CrypticQuery Posted April 16, 2012 Share Posted April 16, 2012 I had almost completley forgotten about this project; glad that you're still actively working as I love 2D shooters. A shame about your shaky internet connection though; here's hoping you'll be around for more updates in the future. ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted April 16, 2012 Share Posted April 16, 2012 Haha, this is awesome! Keep up the good work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted April 16, 2012 Author Share Posted April 16, 2012 @Crazy I dont die that easily. Im quite attached to this project to the extent I cant give it up! @Peter Thanks! You should see the next version it'll be 110% better! In other news Im posting from a McDonalds wifi using my 3DS just to say that I played Promised (Reprised) fully on the schools piano with no mistakes and everyone loved it. They also commented how I move while I play the song... It's so hard to sit still! I currently have the sheet music to Room of the Angels. Can't wait to learn this one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted April 17, 2012 Author Share Posted April 17, 2012 Progression report: - Fixed a bug with the homing laser where it would only destroy 3-4 instances rather then destroying all instances in an area - Fixed a bug that caused the screen to jag when boosting or braking at weird intervals. - Adjusted the pop-up messages to make them seem they're more centered - Changed the global font to System for now - Adjusted the radius on the homing laser - Concepted a "turret" enemy //Upon creation: slave=nearest_instance(x,y,obj_bigAsteroid) if(!slave) { slave=nearest_instance(x,y,obj_invulAsteroidM) } //Private variable defines: shots = 0 alarm[0] = 20 //Upon Alarm[0] going off if(global.game_pause == false) { if(shots > 4) { instance_create(obj_en_laser,x,y); shots+= 1; alarm[0]=15; } if(shots == 4) { shots=0; alarm[0]=40; } } //Step Event x=slave.x y=slave.y if(view_yview[0]+500) { instance_deactivate(self) } - I've reduced the flickering of the dialogue system by placing the screen_refresh() function into the step event which is more consistant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted April 20, 2012 Author Share Posted April 20, 2012 So much for daily updates on the project... Anyways, for those in the not-know, I was sick (Bed-ridden to be more accurate) since Tuesday night to Wednesday afternoonish so I wasn't able to put a lot into the game so my apologies for this lackluster update since you'd probably expect more from me in a 3 day period. I'VE BEEN FOILED BY A INSIGNIFFICANT VIRUS! Moving on here are the new updates: I've successfully added in the Turret object and fixed a few bugs associated with it when I first put it in. - Fixed a bug that caused the game to shut down upon restarting a stage after passing a turret - Fixed a bug where multiple anti-air shots would stack ontop of themselves dealing x2 the damage. (6 per shot, 12 if hit by both shots, 24 with the bug and it shoots 3 shots at once, so 24x3 = 72 DMG. That's pretty rediculous.) - I modified some of the laser speeds. Some where going so fast they didn't proc collision checks. In turn it also makes close range shots more accurate. - I made a nice bright turret sprite that also goes with the graphic theme of the game; nice bright distinguishable colors. I'm still in the admists of fixing a bug that causes obj_Turret not to award 2 pnts when the asteroid itself is destroyed and making it so the turret can set invul_asteroids to it's slave x and y coordinates. I also have to fix some laser collision with the Arwing and Enemy ships by making the lasers themselves a little longer. Other then that, all I have to do is modify some HUD elements, and finish at least up to 3/4ths of Meteo done then I can produce a nice up-to-date demo with all the above and some un-mentioned updates. -A quick edit: I'd like to also mention that I have learned 2 out of 6 pages of Room of the Angel from Silent Hill 4. All I'm doing now is perfecting the first two pages then moving onto incorporating 3. This is the first time I'll be playing a song longer then a minute and fifty seconds. (Cough Promise Reprise Cough) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted April 21, 2012 Share Posted April 21, 2012 -A quick edit: I'd like to also mention that I have learned 2 out of 6 pages of Room of the Angel from Silent Hill 4. All I'm doing now is perfecting the first two pages then moving onto incorporating 3. This is the first time I'll be playing a song longer then a minute and fifty seconds. (Cough Promise Reprise Cough) Piano Weeaboo Neeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted April 23, 2012 Author Share Posted April 23, 2012 Piano Weeaboo Neeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd I do quite believe someone is, for the lack of a better term, "jelly" of my piano playing abilities. - - - - Anyways, moving on today's news for Star Fox 2D. I present to you: Nothing. At the behest of making people play the game to find out what all the changes are I have decided not to record down any of the recent changes except for these specific two: - Added Code Name: Thunderbringer - Fixed all flickering problems with my Dialogue Handler function And to show my progress of Code Name: Thunderbringer, I bring to you a very special video of [spoiler prevention bubble]. It's actually mainly showcasing the enemy HP, the additional Quit option, the center-esque of the popup messages, and above all else the functioning of the Real-Time Dialogue Engine that took only 12 hours of my time to develop. (The rewrite anyways, the old one took forever) PS: These are all in-game sounds. I do not add them in post-production. Can you find all the changes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted April 24, 2012 Author Share Posted April 24, 2012 The Cycle of a Sprite. This is part of Project: Thunderbringer which is as of now complete 100%. I just need to make a few minor adjustments and then the demo will be ready for tomorrow! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted April 24, 2012 Author Share Posted April 24, 2012 I would like to remind everyone that tomorrow will be the scheduled date of ver [0.0.5]. The game should be uploaded by 11:35am PST so be sure to keep an eye out. And as always be sure to report glitches/bugs/errors and give constructive feedback! A special video will also be made public tomorrow. [hint its already uploaded] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted April 25, 2012 Author Share Posted April 25, 2012 Summoners!-- Wait Attention all who follow this topic! Behold the newest version of Star Fox 2D and all it's pixelated glory! (Alternatively I've changed file hosting services from to my private uploading hotspot due to's new premium membership scam so there will not be a mirror for this version. ) Version [0.0.5] Download: .zip"]Here As always, report any annomialies you spot in-game. I have seen some in-compatiblity with the view ports on computers that run XP but there is nothing I can do about this due to me no longer owning any XP systems. (7 is better anyways. :V) And dear god, PLEASE BREAK MY GAME! I can't find every little possible error in my game. D: Constructive feedback (or feedback in general) would be very much appreciated; I don't remember the last time someone has complimented the style, the art work, the feel or generally anything about the game's engine in a long time. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and drives me to make this game a hundred- no thousands times better then it is currently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted April 26, 2012 Author Share Posted April 26, 2012 I'd like to remind you all that [ver. 0.0.5] has been released and I am very much looking forward to all your opinions on it. There will be no updates til Monday Apr. 30th as I haven't decided any notions as of currently (besides the creation of Corneria and Fichina) so suggestions will be welcomed except for the following: - Remappable Controls - Additional Levels - Better HUD - Custom portraits instead of the makeshift ones. - Improved RTD-E - New transitions - Debriefing upon entering a level - Allies (that interact with the enviroment) --- Mission Complete quotes --- Additional dialogue to bosses with other allies If you voice any opinions I'll be sure to check tomorrow afternoon at the latest. As usual I beg that you all give feedback of some sort after playing the game, it would make me incredibly happy to know that people are playing and liking the newest version of the game. Oh and I'd like to remind you all that if you do give suggestions (minus the ones I have planned for the future) and if I do end up adding it to the game I will add you to the credits in the Game Info tab. I've been too busy to update it for Ver 0.0.5 but in Ver 0.0.6 (Which will either be the Fichina or Corneria update) I will be sure to update it to the most current list of credits. And if anyone has a preference what to see in the next demo, which level do you want to see created? Fichina? or Corneria? Fichina: - All Range Mode mission - More "advanced" boss battle - More of a "Defend the base" mission Corneria: - Scrolling Level - More "basic" boss battle - Shoot everything you see (mindless) mission Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted April 30, 2012 Author Share Posted April 30, 2012 I still haven't decided upon my next objective however I am leaning towards doing Corneria first then moving onto Fichina. I will not post a lot about Fichina just because I want to retain some surprise. Either way I'm going to have to make tiles myself. :V Here's my theorycraft for Corneria: Grass Tall Grass Water Sand Road Mountain Buildings I'll probably start with basic colors for the most part then start adding in detail later in development. Especially the mountain part. That'll be fun. Someone found a error where the if the turret object flies off the right or left side of the screen it'll give an error. If you ignore it a few times it'll go away and is not ground breaking in the slightest so I don't have to patch it up. (Based on the directions the meteor goes it's relatively a 10/210 chance of happening) As usual I have posted this to the Bugs section on the first page. