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Which is more annoying? Fly or mosquito?


Fly or Mosquito?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is more annoying: Fly or Mosquito?

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I find flies just slightly more annoying that mosquitoes.

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But musiqueitos don't got notihng on me, my legs are so harry theycan't bite me. and their easy to spot on my arms. Flies arn't half bad....inless their horse flies or you see them eating POOP

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Though, some Krystal fans are more annoying than both of them combined.

Hah, if only you knew..

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I'm not really sure. Mosquitoes can give you nasty bug bites, while flies are really pesky and buzz around you a lot. hmmm.

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Now that I think of it, I find both mosquitoes and flies on the same level of annoyance.




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Mosquito, Hands down.

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I like to itch mosquito bites >_> Fly's bother me while i try to sleep.

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Mosquito bite on my foot. It was Horrible. :(

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1. They have that annoying high-pitched buzzing sound.

2. THey suck your blood out.

3. While they suck stuff out, they "unintentionally" might insert a virus or something while the former is being performed.

4. There so gosh danr many of them!

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A fruit fly has been flying around me for several days now. I've given up on trying to kill it since it's very small and when I do crush it between my hands it hides in the indents of my palms.

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Oh fruit flys are more annoying then the big ones. They get in yours eyes and ears, its just plain despicable.

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I'm going to have to go with Flies. They are little f'ers who need to get smacked. They move around your face when you're trying to get stuff done, and it's really annoying, especially when you're eating food and the fly goes near it. I especially hate the bigger ones. :P

Mosquitos are annoying as well, but Flies are a lot more annoying, for me anyway.

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