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Star Fox: 2D [Ver. 1.0.1]


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Been awhile man? How ya' doing? School been keeping ya busy?

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I'm doing fine to be honest. I like the economy stuff, I remember another forum having this except it was 1 coin per post and 3 per topic and 150 per completed game you submitted.

School has definitely kept me busy. So has League of Legends and Skype and friends and PlayLand and all that fun stuff. However I did do a couple of things here and there. I often change my status on the front page cause I don't wanna post a singular line saying "I'm on hiatus kthxbye" (Not to mention piano related things)

Oh and I got a new title for great justice. SF2D Developer. xD

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- Fixed a bug that enabled another bug which created a all new problem with the laser. (100% fixed the dual laser on All Range mode)

- I would like to point out I haven't removed the All Range Mode or On rails map, just the ones I don't tend to use. (Beta menu room and the original map selection)


- Fixed a bug where sd_bomb_trail wasn't playing correctly.

- Fixed the titlescreen so it doesn't play the theme twice 0.5 seconds after.


- Added All Range Mode to Game Information aswell as credited Starfox-online.net for the original sound effects from SF64. (Modified them) (Credited kkstarfox for the room loop suggestion. (Think going off screen in the arcade "Mario Bros."))

- Added all changes from [ver. 0.0.4] into Game Information (So... Much... Writing...)

- Updated all changes from [ver. 0.0.5] into the Game Information

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awww i got a credit, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, like i did something special! So are you planning on going into a programming career or is it simply a hobby? Either way, if it is your dream you should pursue it! Work hard and you may one day find your name on credits for top selling software or cool new video games. When you see that, you can feel satisfaction my friend!

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To-do list I am working on:

- Adding options to the pause menu to Continue, Restart, and Quit the game.

- When the game is paused, it will show how many lives you have as well as overall score.


- Add the non-destructible meteors to Meteo.

- Find positions on Meteo to script the bigger (Really big) non-destructible asteroids and put them in game.

- The above will lead to 2/3rds of Meteo done.


3/3 of Meteo completed will have:

- More enemies

- Boss Fight

- Secrets!

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New features!

- Added options "Continue, Restart and Quit" to the pause menu

- Game prompts a "Yes or No" pop-up pressing Quit

- Updated Asteroid AI

- 75% of the asteroids have been replaced by invulnerable ones to reduce the chances of getting 500+ points. (Legit)

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Indestructible asteroids! OH NOES!

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Indestructible asteroids! OH NOES!

Muahahaha. No more 350+ points from using the homing laser!

Anyways, this is not a progress report today. Today is a life report!

So yesturday I went on the Graduate Cruise my school hosts annually for all the grads at my school. It was my first time in Vancouver in a long time (around 10 years). The buildings were so tall! I got a little dizzy looking at them. Anyways, we arrived at the boat and it was huge and fancy. The inside was also quite fancy. Fast forward to being out in the lake, it was around 6-7PM. I sat on the roof of the ship looking out at the water. Seeing the lights from the city as well as the glow from the moon off the water was quite the sight. I also had sooo much fun dancing. We did the Macalana, Y-M-C-A, Disco dancing, so many other things. IT WAS AWESOME! PICTURES! FUN FUN FUN FUN! LOOKING FORWARD TO THE WEEKEND!

"BEST DAY EVER!!!" - Tangled

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I did a few things today:

- Object relocating

- Game Over screen (Not programmed to go there, but it exists)

- Adjusted the damage on the invulnerable asteroids to increase awareness

- Fixed a flaw where all the asteroids were moving north instead of south at the player.

- Asteroid AI is now perfected - I won't need to visit this any more.

- Removed all scripts and lines that were only for beta purposes that are no longer needed as the game has options that handle everything perfectly.

- Crafting area's where I can put the huge meteors.

In other news, I have changed my avatar! A cookie to whoever can guess who it is. (However Shrooms/Xort/Milky/Fureox are banned from answering. xD)

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- Explosion upon death

- Updated the Game Information

- - Now shows updated control scheme

- - Updated a few things here and there

- Adjusted the placement of the selection arrow for the pause menu

- Fixed an odd origin bug that affected the bomb/numbers/x sign

- Added lives when you pause the game (current position is a place holder)

I'll keep you posted on further updates to the game!

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Modified some values:

- Blast sound clip slightly reduced

- Smart Bomb tick sound clip procs more frequently

- Blast radius slightly reduced to keep in touch with the actual explosion size

- Added the explosion animation to the enemies

- Added a fade in of "Press enter to return to the main menu" to the game over screen

- Fixed the origin point of the explosion and multiple objects

New video has been produced and will be promptly replacing the current one on the front page not too long from now.

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- Fixed the text fade on the Game Over screen

- Added background music to the main menu

- Created the music_handler object

- Fixed the sync of the text on the main menu

- Changed the "all range" to "All Range Mode"

- Added "- Press Enter to continue -" to the end game proc

- Fused the end game proc into one timer rather then the five it previously occupied

- Fixed the Smart Bomb so it doesn't tick while exploding

- Added the pulse explosion sound clip to the pulse laser.

