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[BOOK] Nintendo Power Paper Arwing Model [ACCEPTED]


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As I'm sure most of you know, Nintendo Power ran an issue around the release of StarFox on Super Nintendo with a build-able model arwing in it. I'd like to submit the page scans for the arwing model, which can be found here;


The page in Nintendo Power was originally double-sided; in order to assemble, all pieces should be cut-out from their pages and matched up front to back with corresponding pieces, then glued in place. It is highly recommend to have a gluestick, scotch-tape, x-acto or other hobby knife, and a decent pair of scissors handy.

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I now have an arts and crafts that I can do at my work that I'll also want to do! x3 YAY!

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Also, Sharebee > Megaupload

Looks like I've got a new file host! :D

I will add this.


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