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When life gets confusing!


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You can't escape it Ajc.

You ain't perfect.

And this?


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Dang, am not a cool kid anymore. This move is humbling me, showing me what i really am

A furry and/or brony like the rest of us? Come on, it's not THAT bad. :3

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Heh Ajc, there are places where bronies and furries are considered cool.

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Those places should be shunned and forgotten by the rest of the internet of course, but yeah they exist.

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Heh Ajc, there are places where bronies and furries are considered cool.

There's a difference between "considered cool" and "tolerated". There is no place outside the Internet where furries are considered cool. This is why furries typically spend 90% of their time on the Internet. I cannot speak for bronies because I am Not a Bronyâ„¢

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well besides bronies and furries, which really arn't cool. I was talking about High school popularity. I use to be so cool, that kids i didn't even know would come and talk to me and where ever i sat in the lunch room, others followed. I would walk down the halls and people called me brick, becuase they thought i was so tough. heh, here, Not at all. But where i come from might show you guys why i felt so superior, i was treated like it!

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Well today was interesting, my ride picked up 2 other cheerleaders in her car this morning and while this sounds like a fantasy it isn't. They gossped the whole time about How Guy X cheated on girl Y with girl Z. And then they kept telling me if i ever did any of these things they would hurt me. lol. Then she told me how she was elboded in the eye last week by her friend, and she said when it happened she made the most beautiful sound in the world, which made me laugh.

Then, during lunch i sit at a table filled with furries, bronies, and internet people who, while might be cool on the internet, were a little strange to be around in real life.

History was fantastic as ussual. We have begun leanring about the reformation, and absoulty intresting topic IMO of how the churchs split apart.

Then in math, my last class i had a test on a monday, which is absoulty horrible. But i was distracted by another one of my deep questions. I was thinking aobout how i had lied to a teacher once, and how ashamed i was even though she never found out. What i felt i was being was humble, but for a diffrent...well let me explain. Humility is generaly considered a good attribute. But i find it to have to forms. One which is honest. A person knows their abilities, and weather they suck, are alright, or excelent. They never boast about their ability. But there is another kind. People who seem to try to be humble. They are told they're excelent, but denny it stating they're the worst. they don't honestly think themsleves to be bad. But by saying so they "fish" for compilements, and dennie the blatent truth. They arn't doing it because they're humble, or rather it seems to be a form of hidden pride. A truely humble person for example, who is is skilled at somthing wouldn't refuse the compliment. Its simply a fact. Prehaps they would simply thank the person or say anyone could acheive what they had if they worked hard enough.

Lets say to people take the SAT's one recieves both recieve a score of 2400. The first one is told he is a genius. He attributes it all to hard work and studing, and that he possibly got lucky. The other says he is really and idiot. This seems harmless enough but i find it almost offensive. Firslty if he is an idiot then God above help the rest of us fools, and by scoring above us and claiming to be an idiot was does he claim us to be? But by procaliming this i find the individual also seem to get complimented even more. So they just keep deening becuase they know others will insist the opposite they will be praised highly. which i find to be the opposite goal of being humble. * note to self, write about that thing later

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Then, during lunch i sit at a table filled with furries, bronies, and internet people who, while might be cool on the internet, were a little strange to be around in real life.

This shouldn't surprise you, not in the slightest. I also assume that ever since recently you've come out of the closet with regards to your furryness you've begun to be associative with these deviant groups?

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This shouldn't surprise you, not in the slightest. I also assume that ever since recently you've come out of the closet with regards to your furryness you've begun to be associative with these deviant groups?

Prehaps, although for the better i think. My attitude before was to simply hate these groups, while secretly also indulge in them. The change is simply i have stoped lying that i am a not a furry. Also do not hate anymore furries anymore, i love all people, and while my moral view hasn't changed becuase i still belive alot of things furries dop are wrong, and the fandom is generally evil, i figured myself a hypocrit becuase in lying i was doing somthing i know to be wrong. I may not be able to combat furries as effectivly since it is now known i am one, but at least i'm doing it the right way. If i have to commit evil to eventualy do good, then i am not a good guy.
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Prehaps, although for the better i think. My attitude before was to simply hate these groups, while secretly also indulge in them.

The change is simply i have stoped lying that i am a not a furry. Also do not hate anymore furries anymore, i love all people, and while my moral view hasn't changed becuase i still belive alot of things furries dop are wrong, and the fandom is generally evil, i figured myself a hypocrit becuase in lying i was doing somthing i know to be wrong. I may not be able to combat furries as effectivly since it is now known i am one, but at least i'm doing it the right way. If i have to commit evil to eventualy do good, then i am not a good guy.

The fandom itself is not inherently evil. Like all groups of people some have more bad one's than good ones.

