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^Yes. Mostly Seafood, and the Asian food I've eaten thus far.

< Attempting to Kennedy my prifile again XD

V how are you? xD

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^I am thirsty, it doesn't help that I'm eating spicy food.

< I love beautiful wood.

V Don't you?

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< Still modifiying profile

V is it odd to have a portrait of JFK handing in a position at my bed so when i lay on my back, i see him every time?

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^ I'd be more worried about being shot by another one of those derpy bullets.

< Is actually an aphephobe (Fear of being touched)

v But wants a hug non the less.

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<Is so bored he might shoot himself just so something interesting can happen today.

V Who do you play most in l4d?

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^ Token Black Guy

< Likes Death Metal, horror movies and My Little Pony

v DOSH! Grab it while it's hot.

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^*Grabs Dosh, and gives the user above a hug*

< Well im off to do what i hate most in life: Sleeping. I think im nocturnal.

V Are you nocturnal or a night person?

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^ I get up at 7 go to bed at 9. 7PM and 9AM that is.


v nyx_grab_my_sock_by_dreatos-d41fnnj.pngclick for full size.

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^But I'm not wearing any socks! :lol:

< Getting ready for a roadtrip

V What's the longest you've gone without some form of sleep?

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^ 4 days, ended up in a hospital bed

< currently in the middle of a road trip

\/ dumbest thing you've ever done

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^Locked myself out of a room, used a chisel and knife to get back in, and locked myself out again within five minutes. Not one of my brightest hours :lol::facepalm:

< Watching Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron :D

V What's a favorite hobby of yours? ^_^

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^Constantly making up stories in my head, and playing them to myslef.

< Feels good to be clean :D

V do you like being clean?

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^ Usually :lol:

< Sitting in the dark on SF-O; I don't even know what it looks like outside

V If you were stranded on an island, and could only bring one person with you, who would you choose?

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^either John F. Kennedy or Chris Redfield. Both seem pretty samrt and resourceful. We coul come up with a plan to survive and possibly find a way of the island.

<wants to try out Resident Evil 5

V think it was any good?

Edited by Reynard
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^ Played the co-op mode for a bit with a friend; it was pretty decent, though it definitely didn't have the horror factor of the past games

< Still sitting on a couch surfing the internet and furthering stereotypes! :lol:

V Have a favorite gaming platform?

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^ you beat me to replying to the one above

< loves the gamecube

\/ could you go to space and leave everyone behind for 6 years, would you?

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^Depends on who it was. I might. I have a tendency to be very loyal to friends.

< listening to one of my favorite songs in Kotor series.

Vwant to listen to it?

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^ No thanks, I'm good for now :D

< Here's hoping this post isn't :ninja: 'd O_o

V What's the highlight of your day, today?

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^The fac that i woke up for the second time, and took a shower. Nothing much.

<Still listening.

V whats your highlight?

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^Both. They ar eboth good at their jobs (R.I.P. Mr. Mays)

< Listening to aesoem battle musics.

V like battle music too?

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^ Most definitely!

< Now you've got me on the topic of great battle music/music that could go to a battle

V On a scale of 1-10, how well would this match with an action scene?

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^Mabye like some troops and such mmvoing to the battle, or just preparing to move out of their base on helicopters and fly to the objective while dodging RPG's or something :D

<wonder if i should draw somehing....

V how about this with an action scene?

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^ Possibly one of the most awesome things I've heard today; DEFINITELY! :D

< Listening to that song link :D

V What do you do while bored on the internet?

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^ Team fortress 2

< getting rained on under a large tarp held up by PVC pipe

\/ favorite track from any starfox game

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