Vulvokunvrii Posted September 4, 2011 Share Posted September 4, 2011 (edited) On 9/4/2011 at 7:23 AM, FoxMcCloud said: (Sooooooooo SARAH was not in the skies...... she was in orbit... in space... There is no way they could have been able to detect her really ) ignore this. Edited September 4, 2011 by Reynard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxMcCloud Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 SARAH sat in an orbit above in space. She sat in with all the other satellites and hacked into the Satellite information and soon received information of the situation and surrounding battlefield that Star and Savior were stuck in. She soon opened a comm link to Nick. "Nick we are going to be unable to do the OD LZ there is to much AA and it is too risky. I can help you get out of there, but there is really not much we can do." She paused. "I can do my best to guide you, but good luck nick..." she stated. Giving away his true name. "Understood SARAH, stay safe!" He responded. He looked down at his leg and he could see some blood loss. He kept the small wound hidden as he couldn't stop now. Soon the data that SARAH had collected was uploaded to a pair of clear safety glasses. He could look around the building and see what was coming from where. He heard the gun drop that came from Star and just looked over to her with a oh crap kind of face. "We need to get out of here, and the only way is we need to stay hidden, they have most of the place covered, but we can try to jump from building to buidling, here we need to get up these stairs and too the roof." He soon moved and made his ways up the stairs. Hopefully Star would follow. He tried his best to walk quietly, but he had a slight limp and some noise would be heard. (Sorry for the wait, User came and visited so my posts were slow. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 (No problems here. I'm just GLaD we got back on track today) Sanford began to grow impatient about how long the teams where taking. "Alright, I'm going to take team 3 and head behind the building, if all goes well I should be able to flank them before they can have a chance to escape, be sure to patrol the area with that LAV. Snipers, be on your toes. This is a crucial moment and if they get away, we'll probably all lose our jobs are that very least." Sanford said over his comm to crew of the LAV and to the snipers. He then took team 3 and went towards the other entrance to the building. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 Stacker looked at the Komodo and nodded,"Alright, but becareful sir, these guys are dangerous; who knows what they'll try to pull." Back in the building... Forest kept his SIG 556 rifle (its basically an advanced M4 carbine, but adapted for medium to short range) at the ready, and turned to his friend Jake, "Hey Jake, you feel like your expend-" Thats when he heard something metalic clatter on the surface of the floor. He threw up a fist for everyone to halt and listen. The soldier looked to Riley motioned with his head the direction of the sound and Riley nodded in agreement, "Sir...I think we found something...", Jake whispered over his radio as the two headed for a door way. "Roger that Jake, use caution. Josh should be on your tails shortly, out.", Dechant replied. The two Canines stopped again: More noise, as if someone slightly crippled was trying to be sneaky. Forest made a few hand signals around his gasmaksed face and took the lead, Jake following closely. As they turned the corner, they sotted two individuals, "You freeze, don't move!, Jake cried out as he and Forest took up postions blokcing the door-way, SIG's raised and ready for trouble. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 "Savior! RUN! we've been spotted!" star screamed telepathically. Star took out her comm to contact Cupelo as she waited for Savior to lead them both out of there "Cupelo! the government officials have surrounded the area, me and savior are attempting to make our escape as we speak! damnit where are you?!" star said in a panicked whisper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxMcCloud Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 (Ok, so are they up the stairs or down the stairs? Because as far as I know everyone is downstairs.... Try to be a little more clear ) Nick saw the two and heard Star screaming in his head, he had his weapon lowered and pulled a Flashbang out of his hand. He grabbed Star and had her follow him. As for the soldier’s following, well they would be hit by a flash bang and Savior and Star would have about a 10 second head start depending on the effect to the squad. He made it to the second floor and rushed to the 3rd Star right behind. He looked through the glasses and could see all the troops outside. “Damn all these troops just for 2 rebels? It is like we are resistance leaders or something.... seems a bit much just for 2..” He voiced to himself as his blood pumped quickly and more memories flooded his