Funny little thing, but if you search up Star Fox: 2D on google:

1 video will be found; previous trailer

2 links to this topic

1 link to the Star Fox 2D titlescreen screenshot on my Deviantart

Oh and in the images section, you'll get my old Jill avatar and HLStats

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R-TDE Initialized.


R-TDE progress approximately at 5%



1. Shows text

- Text is shown through a script called "<classified>", in which the text is projected into the system and comes out as a dialogue sequence.




Fetching R-TDE Goals.



Goals aquired, now showing:

- Shows sprite face with border around it

- Shows ally/enemy health if applicable

- Shows text

- Script automatically changes dialogue after timer goes off.

- Previous text is erased after sequence has ended

- Once sequence has ended, the dialogue deactives the array

- End of a level, automatically resets all values.

- Script changes depending on level

- Dialogue is activated upon reaching a certain Y coordinate

- Dialogue can be activated by timers without causing conflicts with the step command

- Dialogue will cancel previous dialogues if a new one is triggered

- Dialogue will priortize which dialogue to skip and which to not skip if conflict occurs.






Because I felt being different, I have some pieces of the R-TDE (Real-Time Dialogue Engine) actually working as I have been focusing on things rather then the main engine. I feel that a break from optimizing the game engine is a nice change. Anyways, I'll keep you posted on more future updates.

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Updated the Real-Time Dialogue Engine a little while I'm here during my off-block this morning. (8:20)

- Now properly deactivates text after the timer goes off (8:35am)

- Script now replaces active dialogue with the one that is suppose to play (8:43am)

- All deactivation timers use a single timer (8:45am)

- Added portraits including the border around it (8:53am)

- Optimized the drawing portrait code - Can now opt out of using one without it having draw the border. (9:05am)

- Changed font size to properly fit into the text box (9:06am)

- Optimized chat box size to not take up too much space on the screen (9:09am)

- Now properly displays current health if the main character is talking (9:22am)

- Attempted to shrink the display health script but reverted it back so it's easy to manage (9:28am)

- Handler now displays ally health (9:30am)

Unorganized updates for the R-TDE:

- Dialogue now properly works upon reaching a pre-designated Y coordinate

- Dialogue can be activated by timers without conflicting the step command

- Fixed the script so it doesn't cause dialogues to overlap each other for the few seconds it changed dialogues.

- Dialogue does change depending on level- it checks which level you're on before drawing.

Remaining goals:

- Sequencing (Basically scrolls text after use)

- Text Wrapper

- Transmission sounds

- Transmission animation

- Can be called outside of the DiaHandler object.

Pweh, that was some work today.

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if(argument[1]){ //Draw the Portrait




if(argument[2]){ //Draw Character Healthbar


	if(argument[2]==1) { //Black Box



	if(argument[2]==2) { //Grey Box





This is the shell of the current R-TDE engine. I like my basic stuff. <3

It's also really incomplete so using this in your own game isn't the best idea when there are more well done open source codes floating about.

Also, since I still have that Silent Hill vibe lately, I demand I put a song up.

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Updated the Dialogue Handler. (While at school. YAY STUDY BLOCK!)

- The Dialogue Handler doesn't have a wrapper persay, but it now has a function that causes the text to wrap to the next line without happening to use three seperate text protocols. (Using the ` character as it won't be used during normal dialogue uses.

- The dialogue now supports up to 30 characters per line, ending with 90 characters per box. Which is a slight improvement.

- Dialogue can now be called up to 16 times.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Boy is this topic dusty...

Anyways, I'd like to point out that I'm going to halt the project during December. It's the holidays and Christmas break is almost upon my senior year. Which means grad events, lots and lots of grad events. However that doesn't mean I won't fix a few things in Star Fox 2D that I've had my time trying to fix for the past month that caused a conflict in the system between the new Dialogue Handler and the original script for the game. Variable mismatches, some things aren't poping up where they should, sometimes the drawing stuff crashes due to certain variable conflicts, and some "missing" files that I had in the original Dialogue Handler before I started developing it in a new file and the new Dialogue Handler that I just implemented sometime around November 18th.

- Fixed the font to be a little more "smushed" together thus incorporating a lot more area in each line.

- Fixed a visual bug where the portrait was drawing on top of the border

- Fixed a bug where the health bar wasn't drawing correctly while the game was scrolling

- Changed front page status to "On Holidays, have a wonderful Christmas and so on!"

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  • 1 month later...

Ugh, no matter what I do cobwebs keep stringing on this topic. Hahaha.

Anyways, hey guys it's me reporting back with a slightly new update for Star Fox: 2D! I haven't done too much since I lasted updated it since I'm trying to get back into it slowly. Here are the newest updates:

- Big Meteors as well as free-roam big meteors

- They're all attached to one object, if the object is created on a certain X/Y axis it'll always be a static direction.

