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SF643D's Soundtrack Is Out, But How Does It Hold Up?


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I am totally unimpressed. SF64 ost was better, even the acting has gone to worse. But I have to say the graphics are really nice, and if piloting is as good with the gyroscope as the bow from link in 3ds, then I can overcome that.

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I am totally unimpressed. SF64 ost was better, even the acting has gone to worse. But I have to say the graphics are really nice....

I have to admit I feel the same way: the only thing I really like about this remake are the improved graphics (and maybe being able to choose any level we want to play once we finished the game for the first time, which is not that big of a deal, really). The new voice acting and music arrangements... well, first of all, I have no idea why they changed those, it was completely unnecessary IMO, and to make matters worse, those changes aren't as good as they could and should have been, I don't know what it is but after hearing those new arrangements and voice acting I just feel like playing the original instead of the remake.

I don't know, maybe I would get used to those changes after a while, but so far I'm not convinced at all, and I definitely don't feel like spending all that money on a Nintendo 3DS just to play this game, especially considering I still have an N64 with SF64 (I just need to get a Rumble Pak). However, I do think this remake is a great way to get a new generation of gamers to play this amazing title.

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Star Fox 64's voice acting was beautifully cheesy.

Star Fox 64 3D's voice acting so far seems... horribly cheesy.

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  • 1 month later...

well i could be tempted, but combinging both the Area 6's. if only i could get that in mp3 form

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well i could be tempted, but combinging both the Area 6's. if only i could get that in mp3 form

I "mashed" all of my favorite songs -- old and new -- and made a video for them! (I'll upload individual songs on a file-sharing site later)

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They all sound fantastic but to me Zoness, Venom and the first credits song are the best

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I think they all hold up pretty well. These two have to be my favorite tracks of the game:


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I have to say that now that I got the game on the actual console, the music doesn't sound all that bad. You're too focused to notice. However I still can't listen to the staff credit 2 ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only own starfox 64, but by listening to the youtube videos of the newest games tracks I have to say that I really like the new tunes.

Sure they are different but they are just as good as the original to me.

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I only own starfox 64, but by listening to the youtube videos of the newest games tracks I have to say that I really like the new tunes.

Sure they are different but they are just as good as the original to me.

I woulda said better, honourable mention goes to Zoness :cool:

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I woulda said better, honourable mention goes to Zoness :cool:

I have to agree. Although my favorite piece so far is the training theme.

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  • 1 month later...

I've listened to the soundtrack except for the special 3DS ending and by themselves, they seem a slight underwhelming.

I'll rent it and see if the music works.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm the only person in the world who likes SF643D soundtrack better...

Maybe because the quality on the youtube videos ís horrible...

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All of this YouTube linking... You guys do know that I have high-quality rips up on the Jukebox, right?

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All of this YouTube linking... You guys do know that I have high-quality rips up on the Jukebox, right?

Im going to guess its because either there isnt a way, or nobody knows a way to link particular songs on the jukebox... then again, you could just bloody say which one is your favorite and if anyone asks where they can find it, point them in the direction of the damned thing.

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http://starfox-online.net/index.php?/media/mu-sf643d <- SF643D music downloads

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Personally, I was never a fan of SF64's soundtrack, so obviously, I won't care much for the 3DS port's renditions of the N64 version's music either.

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  • 2 years later...

Boss B was kinda soft, but when I mashed it up with Boss B from the original, I was like "WHOAAAAAAH!!!!"


And speaking of which, I made up my own "Fitting" titles for each track.


Opening: Opening

Title Screen: Star Fox 64 3D

Menu: Menu

Map Theme: The Lylat System

Start Demo 1: Enter Star Fox, Part 1

Start Demo 2: Take It To 'Em

Corneria: Enter Star Fox, Part 2

Meteo: Into the Asteroid Field

Titania/Macbeth: The Forever Train and The Search For Slippy

Fichina/Sector Z: Enter Star Wolf and The Ambush of Great Fox

Sector Y/Solar: Fierce Melee and Out Of The Frying Pan

Area 6: Through The Middle

Bolse: The Last Hurrah

Aquas: Terror Of The Deep

Zoness: Invasion Aftermath

Venom: Battle With Andross

Warp: The Warp

Katt's Theme: Katt Monroe

Bill's Theme: Bill Grey

Boss A: Boss Battle 1

Boss B: Boss Battle 2 (The other version of Boss Battle 2 in Sector Y and Meteo is what I call "Boss Battle 2 - Variation" or "Don't Party Just Yet")

Boss C: Enemy Ambush

Star Wolf's Theme: Star Wolf

Player Down: Arwing Downed

Game Over: Game Over

Training Mode: Welcome To Training Mode

(The Battle Mode tracks remain unchanged.)

I'll Go It Alone: I'll Go It Alone

Venom Tunnels: I've Been Waiting For You

Andross Battle: The Brains To Rule Lylat

Final Battle: You Show Your True Form

Mission Complete: All Aircraft Report, Part 1

Mission Failed: All Aircraft Report, Part 2

(All Clear, and the Credits themes remain unchanged.)



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sonic-and-amy-o.gif "Not bad! Not bad at all!" :lol: 

People seem to hate the remake, but it wasn't that bad. The music IS impressive, anyways... Most of them seem that came out of a Sonic or Megaman game, to say the least. And yes, I LOVE the Area 6 theme (dunno why. blink.gif.pagespeed.ce.BgsckI5yvQ.gificon_confused.gif.pagespeed.ce.hUhxpoCkHxicon_question.gif.pagespeed.ic.uxxecDp3 ) But anyway, who did the soundtrack: Big N or Big Q?

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Boss B was kinda soft, but when I mashed it up with Boss B from the original, I was like "WHOAAAAAAH!!!!"


And speaking of which, I made up my own "Fitting" titles for each track.


sonic-and-amy-o.gif "Not bad! Not bad at all!" :lol:

People seem to hate the remake, but it wasn't that bad. The music IS impressive, anyways... Most of them seem that came out of a Sonic or Megaman game, to say the least. And yes, I LOVE the Area 6 theme (dunno why. blink.gif.pagespeed.ce.BgsckI5yvQ.gificon_confused.gif.pagespeed.ce.hUhxpoCkHxicon_question.gif.pagespeed.ic.uxxecDp3 ) But anyway, who did the soundtrack: Big N or Big Q?


Please check post dates before posting so as not to dredge old topics.

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