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Psygonis / 44thwindsword art


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Phasic transition blade is based on hyper-frequency molecular oscillations, happening in the blade. At some point, the vibrations make it reach a state when random atoms are consistent, and some aren't, a bit like if each particule was to pass a quantum tunnel-effect experiment.

The frequency used and shape of hyper-frequency waves running through the blade make it able for a few seconds ro reduce actual impact force by ~95%, so landing a blow on someone for instance feels nearly like slicing effortlessly through it. But while "phasic transitioning" through the target, localy consistent blade particles deal internal damages, such as neural ways cuts or internal bleedings or other organ damages.

The effect can't be sustained longer than a few seconds, just the time of a blow actually, and can't be used several times in a row though.

If the phasic transition effect collapses when the blade is "in" something, the blade can break, and energy lines leaks can occur, something potentially dangerous for the swordman!

The waves propagation is controlled by the node at the root of the blade (right above the guard), using the circuitry that appears on its edges (but also runs inside its central body). The battery is located in the pommel. The blue terminaisons on the edges are mineral oscillators adapted to the range of hyper-frequencies used.

That's pseudo-science, just so we agree! ^_^

I noticed you entered the contest. Good luck for it though! :) I'm flattered you see my artwork win over Myu's, I'd like to be that sure as well. But she's a talentuous artist, so it's not done yet! :P

I'll read your entry tomorrow, after a good night of sleep! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Just to tell that I was moving in back in my former DeviantART account, there: http://psygonis.deviantart.com

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Cool looking forward to seeing more of your material!

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Your really good at drawing and I love your Nyan cat spoof that's hilariousî‰

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Thanks! ^^

I was just like... "Let's make something fun for an hour or so..." And BAAAM! Nyan Starfox! :D

Ok, for my "new" DA gallery, I'm still doing the reposts from my "old" gallery, so it's not really new art yet, but new artworks should follow soon! ;)

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Can't wait to see'em when you get'em! ;)

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Well, since I'm scanning all my drawings folder on my laptop to upload my "best-of of old things", I believe there are old art that I never uploaded before, so there is kind of new artworks on the gallery yet! :P

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yes I thought I saw a few things there that didn't look all that familiar...

Sry, brain fried, didn't get any sleep and I'm strtign to feel it now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Long time no post here, huh?

Well, I'm finally back from my crazy flight/presentations/conferences week so I'll have some doodles to dump online!

First one:


Third part of my DA contest entry. After Eylin and Dockuri, it's Kaolla's turn to show off. She's not a close combat nuts so you'll mainly see her with guns. Big ones if necessaries! :3

The DA page for it is there: http://psygonis.deviantart.com/#/d4ac2g0

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As I said yesterday on Skype, it looks amazing. And I can see, peeking out, that you got to coloring your fourth and final image there. You close to uploading and working on a background for it?

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Yeah, I'll definitely upload it this week.

Concerning the background, I sketched something on paper. I'll scan it, and see how much work it will represent. If it sucks too much, I guess I'll have to do it another (simplier) way... Hard to tell at the moment.

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I'd totally offer to help you with the background art work, but I suck at backgrounds that aren't pure nature side, and I doubt that is what you are going for. >.<

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Well... I'll give it a shot, and we'll see after the contest. (Damn, you all artists do want to practice backgrounds... Myu offered her help too! :P)

In the meantime, here's a little something I sketched on my way back from my conference in Turkey:


(DeviantART Gallery link: http://psygonis.deviantart.com/#/d4ah2at )

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That man's got some serious scruff.

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Thanks, :3

And this is it, the final version of my entry for the dA group contest:


(DeviantART Link: http://psygonis.deviantart.com/#/d4amhzi)

Go on the page to have the little piece of story that go with it. And by the way, I'd use some feedback about it because I'm considering going back to the writing board and resume my story-telling of their adventures. So this is kind of a little test to see if I'm ready for it or not.

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Oh, by the way, I've opened commission slots! \o/

Details here: http://psygonis.deviantart.com/journal/Commissions-Tryouts-5-Slots-259796741


1$ discount for SFO members! :P

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Huh, I might just be your first supporter of your commissioning endeavor, Psy!

Plus, that 1$ discount is, even though hard to believe, very nice on me right now since I am finding that I don't have too much play money. I had to put more money than I thought into bills this month. >.<

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