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Returning to School

Star Fox Runner

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I'm going back as a Senior Highschooler 2 weeks from now. Registration is next week.

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I got a whole nother month until Fall term starts up at the university. ;) The tradeoff though is that it goes for longer. :hehe:

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Hey guys, still moving into dorms and all that fun jazz, but I am looking forward to my Sophmore year in college. This year I get to do some more cyber security stuff, like actual things instead of being taught how to be more secure. Now I get to do all the security testing :3

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all of a sudden i don't want to be here.....I DUNNOT WANNA DO A ESSAY ON WHAT CHAIR MEANS...... HALP

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

I'll be a junior at High-School this year...hopefully by then, I'll be looking for the College of my dreams.

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Became a junior this year myself, first day was today. So far my CIT class has proven to be the biggest group of nerds ive ever met... lookin at a fuuuuuuuun year this year *tips fedora*.

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I'll be a junior at High-School this year...

Became a junior this year myself, first day was today.

I'm entering my final year of high school around Sept. 5th.

I'm so...



But hey, taking honors English, History, and Science, not to mention pre-calculus, Spanish III and Basic Auto Maintenence. Might as well be a junior.

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I was in college for a while but I quit because I had no idea what I wanted to do. I think I want some sort of music production degree. I was in my fifth year of college for music composition but I just really didn't like it: their emphasis was on classical theory and I'm just not interested in doing anything like that.

So right now, I'm not going to school and sleeping in all the time. I plan on going back eventually.

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You posted this the day I graduated college. WEIRD.

I`ll miss it, fo sho

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I didn't really like college, but my situation is an odd one. I'm not going to derail this thread with my pathetic ramblings but the short story is that I went to a religious school solely to conciliate the favour of my parents. I would never be able to pay for college myself. I also have some obnoxious views regarding the institution of college to begin with but that's a tale for a different time.

Ultimately, I'm a lot happier where I am now.

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I'm entering my Senior year of college now, (already back) but now I feel old k_e_eek.gif

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My first day was yesterday and it looks like I might have a bit of trouble in one of my classes. One of the reasons that it involves using Java.

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My first day was yesterday and it looks like I might have a bit of trouble in one of my classes. One of the reasons that it involves using Java.

Oh yeah, I saw you talking about that on FaceBook.

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high school here i come, first year of high school or me FRESHMAN! yea but im excited, but its not neccesseraly a good excitement. kinda nervous excitement. the kind that makes dogs go pee. anyways, yea so i started 2 weeks ago and it was alright, pretty fun i guess. goo luck everyone!

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oh and let me just say, its not a goo idea to drop out of school. go to college! get a job! be someone in life. honestly games are fun and i enjoy them, but they dont get u anywhere in life! so its best off if u take the right path, not sayin im perfect or anythin like that and i cant control ur decisions, but take these words of wisdow (thats what the announcements at my school are called,,. "words of wisdom"

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also i laugh at you SF-O for being a bunch o young-uns

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Going back to school next monday but its rather tenative. I doubt I'll finish out the semester. Not because I don't want to but for - business reasons.

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