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The Heroic Wild Card


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i can do it his weekend acually

i will even have 0 distractions present since EVERYONE is leaving the dorm and i aint

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Assuming my sister's place has Internet, I'll be good for just about any time I suppose. It's just not been very often that we get everyone online, and when we have we've forgotten all about it.

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WHy not do a stand alone podcast or vlog or something then?

Well I can't speak for them, but I can say in my reasoning, doing them is boring for well, just yourself. To me that is. So maybe Xort would like that, but I mainly do it cause it is something we can do as friends and have fun with it and all.

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Yeah, I wouldn't do a standalone podcast because my voice sucks ass and I have no personality when I'm by myself, really. I can only get interesting when I'm talking and can interact with other people. In any case, it seems everyone is good for this weekend, and I have Internet over here in my new place, so it'll probably happen very soon.

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This makes me curious. I will be watching this, as the preview episode was quite good, and it appears that it will be much more regular than SFOCast.

Also, I'd be interested in guest starring, if you guys ever get onto a regular schedule, which is hard, I understand. I tried doing a weekly video for my YouTube once. Tried and failed within the first week. Nobody was available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funnily enough, we did one, but Xortberg is lazy and won't edit and post it.

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It was only a sort of filler episode because we realized we were being lazy in the first place, so my being lazy is doubly bad. In fact, I'll go do the editing right now.

And editing is done. Now I just have to wait for the project to save, and then upload it and stuff.

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