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Fan Fic Rules (read before posting)


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Here are a few guidelines for posting stories or giving critique in the fanfic forum.

NOTE: If you post a work here, please keep in mind that people will critique it. If you do not wish to have your work critiqued, please state that on EVERY work's post. If you request your work not be critiqued, the staff will assist in enforcement of the request.


1. No sex scenes. You can say that characters engaged in intercourse, but don't go beyond that.

2. Graphic descriptions of death are prohibited.

3. Post a warning if there is significant cussing/swearing.

4. Please post a warning if a story contains significant violence.

5. Do not post anything that promotes illegal substance use.


1. DO NOT insult the author.

2. Be constructive. Tell why you don't like it and how the author can do better. Politely of course.

3. You may bump old threads to give constructive criticism.

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Thank you! I give this my stamp of approval.

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As far as the sex thing you mean like

Mara Skywalker:"Your Just Trying to get us back into our stateroom, aren't you?


I love the "didn't mention it...BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DID :P" Kind of referance more anyway......explicits are not nessiary for something we all get the gist of anyway (a whole lot of authors don't seem to get that)

forsaid referances can be a whole lot more humorus, too......

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I won't care if you have a character come aout and say something like "He knocked her up" or "John and Susie had sex last night." You can also imply that 2 characters are about to "do it." Just don't dsescribe it.

Stuff like "He put his beef in her taco" is really pushing it, though.

Just don't go any further than that and try keep it at least somewhat tasteful. And really, try to avoid the mention of sex unless it is important to the plot (though I won't delete stuff for that reason).

Descriptions of the sex acts will cause a story to be deleted. If you have a story with a sex scene, cut it out.

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  • 2 months later...

My guess:

Saying someone was killed is fine. Going into enough detail to say that they were crushed by a falling machine or beheaded by a laser sword is also fine.

Describing the blood, guts, and thrashing of the body in its death throes is not so fine.

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That's pretty good... I wonder if I should remove mine then. She didn't die, but she got pretty close. DZ, get back to me on that.

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  • 6 months later...

I hat to dredge, but i do have a question, if you say, have 2 versions of a fic, one for sfo and one ranked Aduts only, can you say "get the uncut one from my Site, but at you OWN RISK", and not provide the direct link, or is bad by referance also a no no......

there are 2 distincly differant Versions of my fanfic, on of which i won't even let my borther read, and you know how EP can be.....

hence i ask (I just whanted to see if i could actually write a no holds barred fic, I can't hardly read it myself without laughing.....)

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I would allow a link to the site, but I would strongly suggest a very explicit warning on why, exactly, you have two versions of a story (i.e., "or follow the link to see the other version, which contains sex scenes, graphic violence, etc. and is meant for adults only").

I assume you'll be posting the entire text of the clean version here? As in, not linking to it as well?

If you're really unsure, I'd suggest PMing the link to me so I can check it out.

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I would allow a link to the site, but I would strongly suggest a very explicit warning on why, exactly, you have two versions of a story (i.e., "or follow the link to see the other version, which contains sex scenes, graphic violence, etc. and is meant for adults only").

I assume you'll be posting the entire text of the clean version here? As in, not linking to it as well?

If you're really unsure, I'd suggest PMing the link to me so I can check it out.

yeah, i might do that, but I'm goin over these 2 witha fine tooth comb first, the AO only one might grace the recycle bin....it's funny, but, um, woah

I would imageane that give you mods links first in near-bad situations would be appropriate, then? then i could say, mod approved, for adults only

or better yet, get those ESERB symbols, and make us use that


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It's more mod discretion on a case-by-case basis sort of thing. You're definitely right in not wanting to post an AO story on the board proper, so there's no argument there.

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  • 9 months later...

I practically gave one of my fics a PG rating because of the violence, and because there is a little bit of sexualized humor. Stuff like Falco saying Fox and Krystal are gonna make out, or ROB saying excessive pheromoans suggestive Fox wants to "mate" with Krystal.

I don't think I'll go beyond that.

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  • 1 year later...

how about just saying: blood is every where on the ground and bodies are stacked on top of each other? (i want to make the reader feel like hes there but i have to know how far i can go with this.) thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Para Astaroth

I'm in progress of a fanfic and it's in the forum below this one.  It's called "Kursed:  Darkness Amidst".  Check it out if you guys can  :hehe:

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  • 10 months later...
Guest Mr. Mario

Could anyone review my fanfiction Star Fox: Rouge Squadron and see if anything needs to be edited?

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  • 1 month later...

In prgress of my first ever fanfic it's about Starwolf if you played as them instead *squeals with excitement*

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Taranatar

My fanfics tend to be a bit bloody, mainly because I want to go for realism, especially in combat and surgery scenes.  Heads also have a tendency to explode, either via telepath or headshot.

Sex sometimes happens, but it's usually "offscreen".

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do have a Star Fox fanfic that's in the works, and would love to share it here. But how?  (Forgive my ignorance. I'm still new here.)

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I do have a Star Fox fanfic that's in the works, and would love to share it here. But how?  (Forgive my ignorance. I'm still new here.)

Write your thoughts here then lol.

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  • 1 month later...

What if it isn't necessarily gory, it just has a lot of blood?

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Guest Mr. Mario

What if it isn't necessarily gory, it just has a lot of blood?

Well...maybe if you do not describe the death, you should be ok. It depends though...I could be wrong...

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So if I write no-criticism on the first post, but don't write no-criticism on the second post, then people can criticism the second post but not the first?

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So if I write no-criticism on the first post, but don't write no-criticism on the second post, then people can criticism the second post but not the first?

If you post your work online, you should always expect criticism. It should always be constructive, but nothing anyone posts will be perfect, so criticism is how you get better. Anyway, I don't think you can straight-up ban criticism in the first place.

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By that I'm actually referring to

If you do not wish to have your work critiqued, please state that on EVERY work's post.

I'm a little confused about that.

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