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Chapter Zero


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 I just picked up a novel i started writing a year, or half a year ago, again. I wrote another chapter for it and noticed how much better my skill at writing has gotten. Anyways, i may enjoy writing it and think it is a beautifully written story but i need a second opinion. So i will attach the 3 chapters i wrote a total of 26 pages. If you enjoy it let me know if you did not let me know. Critiques are more then welcome, they are encouraged. The only way to grow is to right what you have done wrong and learn from it.


All characters, plotlines, and the general story are copyright and created by me. Any connection or likeness to real people is purely coincidental and created from the deranged conscious of me, the writer.



Chapter Zero.rtf

Edited by kkstarfox
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Sweet! hope you arent disappointed.

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Wow. Just ow...that was the most amazing thing i have read in a long time! Very awesome novel so far, keep it up buddy! :wink:

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Yes well it is a bit vague in places so far, but as the story progresses questions will be answered, and secrets uncovered.

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Vlads accent didn't bother you eh?

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lol nope, you have no idea how obsessed i used to be with Russia. I actually read the story outload and did a voice for him. Its was great ;)

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Russians: W = Vs. XD

I read the story and it was amazing. Simply amazing. :D

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Chapter 3 should be done later today possibley tomorrow. We will see.

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  • 1 month later...

I must apologize for the lack of updates, and a double post, but I imagine ill have the next chapter posted soon :-)


Fix'd: Here are another additional 10 pages. I may or may not add more to this chapter, or I may take my train of thought further into another chapter... Any ways enjoy!


Edited by kkstarfox
I no longer want my story out in the open
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