mind. He knew that getting to the roof would be bad, then was when SARAH would pipe in. “Nick there is a slight error on their part, they have snipers on the roof, but if you take a right and jump to the next complex, you can blend in with the residents of the apartment. It will buy you time, and it may work.” she stated. Nick understood and then began to take the directions. Star hopefully would keep up, but he was not sure. He made it to the top of the stairs and waited for the squad that was chasing them to catchup. He would have yet another flash bang weapon ready, this one however was knockout gas. As the canister would explode, Star and Nick would be out on the roof, they laid low to evade from sniper fire in the event that they could see them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 "how long til SARAH can get here?" star asked, breathing heavily from running. Cupelo hadn't returned her call yet, she had hoped him and Alex were safe. "if we get out of this alive, remind me to thank you" star added Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaos_Leader Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 On 9/5/2011 at 11:39 AM, starfoxchick308 said: Star took out her comm to contact Cupelo as she waited for Savior to lead them both out of there "Cupelo! the government officials have surrounded the area, me and savior are attempting to make our escape as we speak! damnit where are you?!" star said in a panicked whisper On Katina, the older fox felt the vibration of his comm; someone was attempting to contact him. He reached into his pocket and removed the comm to answer, but the bartender gave him a stern look and a quick shake of the head, telling Cupelo without words that outside communications would not be tolerated during the meeting. The fox deactivated the comm, and replaced it in his pocket, beginning to worry about the two that were left behind... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 "F*CK! he hung up! that son of a bi*ch!" star said in anger, she put the comm back into her pocket, knowing if Cupelo wasn't there or her and Savior couldn't escape, they would be taken into custody " going to be on HIS CONSCIENCE if we get captured! or even worse.........." she sighed in frustration and looked at Savior "we have to try to hold them off until i can get a hold of Cupelo, although i don't think we have much time anyway. but we can at least try. I would try telepathy but i don't think i have the strength to do it, damn........." star said telepathically to Savior. she had no way of contacting help, they were on their own until the others get back, and she knew they didnt have that kind of time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxMcCloud Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 Nick looked to Star. "Well, It depends, there is a maneauver we can try. It is called an OD. Orbital Drop Landing, ODL for short. Pretty much what SARAH will do is speed down to earth at high speeds, then fire her thrusters as she nears landing. It will blow away those not in cover, and she will be moving straight down, so the chances of her getting shot are slim to none, but its the other part, the no fly zone is...... tricky and we will probably get shot down as we are getting away.... but we are on the roof, and it is the best chance we have." He added "Star." He paused. " We have two things we can do, we do the ODL or we can run over to that apartment complex." He stated. "We don't have much time, and we need to choose now." He reiterated. "SARAH stand by for further instructions." he stated in his comms to her. He looked to Star. He could hear the squad down stairs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 "i say we try the appartment, its pretty big so if we ran around abit, we could probably lose them within" she said "and it would give me enough time to get a chance to contact Cupelo, we need those guys more than ever" she added. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Orange Posted September 5, 2011 Author Share Posted September 5, 2011 As Cupelo and Alex walked into the room, A man roughly 30 was sitting behind a table, with Black shades and a cigarette in mouth. "Ah Alex, It's good to see you again" He said in a happy-ish tone. "The pleasure is all mine I'm sure." Alex replied. "Who be your friend? You giving out Information now aren't you!" He said getting angrier. "Aww hell no. We're just here for the stuff." Alex said giving a smirk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 Star grabbed her comm, this time she tried to call Alex. They had very little time left "Alex! PLEASE PICK UP! its an EMERGENCY!" star screamed in a whispered tone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Orange Posted September 5, 2011 Author Share Posted September 5, 2011 Alex's Comm rang. "Don't answer." The man said. "Come to think about it remove the battery." So alex did. "Ha to many time being caught up by a comm." The man said snickering. "Well do you have the Bio-crap or what?" Alex yelling now. "Ya ya keep you shirt on sparky." He said reaching into a bag. "What are you doing with this kind of equipment. Are you back into Blue Milk Runs again?" "Not since the Mines." Alex replied. