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Starfox Heal/Hurt


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Fox: 12

Falco: 8+

Slippy: 14

Krystal: 16

Peppy: 14

ROB: 6

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7-

Panther: 10

go falco!

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Fox: 12

Falco: 9 +

Slippy: 13 -

Krystal: 16

Peppy: 14

ROB: 6

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

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Fox: 12

Falco: 8 -

Slippy: 14 +

Krystal: 16

Peppy: 14

ROB: 6

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10


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Fox: 12

Falco: 9 +

Slippy: 13 -

Krystal: 16

Peppy: 14

ROB: 6

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

RAWR! yourself.

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Fox: 12

Falco: 9

Slippy: 13

Krystal: 17 +

Peppy: 14

ROB: 5 -

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

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Fox: 12

Falco: 8 -

Slippy: 14 +

Krystal: 17

Peppy: 14

ROB: 5

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10


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Rule #3: You may post 1 time every hour and if this doesn't fit, I'll use reccomendations from others. This rule is set to make sure people don't go overboard and destroy characters too quickly.

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Mistakes happen. >>;

Fox: 12

Falco: 9

Slippy: 13

Krystal: 18 +

Peppy: 14

ROB: 4 -

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

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Seemed like an hour. XP

Fox: 12

Falco: 9

Slippy: 14 +

Krystal: 18

Peppy: 14

ROB: 3 -

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

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Fox: 12

Falco: 9

Slippy: 13 -

Krystal: 19 +

Peppy: 14

ROB: 3 -

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

Nice avvy, though.

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Thanks, Infinity made it though, not me.

Fox: 12

Falco: 9

Slippy: 14 +

Krystal: 19

Peppy: 14

ROB: 2 -

Wolf: 13

Leon: 10

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

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I know, and I like it!

Fox: 12

Falco: 9

Slippy: 13 -

Krystal: 19

Peppy: 14

ROB: 2

Wolf: 13

Leon: 11 +

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

ROB gets no love...;_;

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Krystal flourishs, muwuhaha!

Fox: 12

Falco: 9

Slippy: 13

Krystal: 20 +

Peppy: 14

ROB: 1 -

Wolf: 13

Leon: 11

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

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Fox: 12

Falco: 9

Slippy: 12 -

Krystal: 20

Peppy: 14

ROB: 2 +

Wolf: 13

Leon: 11

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

Gasp, ROB is loved! No, just didn't want to kill him just yet. Sorry ROB. ^_^

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Fox: 12

Falco: 9

Slippy: 13 +

Krystal: 20

Peppy: 14

ROB: 1 -

Wolf: 13

Leon: 11

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

Slippy is loved too, don't just gang up on the basket cases.

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Fox: 12

Falco: 10 +

Slippy: 12 -

Krystal: 20

Peppy: 14

ROB: 1

Wolf: 13

Leon: 11

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10

Okay, but can we gang up on the clumsy, annoying idiots?

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Umm... he would want us to continue the show!

Fox: 13 +

Falco: 10

Slippy: 12

Krystal: 20

Peppy: 14

Wolf: 13

Leon: 11

Pigma: 7

Panther: 10


ROB - EvolutionSFox

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Fox: 13

Falco: 10

Slippy: 12

Krystal: 20

Peppy: 14

Wolf: 14 +

Leon: 11

Pigma: 6 -

Panther: 10

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Fox: 13

Falco: 10

Slippy: 13 +

Krystal: 20

Peppy: 14

Wolf: 14

Leon: 11

Pigma: 5 -

Panther: 10

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