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The Confrontation

Dr. Orange

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Okay so I will join with a character of mine named Sanford (He's in the RP characters subforum somewhere) and he will likely side with whoever gives him the biggest reward.

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Do you think you have enough people to start?

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I believe so.

But One problem I see though is that It looks to me that most users are going to be on the side of Resistance which wouldn't work.

I just hope that some people will choose the side of Government.

But besides that I can get the RP started up by Sunday or Monday of this week since I'm in a Library 150 Miles away from my computer.

But I can start the discussion topic today. ^_^

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This seems cool. I'm in, and I'll do government.

/goes off to build character.

Edit: Character completed, going to be using "Fissure" for this one on the side of government. Link to character.

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Thank you LoneWolf :)

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Thank you LoneWolf :-)

Yeah, no problem. I like being the bad guy. Muahahaha!

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I suppose Sanford will be on the side of the government as well. He gets paid more, and there's less threat of death.

His profile is in here: Third post, 2nd character.

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How many have we got?

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If you're full up, I understand if not, I'd like to join :D

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How many have we got?

We have nine so far. :D :D

So let's start it up NOW!

Would it be okay if I tried to be in it too?

Of course. :D

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We have nine so far. :D :D

So let's start it up NOW!

Of course. :D

Cool. Hey uhm, may I use Albert Wesker? I'll be on the government's side if you wish.

Edited by Reynard
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I would if I were in you shoes, but you don't need to if you don't want to.

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I would if I were in you shoes, but you don't need to if you don't want to.

I might. I shall consider it ;)

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Character sheet for Cupèlo Domingo, who I'll be using:

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locking since a discussion topic has been made

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