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted May 1, 2012 Author Share Posted May 1, 2012 - Started on basic tiling. - Fixed the bug with the Turret object. - Created the Corneria stage - Added basic canvas area - Fixed up the game to properly start on Corneria In other news I've been playing a lot of Little Big Planet. I love creating levels in LBP more then anything else. Minus Tales of Symphonia and Graces. Next on the agenda is to completely tile out Corneria with all the basic tiles then move onto improving the detail. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted May 2, 2012 Author Share Posted May 2, 2012 Black Sheep Post Go! Anyways, I've been informed that we'll be getting cable sometime next week (My god) so no internet for me still. I haven't added anything new to Star Fox: 2D as I am still theorycrafting all of Corneria (Tiles = longer time to create a stage and how to go about it.) and it isn't the main attraction of this post. For the second year in a row I've made the B Honour Roll (More then 2 B's and a C) in my acedemics. (Yay!) Other then that I should hopefully have something done later tomorrow or Monday. Since I have a Pro-D on Friday I won't be able to make any updates blahblahblahtidlewave so if I don't post anything tomorrow then look forward to Monday because I should at least have the basic layout of Corneria done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted July 12, 2012 Author Share Posted July 12, 2012 Planning is so much fuuuuuuuuuuuun. Ultimately during development I had this multiple ideas for Corneria's design. However I've revised the design for the final time. The final product is as follows: Short flight through Corneria City > Engage enemy fleet in the exosphere (All Range Mode) > Fight random appearing enemy fleets until x appears > Move onto next objective. This lightens the work load as most of it will be in the exosphere rather then the planet itself. Also holds for some nice -fine- quality tiles rather then the "This brown block is a wall" or "This blue block is water". So glad that all I have to design is levels and bosses. As always, I am always open to suggestions, which applies to things such as (but not limited to) boss designs, planet designs, bomb designs, bonuses, laser designs, so on. --Edit-- I also plan to readjust the boss a little bit slightly as I bet it kinda frustrates people. I also have fixed a error that happens whenever the little turret things fly off screen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted July 18, 2012 Author Share Posted July 18, 2012 New loading icon, complete with a transparent backdrop for when you open the game. I also like the tail on the I. Thought it looked good there. xD I have made very basic tile materials for all the things on Corneria. I have to increase it's length a little bit since the current one is too short but hey. (Edit: I'm readjusting it again! Will be updated in a moment) (Edit [8:20]: Finished! Now I'm not touching it ever again.) (Edit [10:25]: Readjusted it again; except I'm not showing the new one!) (Edit [10:50]: Fixing All Range Mode, cause I broke eeeet~) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted July 19, 2012 Author Share Posted July 19, 2012 New stylized logo? Maaaaaaaaaaaybe. A lot better then the first one. By faaaaaaaaaar. I just implemented this into the game. I've also readjusted the game to be more Galga-esque; you can now freely move all over the screen by using the up and down keys! Except for specific boss fights; where you're only meant to be locked onto the X-axis.Updated the star fox title and introPut more details into Corneria city; water is now animated.Added in windows and side walksAdded mini-map for Exo-Corneria; you can see you and your enemies all on the map.Added in small pointless details.Added in the ability to move your ship by using the up and arrow keys during on rail segments. Just small updates, a new build will be released when the following are done: (No specific order)Corneria is completeBoss for Exo-CorneriaSlight tile updates for Corneria (forever on-going) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted July 21, 2012 Author Share Posted July 21, 2012 Stage 1 of 3 [Complete!]Tiled CorneriaAdded Exo-CorneriaAdded collision Stage 2 of 3:Tank UnitsAll Range Mode unitsBoss unit Stage 3 of 3:DialogueFinishing touches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted July 22, 2012 Author Share Posted July 22, 2012 Unit design #005 - Tank Object Class: obj_Anti-Air_unit (modified unit) Function: Anti-Air; Locations: [intentionally left blank] Difficulty Differences:(Hard) All tanks in Corneria will aim at the Arwing;(Hard) Deal +3 additional damage; (.5 per bullet)(Hard) Take 2 shots to destroy; Designs: spr_AntiAir_unit; spr_tank_body; Code://Draw event draw_sprite_ext(x,y,0,spr_AntiAir,direction,c_white,1) if(room==Corneria) { draw_sprite_ext(x,y,0,spr_AntiAir,tank_direction,c_white,1) } //Creation HP=1 c_tank_direction=0 tank_direction=0 if(global.difficulty=="hard") { HP=2; } //Step Event //Turning script; (Step) if(tank_direction > c_tank_direction) { tank_direction-=0.5} if(tank_drection < c_tank_direction){ tank_direction+=0.5} //c_tank_direction variables if(x<=16) { c_tank_direction=0 } //Left