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Shadow Matrix

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Yeah screw character development

Blame Fox, none of that shit would have happened if he hadn't been a huge pansy and kicked her off to begin with.

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Blame Fox, none of that shit would have happened if he hadn't been a huge pansy and kicked her off to begin with.

Or at least if he was good with Women. That would have made it a little easier.

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But again, there's no conflict in that. We wouldn't have had a plot if everything was just hunky-dory from the get-go.

Anyways, to get back on topic, the point was that the fourth member of Star Wolf should be some kind of support character, instead of the entire team just being comprised of SUPER HARDCORE BADASS RARGHARHGH. Function and variety ftw.

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Why not put in Zacko (The shark boss from Command) as the new member? To give them more variety make him gluttonous, disgusting, a deadly hand-to-hand fighter with an electrically charged blade weapon, but for some reason he's quite gullible, so he relies on the others to keep him from doing anything stupid.

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I was thinking of Dash the monkey related to Andrew from Command, he could be a 4th member for starwolf.

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I see Dash on Star Fox before Star Wolf personally...he's just so YAY GO TEAM and happy and whatnot.

and his role could STILL be filled by Andrew, but whatever

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For some reason, I see Falco joining StarWolf.

He is a BadAss, and has that "Style" for the group.

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Except he seems to dislike Star Wolf more than Fox does. I see him going rogue ala FBF before joining them. He has too much pride.

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This whole thread could've been avoided if Nintendo would've just buckled down and wrote solid material for their games; ever since Adventures, it looks like they could care less about story, and just let the different developers at different companies do whatever with the characters and the plot -- either too much or too little.

Too bad they threw away Pigma without a care in the world; he had the greatest potential since he related to Peppy and Fox on personal levels (if somebody told me my "DADDY SCREAMED REEAALLLL GOOD BEFORE HE DIED", I probably wouldn't take it well either).

Andrew's half-and-half; if they make him a competent heir to Andross, I'd be fine if he kept out of Star Wolf and pursued that. If not, by all means! Bring him back! I bet Star Wolf could use comedic closure to drown out Panther's romanticism.

I actually think Leon's importance to the team should be emphasised, too. Nowadays he's just being pushed aside by Panther (who I think is a ridiculous character). Its a shame he lost his cool attitude from Star Fox 64 (he kinda reminded me of Hannibal Lector[?]; refined, but insane); it made him more unique than the typical "IM GUNNA CUT YOU!" creep.

Wolf is... meh. Just give me the strong rivalry him and Fox had during Star Fox 64 and the beginning of Assault again; no more "I'll be the one to take you down, but right now let's buddy-up!" crap (and honestly, I think Wolf has used that excuse up by now); just shoot at each other like the good ol' days!

Er... back on topic, if they added someone new, though... I'd love to see a species of animal that's menacing, but could still fill Andrew's (comedic, but threatening) or Pigma's (greedy and dangerous) shoes. Maybe... a rhino? Or... something you'd expect to be heroic, like a dog, since all the dogs in Star Fox so far have been good guys (Pepper, and Bill with his Bull Dog Unit)? Also, I'm not gender-specific, but I'd prefer a dude... just so we could have less gawky, awkward Panther.

Clearly my creativity is... 'meh', but at least I got my opinion in...

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I change my mind. The new member speices should be a shark. lol.

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