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New Staff Position: Full Mod


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Alright people, we are in need to fill one of our moderation spots, which is full mod. Here are the guidelines, (directly extracted from another topic)

SFO Staff Selection Procedures:

1.The Lead Forum Admin will determine that there is a need for additional staff.

2.The Lead Forum Admin will announce to the community which positions are available, and will post the appropriate set of qualifications.

3.Members will submit applications via PM to the Moderation Admin.

4.Applications from members who do not qualify or who continuously beg for staff positions will be discarded.

5.The remaining applications will be posted to the staff board.

6.The staff members will voice recommendations as to which applicants are suited and which are not.

7.The Moderation Admin will select an appointee from the applicants.

8.The Moderation Admin will create a poll in the Announcements board for confirmation of the applicant.

9.The poll will remain open for one week (seven days).

10.The appointee will be confirmed as a staff member if more than 50% of the votes cast are for confirmation.

11.The new staff member will be given a copy of the staff guidelines.

12.Upon acceptance of the guidelines, the new staff member will be given access to all needed features and boards.


Full Moderator:

* Must be an active member for at least six months.

* Must not have gotten into any major trouble with the staff

* Knows the board rules and follows them

* Has a good attitude

* favorable reputation in the community

Alright, remember, make sure you are qualified before applying. Remember, send the applications to me, not DZ.


I, _______________________________, hereby apply for the position of Full Mod at the Starfox-Online Forums. I understand that my application does not guarantee my acceptance, and that acceptance is based upon my qualifications and the choice of the Lead Administrator (DZComposer) or Moderation Administrator(Steve). I agree to follow all forum rules and abide by all staff guidelines, which will be provided upon my confirmation. I agree that I will continue to be an active member (at least two posts per week) of the forums during my time as a staff member.

I Joined the SFO Forums on this date: __________________________

I tend to make _________ posts per week.

I want this position because:

I am qualified for this position because :

I should be chosen because:

Signed: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________

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Is it possible for anyone less than "6 months old" to apply?

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No. We want people who are proven to be active and have a positive record over the long-run.

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I forgot to mention, I'm giving everyone 2 weeks or until I stop getting applications. Also, if the staff is really unsure to who put on the mod spot, we will hold elections here.

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I'd like to wish everyone good luck, and also stress that if you want to apply, do it ASAP! :3

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Already applied. Did so the moment I noticed the thread :P

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Is it possible for anyone less than "6 months old" to apply?

In theory, no, but that didn't stop User.

Plus, the whole selection thing is pointless anyway, I don't know why they bother, they just pick their friends. The charade is just a waste of effort.

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ITT: General banter and Sabre is pessimistic.

Yep. All is right in the universe.

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In theory, no, but that didn't stop User.

Plus, the whole selection thing is pointless anyway, I don't know why they bother, they just pick their friends. The charade is just a waste of effort.

i disagree, i am sure i wouldn't be choosen but i'm friends with a few staff. But even if i was choosen i would reject the offer.

my question is why another mod?

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Anyways, It's a tough call, but I'm going to demote Odd, he's one of the original members of SF-O, but he hasn't been very active due irl matters. I will, however, consider him as a future staff member again if he decides to become active.

At any rate, head towards the announcement forum, we are holding mod applications.

From the staff improvement topic. New mod because Odd is like... never ever ever ever here.

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Plus, the whole selection thing is pointless anyway, I don't know why they bother, they just pick their friends. The charade is just a waste of effort.

You are flat wrong. All of the mods except User were selected based on qualifications by ME. I could care less if the person selected is a friend of another moderator or not.

User was fast-tracked because we were short-handed at the time, and there was a lot of shit to deal with, ad he had moderator experience at other sites. I made it quite clear that we would never do that again, and we haven't.

Usually we get 3-6 applications, and only one or two of the applicants are actually qualified to be moderators.

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Yeah, User was my call. I spent some time investigating his staff abilities lurking on the KLA, and he seemed to be the right dude to put on the front lines when we were having drama a while back ago.

He did his job, and he did it damn well.

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Heh, we all realize and heard the User case a thousand billion times, and really, listening to it again and again is obviously having no affect on our wonderful Saber. I mean, obviously we can't please all people, and we all know Saber knows how the incident happened, just, he chooses to believe what he wants. No real reason for the staff to need to defend themselves really with how he is; it is obvious that he is looking for some sort of reaction, and we really don't need more drama to spark up, lol.

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Keep'em coming guys, we are having an extreme hard time deciding right now, and we have a few applications, but great applicants. The more we get, the easier will be to decide, even if that sounds contradicting.

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I'd go for it, since I have extensive experience in that domain and kinda miss the job, but eh... barely 1 month old here! :P

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>mfw this topic contains buttmadding from Sabre, whom is clearly distraught over his failure to become a mod.

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I'd apply, but with College coming up in a few weeks and coupled with the fact that I'm not quite as active as I used to...might not exactly work out. good luck to those who applied though.

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>mfw this topic contains buttmadding from Sabre, whom is clearly distraught over his failure to become a mod.

Despite the fact I have no wish to become mod, I have been mod on other sites, and would turn it down if offered anyway. Other than that, flawless reasoning there.

Heh, we all realize and heard the User case a thousand billion times, and really, listening to it again and again is obviously having no affect on our wonderful Saber. I mean, obviously we can't please all people, and we all know Saber knows how the incident happened, just, he chooses to believe what he wants.

Because no one has ever made anything up, or lied to maintain an image of fairness. That's unheard of.

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You know what, let's not stir drama here. Just drop it, everyone, really.

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Me! Me! Please?



And please don't ban me for posting on sacred ground.

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Yeah, the last thing we need in this thread is more drama…

Good luck to everyone who has applied. :)

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this sounds interesting. I'm on here every day, all day...........but my account is only 5 months old sadly enough. besides, being a mod is a huge responsibility and i would probably not be able to keep up the expectations you desire. but i wish the greatest of luck to all the other applicants!

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I'm here all the time but I don't know if I'm good enough compare to other people lols. Anyways I'll take it if no one can handle it?

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Well, I would send in my application for being a mod, but I've had a small history back whenever I joined, or a little after, that majority of the staff should know about, and so I guess I'm not going to try out for mods or anything. I'm just not cut out for the job and I can guaruntee I will NOT get the spot.

Oh well, back to my life away from the intarwebz!

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I would throw my hat in like last time, but I'm not as active as used to be. So I'll keep my app's to myself on this one.

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