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 "damnit! were on our own...........damn those two..........IF WE GET CAPTURED IT'S THEIR F*CKING FAULT" she said to Savior telepathically. she looked at savior, in a worried tone. "we are surrounded............damn, they have snipers, turrets, soldiers............we wont make it out alive." she said, a tear dripping down her face. "any ideas to get out of this mess alive and in one piece" she asked Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 (edited) "****, flashbang!", Forest yelled before he covered his Lupine ears and face. After the 15 second flashand ringing subsided, they ran up the satirs at a decent pace, so their rifles would be up. Addtional foot steps were heard behind them, "Hey you guys, wait for me!", Josh called out. "Hurry up you Jackal!", Jake called over his shoulder. "Dechant, this Cpt. Stone. We're in pursuit of the criminals, requesting backup, over.", Josh said over his radio as he caught up with the two other men. "Roger that Josh, we're on our way, out." Minutes later the trio of Mercs reached the roof and Saw the two insurgents standing there, not saying anything much (since Star is speaking telepathically). Edited September 5, 2011 by Reynard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 Star held her gun in her hand, ready to fire when needed. she knew they were there, behind her, looking straight at them "we have no choice but to fight, surrender isn't an option nor will it ever be, Savior" star said telepathically in a serious tone. She turned around, faced the soldiers, smirked, and fired her weapon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 The men statred to spread, but it was too late: The white furred vixen had almost robotically snapped to their direction and fired a few shot from her weapon (need to know what kind), striking Jake in his chest. Thankfuly his Kevlar partially protected him, but the meer pressure and shock from the weapon sent him yelping in pain and hitting the floor. Forest and Josh payed no mind the Jake, and pointed their rifles at the vixen. "**** you!", Forest roared as he fired a tri-burst into both the Vixen's knee caps, dibaling her moter skills. Josh maneuvered a bit for the woman, moving to take her pistol away, while Forest had him covered with is SIG 556. Back in the building.... There was a muffled scream and a gunshot or two, and Dechant barred his teeth as he motioned for his team to quicken the pace. Damn it, the party's already statred... He got on the comm,"Stacker sir, the insurgents are on the roof, over." Stacker was watching the soldier's vital signs when the call came in, "Roger that Dechant, we'll fixe that a bit." Stacker got on the comm and ordered some spot lights be foxused on the roof, and the Both the Stryker and LAV pointed their guns at the roof. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 Sanford had heard the comm as well, and began to move faster towards the rooftop with his team behind him. "Ha ha, we've got these law-breakers right were we want them!" Said one of soldiers as they climbed another stretch of stairs. "Drinks are on me tonight boys!" Said the sergeant. Sanford didn't say anything, but an evil grin grew across his face as he thought how well this was going. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 Star screamed in pain as she was shot in the kneecaps, and fell to the ground, disabled. Tears of pain fell from her face as she felt the blood running out of her wounds, laying there "f*ck sons of a bi*ches will rot in hell, you hear me?" Star said with a weak voice. her vision became blurry, feeling herself get tired as she forced herself to stay awake. She cringed in pain, trying to stay strong and awake, but couldn't keep awake for long as she passed out, not knowing if she will wake up dead or alive Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 By this time, Dechant and his men arrived at the roof, Their weapons also pointed at Savior, seeing the Vixen was already imobile. "Give it up pal, you are surrounded, drop your weapons and surrender at once; you're under arrest for treasonous actionsa gainst the government.", Dechant remarked as he motioned two of the men, Riley and Allen, to subdue Savior while he and Jackson kept them covered. Josh made his way to Star's bleeding being (sorry im trying to make it sond good ;D), and gently took the weapon away and slid it towards Forest, whom if he wasn't wearing his Gasmask and orangish ballistic goggles, would be snarling with barred teeth as he pointed his rifle. After a few moments, he felt her pulse, Oh, this isn't good... "Dechant, if don't get her serious medical attention, she die due to blood loss.", he said in his West African