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Star Fox Anime

Guest Victor

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Do you think there should be a Star Fox Anime?

I think its a great idea.

Whole seris? SNES 1 & 2, N64, GCN, DS (Exspanded remake of SNES 2), Wii/Rev

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Anything new and innovative for a series is a good idea. Especially Anime.....I love Anime.....

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They'd have to pull it off right...

Judging from both Sonic X and, to a lesser extent, F-Zero GP Legend, videogame-based kid animes don't work too well.

Pulled off properly, though, (as in, pulled off a la Sonic SatAM) and it could be really great.

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They'd have to pull it off right...

Judging from both Sonic X and, to a lesser extent, F-Zero GP Legend, videogame-based kid animes don't work too well.

Pulled off properly, though, (as in, pulled off a la Sonic SatAM) and it could be really great.

You remember the old sonic? Is is the one with sally?.......And was that Robotnick...Eggmans grampappy?

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Yes, the one with Sally and the whole gang. And Robotnic's not Eggman's grandad. That was back before people started calling him Eggman (what a stupid name). Dr. Robotnic FTW!

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Ooh! Ooh! With Antoine(sp? I know it's wrong), Roter, and Bunny Rabbot.....FREEDOM FIGHTERS!

Oh Geez.....Now, I'm going off into the cartoon.

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Yes, yes! People know what Sonic SatAM is! The last of the great video game cartoons!

Viewtiful Joe may join it, though. Only cause I'm a VJ fanboy.

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Yes, yes! People know what Sonic SatAM is! The last of the great video game cartoons!

Viewtiful Joe may join it, though. Only cause I'm a VJ fanboy.

What was the theme for Sonic SatAM?


Look out...StarFlash

Sonic the Hegdehog

....don't know the rest

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Oh God no.

Starfox is tainted enough with bad games being made, I don't think we'd want to defile it any further by turning it into an anime.

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Well, we could always try to make a fan-anime of this *le gasp*, but in all seriousness 4 Kids would probably get it for dubbing. You know the rest.

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Zicka, if its got bad games, why go on these forums? And I actually firmly believe that all the games were AWESOME.

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Yeah, I'm with Fox of Fire. Why do you join this forum if you don't like the games? The games are what made the franchise a hit.

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Guest Victor

Back to topic...........

Well its a great idea,

here is how it works.

Season 1: Star Fox/ Star Fox 64

Season 2: Star Fox Adventures.

Season 3: Star Fox Assault

Season 4: Star Fox Command

Season 5: Etc, etc,etc

or the story could be divided into arcs like in One Piece, imagine something like Sauria Arc.

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Zicka' date=' if its got bad games, why go on these forums? And I actually firmly believe that all the games were AWESOME.[/quote']

Because I still hold to the old classics.

You know, the ONLY games that put Starfox on as high a level that it is.

But I'm opposed to these repeated attempts by other developers to drag it down.

And Anime is horrible, it would be a slap to the face for the StarFox franchise.

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^Cross out Anime and put 4Kids TV....

That's QFT.

If Starfox were to get a TV show, I'd think Anime is the only way that would seem right.

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Guest Victor

I kniw, but then comes the stoopid 4Kids Entertainment, look what they did to One Piece. THEY TOOK OUT MOST OF THE GOOD STUFF. STUPID COMPANY AND THERI " EVERYTHING HAS TO BE KID FRIENDLY " POLICY

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Ok, fair enough, yeah, SF Assault could have been better, it had potential and Adventures was totally new but I didn't see too much wrong with it. Command looks good because I read somewhere that its going to have lots of levels so it will actually be quite long, Assault was too short.
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  • 2 months later...

I think a Starfox Anime would be an interesting idea. I'd watch it.

((Also I have to agree.

4Kids is horrible for what they did to One Piece.

They cut off like 33% of the show.

Like when Nami get sick for example. there a a whole much of episodes that explain how she got sick while on that island where they met chopper.

They cut those out!!!!! So she's just sick and we don't know how.))

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If star fox is getting an anime series they should at least explain this:

What really happen to James

How does wolf lost his eye (if he lost it, maybe is a scan visor see threads)

How does fox first meet Bill and Katt (their backgrounds)

Whats in the 8 lost years between SF64 and SF Adventures

Honestly i dont think they should use the games. I am not fan of pokemon (neither games or cartoon) but i think that both things are never related. They just use the characters but the story is different (once again: i think).

But in the anime should explain the things above in some way they cartoon and games only have these points in common.

I dont want to see that Wolf is a cyborg that would be ridiculous! sorry but some people are saying that can explain why he is so cold and why theres no background. Have you read "The story of StarWolf"? Fanfiction. Thats a good background for wolf (about he eyepatch that was... well read it) Nintendo should use one of the Fanfiction for the lost years and backgrounds out there. Some are "sticky"

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