if(x>=624) { c_tank_direction=180 } //Right if(y==xx) { c_tank_direction=90/270 } //To be changed //Collision; (Step) if(coll_circle(14,obj_Laser)) { HP -= 1; if(HP==1) { instance_destroy() } } Just a rough draft at what it should look like code wise; I use custom scripts to do a lot of the work since I type the same variables over and over again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted July 23, 2012 Author Share Posted July 23, 2012 I've made a test copy of [build: 0.0.6]. It features Meteo, bug fixes and the new gameplay mechanic. Enjoy! You can get the newest version from here. This is basically going to be turned into a compilation website with all the theory crafting and old news. It'll be an archive to show how much progress was in this game. Alternatively you can directly download the file by going to the first post as I've put it a part of the builds section. Edit: Oh I forgot to mention I replaced the old Starfox logo with the new one. Fits molto bene then the previous one. 2:34 - New screenshots! I felt like they should have been updated a long time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted July 27, 2012 Author Share Posted July 27, 2012 I just fixed the tanks so that they properly rotate. (since I'm not using the built in direction variable, I have to add a if statement setting the direction to 360 or 0 when needed.) I just need to place these bad boys all over Corneria then we can successfully say Corneria is finished. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted January 11, 2013 Author Share Posted January 11, 2013 I've rebuilt the game from the ground back up in a whole new environment. If I were to list the amount of changes I'd need three whole additional posts to cover everything that I've done differently. My goodness the changes! Although I did add remappable controls this time. No need to change them demo from demo, the configuration saves to: users/[user]/AppData/local/Starfox2d/options.ini. Although be forewarned, messing with the file may cause some horrible effects to SF2D. However some functions may be either broken or not functioning at the moment (Boost/brake system). The newest version, [1.0.1], should be up soon. It'll cover everything from [0.0.5] such as Meteo, enemy units, intro scene, overall score calculation, game over screen, and a credits sequence. (It's a maybe on that last one; It'll probably just be a "Thanks for Playing!" room.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted January 17, 2013 Author Share Posted January 17, 2013 [1.0.1] has been released. You can download it here. Now the game should be up to speed of what 0.0.6 was originally at. Probably even more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted February 22, 2013 Author Share Posted February 22, 2013 Corneria Mock Up #1: Grassy Plains 1-1 Thought I'd try my hands on tiling again (bleh) and found that this attempt wasn't too bad. Tremendously better then what the beta stage looked like. (My god, blinding green and weeds the size of the buildings) Grassy color and pattern inspired from: A Link to the Past. Time to do the water tiles... Woohoo. Oh and also, I've already shown this to a selective few, here is Not Tomorrow - Lisa's Death on Piano by me: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tailsz Posted September 7, 2013 Author Share Posted September 7, 2013 If I ever decide to make a new fangame of something, I better create the particle system FIRST. Because it's like dominos, one slightly wrong configuration in setting up a system could either crash your game completely, or crush your dreams because the particle isn't working. Anyways, the particle uses only one sprite and scales down as it's life onscreen disappears. This one is a local particle. The object itself is destroyed upon leaving the view and I've tried multiple different ways to try and cause memory leaks to happen but to no aval so I assume that the particle system is 'destroyed' alongside the object. (Even though there is a function to specifically destroy the particle system, and GML urges you destroy your particle system in a destroy event) //particle_beam_tail P_System = part_system_create() p1 = part_type_create() part_type_sprite(p1,sprBeamTail,false,false,false) part_type_size(p1,1,1,-0.05,0) part_type_scale(p1,1,1) part_type_speed(p1,0,0,0,0) part_type_color2(p1,c_white,c_black) part_type_alpha2(p1,1,0) part_type_blend(p1,true) part_type_direction(p1,direction,direction,0,0) part_type_orientation(p1,0,0,0,0,1) part_type_life(p1,20,20) Completion List: rm_title_screen: 100% [complete] rm_game_over: 100% [complete] rm_Corneria: 90% [boss, finish up one spot] rm_Sector_X: 0% [map is planned out] rm_Meteo: 100% [complete] rm_Venom: 0% [Few things need to be planned out] rm_Credits: -10% [Not even a room yet] Dialogue Engine: 0% [rewrite] Particle Engine: 100% [complete] Key bindings: 100% [complete] Still deciding if I'll make the allies fly around and interact with the enviroment in stages other then Sector X where they're mandatory... I'll see when I get around to the end of the game when I do clean up. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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