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Lineart in paint?


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Well, I've been looking all over, and I can't figure out how people do it. I saw this tutorial, but I think this guy is using a different paint then I am.

Can somebody help me here? Please? :P

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As a matter of fact, if you just draw using MS Paint, this program is quite good, because it only has "100% Hardness" brushes. So any line you draw is neat.

The major drawback is that you can't set the width of your lines to sizes other than the few already set up. So, in order not to have heavily pixelized linearts, you need to draw big, as if you zoomed in a lot, so when you zoom out, curves look just fine... ;)

If you plan on inking a scanned drawing, then you can't do it, because Paint doesn't have the layers system.

To do this, you can use freewares such as Photofiltre or Paint.NET (so you don't have to hack Photoshop, Illustrator and such).

Why not suggesting GIMP which is also free? Well, I'll do so when the software finally gets a decent user interface! :P

Anyway, if you plan on drawing your linearts (so not doing vector art), you'd better get a pen tablet. Linearting using a mouse or a trackpad is a real nightmare! XD

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As a matter of fact, if you just draw using MS Paint, this program is quite good, because it only has "100% Hardness" brushes. So any line you draw is neat.

The major drawback is that you can't set the width of your lines to sizes other than the few already set up. So, in order not to have heavily pixelized linearts, you need to draw big, as if you zoomed in a lot, so when you zoom out, curves look just fine... ;)

If you plan on inking a scanned drawing, then you can't do it, because Paint doesn't have the layers system.

To do this, you can use freewares such as Photofiltre or Paint.NET (so you don't have to hack Photoshop, Illustrator and such).

Why not suggesting GIMP which is also free? Well, I'll do so when the software finally gets a decent user interface! :P

Anyway, if you plan on drawing your linearts (so not doing vector art), you'd better get a pen tablet. Linearting using a mouse or a trackpad is a real nightmare! XD

The GIMP's UI actually isn't that bad when run under it's native environment, which is a GNOME-based desktop on your favorite *NIX.

But, that style of windowing doesn't translate well to Windows, so in Windows it sucks bad.

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I agree, but since Wolf Gang mentioned MS Paint, I assumed he is using Windows.

(But well... The UI sucks in OS X too! :P )

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