accent. "Mmph....alright....", Dechant reluctantly said as he kept his rifle trained on the one called Savior with one hand while he leaned to his head to the side for his radio, "Sir, we're going to need some uh....parmedics up here, we have someone in need of attention. "Yeah, I heard...I heard it all.", I'll scramble (hey can I use Helicopters too?) a med evac, over.", Pete announced. He turned to a "master" radio and switched about the frequencies, "Kirk, Kirk come in. We have someone in need of medical aid, how soon can you get here?" After a few minutes, a response was heard, "I read you sir, I'll be there before you can say Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance.", the pilot named Kirk replied jokingly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 (Yes, in fact go ahead and use any vehicle you think would be practical in this sort of environment.) Sanford had also arrived in time to see the show. "So it has come to this." He said looking at the disabled vixen, then turning his attention to the remaining member. "So, you are the mystery man who has caused me most of this trouble. Well, as Dechant has told you, we have this building surrounded. You can either go the easy way and avoid unnecessary injury, or you can go the hard way like your friend here. Either way, we've got you.There's no way of this building, or even out of the city." He said to Savior as his men aimed their weapons at him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxMcCloud Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 (Wow really not giving me much time to post? Savior would have had more then enough time to react. I'll work the best I can, but please try not to get ahead of me.... It would really be much appreciated.. It really irks me when a bunch of things happen without reaction. That is why Lonewolf left, and let's try not to have it happen again..Please) Savior zoned out for a moment and within seconds he was surrounded. "Treason acts against the government, IT is a shame that the same government you serve kills your brothers and sisters every day. Name is Nick McConnelly service number 55A390531, son of famous Mark McConnelly, former commander of the Cornerian Defense fleet and former Alliance president. Yeah I was one of you, I left as soon as the government you are serving sent my entire platoon into a suicide mission. I was the only one who got out. I never wanted to hurt anyone....I just save lives, rebel, resistance or military. I can do no harm. That is why I must do this.. He tapped his wrist and soon a loud screeching sound was heard and disabled most if not all of the soldiers allowing Nick to grab Star and run to the next building. He limped and cried in pain, but he needed to help star. Before the others could make sense of the surroundings they would be gone again. Nick dragged star into a room and made careful notice to not let the blood trail be trackable. NIck and Star would now be in a large apartment complex filled with families and other people. It was next to the safe house and they would be safe for at least an hour or two. "SARAH, we need a way out. Star is in major pain and she needs urgent medical attention..." He responded Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulvokunvrii Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 (edited) ('re going to kill her by just carrying her away. those are BULLET WOUNDS in her KNEECAPS. 5.56 bullets dissolve IN the body, thuse causing more internal trauma and damage compared to the 7.62 round. You're going to kill her.) The men uptop were disabled due to a high pitched shirek, which below, cause Stacker to cover his ears, but he saw where the insurgent carrying the Vixen was going. Oh no you dont....!, Stacker grinned as he cocked his DeasertEagle and grabbed his P90. "Bulldog 5 and Bushwacker 2 (Stryker), move in and train on the apartment complex close to the building the men are on, over.", He then swtiched frequencies o his own radio,"Dave, come in, get you and your men's tails over here I'll need backup out.", Stacker announced as he switched on night vision and noticed a few blood drops on the floor leading into the building. Like a trail of "bread" crumbs..... Edited September 5, 2011 by Reynard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Shaper Posted September 5, 2011 Share Posted September 5, 2011 Sanford had been affected by the wave, but not nearly as bad as the others, he managed to hear the Vulpine's rant about who he was, and even a bit of his intentions. He realized that he had to be captured, alive. "All teams pursue the runner! He must be captured and he must not be killed! Shoot him if necessary but DO NOT KILL HIM, he has to be taken alive, I cannot stress how much." He yelled into his comm to every soldier within the area. "You will not escape me again, McConnelly." He thought to himself as he began his pursuit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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