- They're slower than the smaller ones

- Fixed a bug that caused sprites to disappear on occasion

- Modified the fade of "Press enter to return to main menu" so it's smoother

- The Real-Time dialogue system library has been temporarily removed so I can improve the script. It most likely won't make an appearance in [Ver.0.0.5]

- Cleaned up Meteo so it isn't too cluttered.

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- Wiped the Meteo map clean and started over. Increased map range from 9009 to 12550

- Slightly fixed a bug where the meteors would cling together in some instances. (Further testing required)

- Updated checklist

- Pre-arranged Meteors - Re-populate Meteo (At least 3/4th's complete) - New enemy unit - Health/Bomb/Laser drops
Now I have to re-think the current enemy placements.... Hmmm...

Quick Edit: Changed the "Current Version Bugs" to "Version [0.0.X] Bugs". Any reported bug findings will be put on that list so I don't forget (including user name).

If I get enough people reporting bugs I'll make a special spot on the front page and stuff showing credit to who did what. Any bug counts since this is a one-man band after all.

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The -hour- later post before bed:

- Created a new meteor class. I now can select from small, medium and large invulnerable asteroids.

- Improved Meteor script. Meteors are either controlled by a certain points on the Y or X (or both) axis or they're randomized to go in any direction.

-- Current scripted meteors: 1

- Fixed a bug where sometimes if the mini-ship wasn't activated before the main squad leader of that brigade was it would cause an error.

- 0.1/4 Meteo done.

While I do all of this I'm also planning ahead by adding in where scripted power ups will be dropped and where Object Generators will be placed. Specifically there'll be a "Meteor River" in the middle section where one of the invulMeteors will be destroyed.

Meteo is split into 5 areas:

1st area is composed of light rocks and small brigades of enemies

2nd area is composed of small and medium asteroids, barrages of enemies and "meteor rivers".

3rd area is composed of huge asteroids

4th area is a combination of all the above

5th area is the boss fight (Not implemented and mainly theoretical at this moment.)

Psst. I may have concept art for the boss of Meteo. However I cannot disclose any details on how it works at this time; I want it to be a surprise! (Spent a good 20 minutes earlier writing multiple ideas down for this boss and how it works.)

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- New Object: obj_MeteorSpawner

Creates certain stream of meteors at pre-calculated positions on the map.

- Fixed a few bugs that were caused from the old Meteor script

- New Object: obj_PickUps

An object that randomly (or determinedly) changes into a power up upon creation.


- Fixed a error that occured when you created homing laser JUST AS the target deactivated off screen.


- Fixed another error with the targeting system.


- New Sprite: sprHealthPickup

Health Pickup sprite

- New Sprite: Meteor Spawner

See the above "obj_MeteorSpawner"


- Upgraded from 8.0 to 8.1.139

--- New Room editor

--- Additional features and bug fixes from the original

--- Games load faster

With the new room creation system implemented in the latest patch of Game Maker, I can now effectively placed objects outside the view of the room and delete them accordingly.

- A few sprites have been updated

- Created a temporary fix to prevent the game from stalling when it first prints text on the screen. (Game does not initialize font upon game start.)


- Errors are now logged to a .txt file with the game executable. If any errors occur just upload that file or copy and paste the contents to this topic.

Edited by Tailsz
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  • 3 weeks later...


Introducing the latest concept! Brought to you by the ever procrastinate Tailsz!

Originally a Facebook exclusive photo, decided to place it here too.

Name: Deathstinger


- Shield Unit

- Fires high proton beams after a set time

More information to be released later.

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  • 2 months later...

And about a month and then some later, I bring even more Starfox 2D news! (I took March off since I've been working on this pretty consecutively but now I'm trucking through it!)

- D. Stinger has full functionality

-- Fires charged shots that do tons of damage

-- First ship to have multiple animations

-- Has a shield that blocks normal laser fire (until it shoots you, then the shield is down temporarily)

- Arwing now "Shakes" when it collides with objects

- Arwing now literally explodes upon death

- HP "slides" to the current HP rather then "jumping" instantly

- Meteo is now 1/3rdish done, I just have to add the last pieces and modify a few things.

- Improved collision detection, I reduced the hitbox of the arwing greatly.

-- Lasers have improved hitboxes too

-- Most collision is done within the Step function (with exceptions)

- I've added the completely basic dialogue handler. Still need to work out the flickering but other then that it's fine.

- I've changed the font slightly to get rid of "unwanted" text within text.

- Asteroid spawners have been added;

- Added multiple sizes of asteroids

- Fixed up the movement script of the Arwing; reduced and removed various un-needed variables.

- Updated the result screen slightly; I added an extra timer so that the "Total Score:" doesn't appear til after "COMPLETE!" has appeared.

- Fixed up a few sprites

- I fixed up some text that required variables; the draw function now handles variables within text correctly.

Additionally, I've updated the front page's goals with the above. Some weren't actually apart of the goals but I ended up adding them early.

In other news I have limited access to the internet currently; I can only make updates through the use of public computers or wifi hot spots right now, we're expecting cable coming within the next two weeks (I won't hold my breath, they've been saying this for the last other few weeks since March 15th) so there won't be any avaliable downloads or screenshots until then.

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