will get durty the next day! I don't doubt he has a thinking error.

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went to mass, the priest was an indian! he came all the way from india to give the mass and he was quite entertaining.

Worked out today, might go to water park soon.

I keep seeing people that look like User. its weird

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I keep seeing people that look like User. its weird

Hah, I know a gre people who others mistakenly thought were me. :P

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Hah, I know a gre people who others mistakenly thought were me. :P

it happened last time i came to South carolina too!

We are having steaks cooked on a charcoal grill!!

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i'm back i covinced my mom with the statement : Its like driving, i could get hurt but if you don't trust me i'll never get anywhere.

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"Its called a swarm, because alone bees suck!" -Milky Way

"sounds like the krystal haters on this forum" -Sky King Ajc

<3 <3

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love my new avatar, infact i'm addicted to it!

I saw a group of cute girls at the beach today, they asked my for a number..... :lol: but i don't have a phone. Besides i'm only here for a few more weeks and they were tourists. ADN THEN IT HAPPENED! I GOT OUT A THE WATER AND MY BATHing SUIT WAS SEE THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!.......there was quite a bit of drama

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My dad can make me hate him so much somtimes....he makes me dust were no one can see and clean some were that will get durty the next day! I don't doubt he has a thinking error.

Well having been a manager, and a teacher of youngins in my own right, he is teaching you the right way. If you are going to do something do it the best you possibly can and be happy with the work of your hands. Sure it might get dirty the next day but you wipe your ass and it will just get dirty the next time you take a crap so why wipe at all? That is what i always tell people when they tell me it will just get dirty again.

Its not to be mean or scornful hes just trying to teach you a work ethic, a work ethic that would be good in any job you do. And trust me the Military will have you doing far worse tasks of cleaning the dusting :P

Best wishes mate!

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Well having been a manager, and a teacher of youngins in my own right, he is teaching you the right way. If you are going to do something do it the best you possibly can and be happy with the work of your hands. Sure it might get dirty the next day but you wipe your ass and it will just get dirty the next time you take a crap so why wipe at all? That is what i always tell people when they tell me it will just get dirty again.

Its not to be mean or scornful hes just trying to teach you a work ethic, a work ethic that would be good in any job you do. And trust me the Military will have you doing far worse tasks of cleaning the dusting :P

Best wishes mate!

yes, but my mom told us to go do somthing helpful, he took the lazy route and cleaned the garage again, instead of fixing the shutters or somthing.

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Do as I say not as I do :P

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Hey no news is good news they always say! Just have fun and let life take you on adventures when it may :D

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ah news is good news! like when my bathing suit was see through, events like that make life worth living :)

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i don't ever swear. i know its not bad, but its not good either and people respect me becasue i don't

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had a good 4th

i think i discovered another thing i love about star fox, the universe and settings. I love the star fox world, its dark corners, it under discovered plants and the setting in generel.

I also love my little pony now for its charcter just becasue they are so right, i can see them in any number of intresting situtions. as demonstaited by the : story of the blanks

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