Some furries that I know (including the one's that invited me to a convention in Toronto last year) in person were some of the most "normal" people I've ever met. However they are mostly artists and their online FA accounts...kind of reveal that...if you know what I mean. In any case, they are the reverse in a way - their online personalities may be more perverted but they keep that 100% hidden when otherwise communicating and doing things in RL with other people.

Also, don't let the cheerleaders who drive you to school figure out you are a furry :o :3

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I having been condsidering what i will do after high school. I'm really kind of equaly talented at several things which sucks, becuase now i have to decide and it will effect my life majorly.

1st and for most i tihnk i'd like to go the the military academy. It hard, a high SAT score is required, good academics, and impressive physical shape are nesscary to get in. I was to get in i'd owe a standard 5 years of service that i'd happily server. I was thinking either a degree in engineering or history. While Enginnering is more practicle and degree in history would be good from west point. And it would help me as an infintary officer, which is what i really want to do anyway.

2nd if i don't make to west point, i may apply to VT( virgnia tech) they also have an Rotc program, quite an excelent one, i would do the same thing except i would go for engineering for sure. History wouldn't be good from VT. It hard to get in though.

Georgia or Clemson come next. Both also have Rotc, but i'm note sure i'd be intersted from there. Georgia has good law, and i think i'd like that too. And clemson has really good engineering....

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Just make sure you enjoy what you do. That's the biggest mistake, i feel, people make when looking into the future. Don't do it for the money. Don't do it for the fame, the girls, or the free weed. Do it, because- at the end of the day- you wholeheartedly love your work.

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Regarding who you hang around with in school and about how cool you are... when people are young, kids, being what THEY want is what will make you cool. Don't conform to that. Be who you are, and people will damn respect you for that. Confidence is the key.

Reflecting upon how cool you once were is a waste of time, because it will only hinder your development as a person. Just be yourself. If you're uncomfortable around the furries and internet geeks at school, then don't be around them. Just be around people you like. Stereotypes mean nothing, believe me.

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Just make sure you enjoy what you do. That's the biggest mistake, i feel, people make when looking into the future. Don't do it for the money. Don't do it for the fame, the girls, or the free weed. Do it, because- at the end of the day- you wholeheartedly love your work.

thanks....i think. Problem is i'm not sure which i really like the most. :P i hope the answer reveils its self before i have to decide.

i am not sure which i am more excited for, chat box mod election, or presidental !

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To find what you like in life, there's no shortcut, you gotta see for yourself. Watch videos on some jobs you're interested into, and gather some information on what their daily work involve, and ask yourself if you'd like to do that.

You can also try some hobbies, drawing, painting, music, messing with electronics, computers, woodworking, metalworking, car mechanics, 3d modelling, website design, etc.. It might develop into more than a hobby.

And if you're still not sure, you can see a careers adviser too. He can help you pin down your fields of interests, and show you what job are related.

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well i'm played a little tf2 tonight, and i actualy did really well as soilder with the rocket launcher. Direct hit honed my skills.

ugh, i have to loose 3 pounds for wrestling. doesn't sound like alot right? try it when already at 6% body fat. actualy i ussualy just starve myself anyway. I hate eating. Not becuase i feel fat or anything, it just it some time consuming i and draw nothing from it inless its fine dinning which isn't every meal of my day unfortunantly! But when someone tells me i HAVE to loose wait all of a sudden i resent not eating and its all i want to do....

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Starving yourself is the worst way to lose weight. Consider eating fewer "Bad fats" (Oil and what-not) and more vegetables (Yes, I know).

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Try my new diet plan: Stop eating. Eventually you'll cure yourself of food habits and eventually hunger entirely.

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Actually, eating hardly anything is very hard on your body, because you aren't getting all the things your body needs. Food is essential when you want to make yourself stronger. So, if you did a workout and later didn't eat anything, that would be bad for your muscles cause they need protein for 'em to grow.

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Starving yourself is the worst way to lose weight. Consider eating fewer "Bad fats" (Oil and what-not) and more vegetables (Yes, I know).

er, actualy i already eat all thoase things. All my meals are home cooked. No butter, very little salt. Scim milk, the works. I ussualy at this time Just start eating almonds, the leanest chicken, and brockly. And drink lots of water to starve( lol pun not intended) off hunger.

Try my new diet plan: Stop eating. Eventually you'll cure yourself of food habits and eventually hunger entirely.

i ussualy do that, but when people tell me to stop eating, i natrualy want to disobey.

Actually, eating hardly anything is very hard on your body, because you aren't getting all the things your body needs. Food is essential when you want to make yourself stronger. So, if you did a workout and later didn't eat anything, that would be bad for your muscles cause they need protein for 'em to grow.

Its not healthy. But wrestling works like this: you have to be at or weigh under the weight you want to wreslte for that day. So i want to wrestle 120 that what i have to weigh. If i don't i wreslte 126, and all of the people who weigh 132 and loose water weight to get down there. 6 pounds may not sem like much, but its actualy alot when you consider 6 minuets of that person forcing their entire weight on you.
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